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2023.10.14/15                                                                                                                                                               親愛的列宣家弟兄姊妹:                  

剛剛過去的星期一是感恩節,我也為着 AYAYA 群體去感恩。

為了反映不同年齡的弟兄姊妹都有參與我們的崇拜這真實情況,我們於8月5日正式改名為AYAYA週六晚崇。靠著主的恩典,AYAYA 聚會人數在過去一年經歷了顯著的增長。2023 年初,我們的平均出席人數達到200 人,到9 月,我們的出席人數已達到300 人。在這300 人中,不少於60 人是參加與AYAYA 崇拜同步進行的AYAYA Kids 和AYAYA Teens 的兒童和青少年。每逢第5個星期六,我們的兒童和青少年會在大禮堂與成人一起進行家庭崇拜。我們現在有10個團隊在AYAYA侍奉,包括影音組 (AV Team)、AYAYA Kids團隊、AYAYA Teens團隊、關顧組 (Care Team)、餐飲組 (Catering Team)、車手組 (Carpool Team)、數據組 (Data Team)、敬拜隊 (Praise Teams)、社交媒體組 (Social Media Team),以及迎賓組 (Welcome Team)。 一方面,我們感謝讚美主將更多的人託付給我們;另一方面,我們祈求主呼召更多弟兄姊妹參與侍奉。

在2023年我們有幾個特別感恩的新發展。首先,我們的會友兼神學生李楊敏賢姊妹 (Phoebe) 於 2023 年 5 月 1 日正式受聘為非全時間事工同工,在AYAYA 群體中侍奉。她是一位非常得力的同工,她不但與我同心侍奉,實際上也一定程度上舒緩了我的工作壓力。第二,是一個全新的少年敬拜隊的成立。為了培養青少年靈命成長和教導他們帶領敬拜,我們於2023 年4 月15 日成立了一個名為「種子敬拜者」(Seed Worshippers) 的敬拜隊。這是我們的第5個敬拜隊,負責在第5個星期六帶領敬拜。雖然他們每年只有4次侍奉安排,他們每月都有定時的練習和靈修時間。第三,是經過5個月以「撒母耳小組」的名義嘗試之後,撒母耳團 (Samuel Fellowship) 終於2023年6月3日成立,服事對象是從香港來到加拿大的9至12班說廣東話的青少年。目前我們每週的平均出席人數已接近15人。最近,有6位團友應邀加入新成立的團契職員會,開始在4位導師的指導下學習侍奉。

在未來的日子,我相信我們的人數會繼續增長,當中弟兄姊妹的屬靈需要亦會與日俱增。有見及此,我們在9月16日特別呼籲弟兄姊妹參與侍奉。感謝主,有超過40位弟兄姊妹回應。現在我們正在約見他們,在聖靈的帶領之下完成明辨的過程 (discernment) ,希望他們可以在12月之前投入侍奉。全是恩典,感恩不盡!


Pastoral Voice


From the Pastor’s Desk : Rev. Mark Liu

Dear brothers and sisters, may I wish all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

When we study history, we will know that Thanksgiving was established to thank God for His protection and provision. In other words, the object of Thanksgiving is God, not the food on the table. Today, when we celebrate Thanksgiving, we quickly think of turkey or all the delicious food. The focus has changed from thanking God for the provision to what kind of food will we celebrate Thanksgiving this year, or traveling to other places, etc. Over time, the purpose of establishing Thanksgiving has changed, and the purpose of celebrating Thanksgiving has been forgotten.

In fact, this phenomenon is not unique to today. The Bible tells us that when we forget who we are, the way we deal with many things will change. This week’s sermon will talk about the relationship between the Sabbath and Jesus. In Luke 6:5, Jesus said “He is Lord of the Sabbath.” The Pharisees at that time set up a lot of conditions for keeping the Sabbath, and forgetting the original purpose of keeping the Sabbath. Keeping the Sabbath became a yoke for people at that time.

In Genesis, after all creation was completed, God saw that everything was good, especially when He saw human beings, God described as very good. And the Bible tells us that God rested on the “seventh day.” The “rest” mentioned here does not mean that God needs to rest. But it’s the beginning of everything. God chooses to be with people. The Sabbath is not about resting and doing nothing, but about returning to the Creator, and this return is demonstrated through worship. The purpose of worship is not what God needs, but what we need. When we forget to worship, we forget who we are. This forgetfulness will appear in our lives. This forgetfulness causes us to be unable to rest.

Today we all hope to have rest. This rest is not available until we return to heaven, but can be found today. We can rest because we place all values on Jesus Christ. Our worth is not gained by what we do, but by our Lord laying down His life so that our worth is fully reflected. When we replace Jesus with other things, we think that our own value is reflected through these things, but we don’t know that these things have no eternal value. Only Jesus Christ can give us eternal value. Only when we are willing to think carefully and discover that this is grace, will we be grateful. Only by being grateful can we have rest.

In this Thanksgiving, will you be thankful for salvation? How will you reflect this gratefulness in your life?

May God bless you all.  May God bless RCAC.

His servant,
Rev. Mark Liu





其實,這個現象不是在今天才有。聖經告訴我們,當我們忘記了自己的身分的時候,有很多事情的處理方法都會變質。這個星期的證道將會講到安息日和耶穌的關係。在路加福音 6:5,耶穌說“祂是安息日的主”。當時的法利賽人卻把守安息日設立了一大堆的條件,連原本守安息日的目的都忘記了。守安息日變成了當時的人的枷鎖。






“VBS Aug 21-25, 2023”’


From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Karen Quan

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

God has been so good to us as a church family this summer. Not only were we able to host 6 weeks of Day Camps for Working Families, we had the opportunity to resume VBS. This is the biggest outreach event for kids & families during our ministry year. Our goal is to have 50% of those attending as unchurched and after a 4 year absence due to the pandemic, we are grateful for the 25% unchurched who registered. Another goal for VBS is for the churched kids to have an immersive experience of scripture. VBS often becomes a spiritual marker in their faith journey as we spend over 30 hours together in ministry. With 80 kids and 45 volunteers, we focused on the theme of “Shine Jesus’ Light.”

Except for a handful of adults, our serving team were all serving for the very first time, so a repeated phrase became “Everyone has a 1st time!” We are so grateful for how God moved among our Youth Ministry to commit and serve for the week. God has nurtured and matured many of our teens in their faith due to this ministry event. Relationships were built between kids & leaders and among leaders’ themselves. Over the years, we have seen how this ministry becomes 2 tracks: one for the kids and another for the serving team. Decisions to know Jesus & grow in him were made by kids and our teens.

The summary of our learning is below but truly, these are not only lessons for the kids. As a serving team, we were able to see the need to apply these lessons to our own lives during the week of VBS and I pray that we’re still applying & growing in these lessons beyond VBS.

  • When life feels dark….Shine Jesus’ Light
  • When people don’t get along…Shine Jesus’ Light
  • When good things happen…Shine Jesus’ Light
  • When people are sad….Shine Jesus’ Light
  • When people need help….Shine Jesus’ Light

Due to the absence of the English Pastor, we decided to cancel our Family BBQ and host a VBS Celebration Worship Service on Aug 27. How wonderful it was to welcome some of our unchurched families to join us for a “Family Worship” in the English service where kids were present for the entire service. Whether serving directly with the children or behind the scenes like our food team who prepared all of our lunches, God graciously provided all that we needed. Physically, it was tiring but in our spirits, God was our strength.

“My flesh and heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Karen Quan

「暑期聖經班(VBS) 2023 年 8 月21 至25日」



今年夏天,神恩待我們教會大家庭。我們不僅能夠為在職家長的家庭舉辦為期六星期的兒童日營,我們還恢復暑期聖經班(VBS),VBS是我們每年為兒童和家庭舉辦最大型的外展活動。因疫情緣故停辦四年之後,我們的目標是有50%參加者是沒有參加教會活動。我們對有25% 沒有參加教會活動的人註冊表示感恩。VBS 的另一個目標是讓教會的孩子對聖經經文有更深刻的理解。我們與孩子們一起度過30 多個小時,VBS 常常成為他們信仰歷程中的一個標記。我們有 80 名孩子和 45 名事奉人員,大家一起專注在本年度主題「閃耀耶穌之光」。


以下是我們學習的總結,但實際上,這些不僅是給孩子的課程。作為一個事奉團隊,我們能夠將 VBS這一 週的課程應用到我們自己的生活裡,祈求我們日後仍然能夠應用這些課程並且在這些課程中成長。

  1. 當人生感到黑暗時……閃耀耶穌的光
  2. 當人與人之間相處不愉快……閃耀耶穌的光
  3. 當遇到美好的時光……閃耀耶穌的光
  4. 當人們悲傷時……閃耀耶穌的光
  5. 當人們需要幫助時……閃耀耶穌的光

由於未有英語牧者,我們決定取消家庭燒烤活動,並於 8 月27 日舉辦 VBS 慶祝崇拜聚會。很高興歡迎一些未參加教會的家庭與他們的孩子出席我們英語“家庭崇拜”。無論是直接服侍孩子,還是像我們的餐務團隊在幕後為我們準備所有午餐,上帝供應我們所需的一切。我們肉體是疲累,但在靈裡上帝是我們的力量。

「我的肉身和我的內心雖然漸漸衰弱,神卻永遠是我心裡的磐石,是我的業分。」 (詩篇 73:26)




From the Pastor’s Desk :Rev. Raphael Chow

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Rivers possess an enchanting charm that lures the human heart and purifies the soul. Whether it’s the thick morning mist before the dawn, the unhurried murmur of the flowing water, the crystal-clear depths revealing the river’s secrets, or the company of reeds and water grasses basking in the evening glow, rivers always have a way of affecting the passersby, causing them to hasten their steps, slow down, or even paused their journeys. In springtime, rivers awaken the trees, grasses, and wildflowers on their banks, signaling the start of a new year. As summer rains arrive, rivers change, sometimes broadening and sometimes narrowing, flowing with urgency and then tranquility, inspiring people to remain vigilant. In the season of autumn, with leaves ablaze in shades of crimson, the river slows down, enjoying the harvest season. Even in the depths of winter, when all seems to wither, the river continues its ceaseless journey, never resting. Rivers, ever-flowing, nurture the land, fostering lush vegetation, adorning trees in grandeur, offering a home for fish, and providing shelter for soaring birds. In the peaceful presence of their flowing waters, turbulent hearts find tranquility, allowing them to release all worldly troubles and focus on the grace and love of the Divine.

In the Bible, rivers evoke a sense of tranquility and the gift of life. Rivers held profound importance for the Israelites, primarily because the land of Israel itself lacked abundant rivers. While the wilderness stretched far and wide, rivers were a rarity within the borders of Israel. In contrast, regions to the south, such as Egypt, or to the east, like Babylon, boasted numerous rivers. Israel had but one significant river in the east—the Jordan River. Spanning an average width of about 100 feet and depths ranging from 3 to 10 feet, the Jordan River was enveloped by luxuriant vegetation and was home to around 30 different species of fish. Indeed, the Jordan River symbolized the wellspring of life.

In the Old Testament, the Lord used rivers as symbols of fulfilling the human heart. He declared, ” I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs.” (Isaiah 41:18). The Lord promised to personally quench the thirst of human hearts, just as He would cause rivers to flow amidst the desert. The original meaning of this “river” is flowing water teeming with life. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ issued a universal call: “37… Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” (John 7:37-38). For those whose souls are parched, they can turn to Jesus Christ in faith. In doing so, Jesus pledged that their souls would be sated, filled with peace (John 16:33) and joy (John 16:24), and graced with eternal life (John 3:16). Moreover, this is a mighty river that gushes forth from the depths of the heart, becoming a wellspring of life. However, the condition is “faith”: to believe, to receive, and to wholeheartedly follow the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Mere knowledge and acknowledgment without will not yield the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise; it would be akin to stagnant, lifeless water incapable of bringing life to its surroundings. But for those who believe in the Lord Jesus and follow His lead, obediently heeding His commandments, a new life is assured, a radiant existence awaits, and glory is brought to His name.

May your life flow like a river of living water, transforming deserts into pools of life wherever you tread. May God be glorified through you.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Raphael Chow






在舊約中,耶和華神以河流作為滿足人心的象徵。耶和華神宣告說祂要行奇事 “18 我要在光禿的高處開闢江河,在山谷之間開闢泉源;我要使曠野變為水池,使乾地變成水泉。”(賽41.18)。耶和華神要親自滿足人乾渴的心,如同在沙漠中開江河。這“江河”的原意是流動的河水,是充滿生命力的水流。在新約中,耶穌基督向所有人呼籲:“37b人若渴了,可以到我這裡來喝!38信我的人,就像聖經所說的,從他的腹中要湧流出活水的江河來。”。人若心靈乾渴,可以來到耶穌基督前,相信祂。如此,耶穌應許說,這人的心靈必得滿足,生命必然充滿平安(約16.33) 及喜樂(約16.24),也必然得着永生 (約3.16)。不但如此,這是一條大河,要從心中湧出,成為生命之源。但當中的條件是“信”: 相信接受又全心全意遵行主耶穌基督的一切教訓。若只是知道,承認,而沒有行動,恐怕耶穌基督的應許還是不能得到,也只能好像不會流動的死水,沒有生命,也不能為任何環境帶來生命。但若然相信主耶穌,又跟從祂,遵行祂的吩咐,就必定得着新的生命,活出充滿光輝的新生活,榮耀主名。



Knowing Jesus, aligning with His heart


From the Pastor’s Desk: Rev. Collins Kung

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Looking back at the 3rd season, we have completed the selected reading of the book of Genesis from the Old Testament. We have learnt God’s creation, the fall of man, God’s salvation, the covenant between God and man – Noah, Abraham… and the ultimate redemption pointed to Abraham’s descendants, Jesus Christ the son of David.  Beginning in October, we go back to the New Testament and enter the 4th season of the sermon series – Selected Readings from the Gospel of Luke: Knowing Jesus, aligning with His heart.  From the book of Luke we learn to know Jesus and understand His heart.

The following are the scriptures we have selected. Let me make some introductions for everyone to study together:

  • Luke 4:1-13 : Jesus Christ was tempted by the devil before he began his ministry. Why did Heavenly Father make such an arrangement? What does Jesus’ ability to overcome the temptation of the devil mean to mankind as a whole and to us?
  • Luke 6:1-11 : During the course of His ministry, Jesus often clashed with the religious leaders, especially regarding the commandment to keep the Sabbath. He overturned the order established by them. Jesus declared that the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. In the eyes of Jesus, how can we keep the Sabbath be in line with God’s will?
  • Next, we will study Jesus’ subversive teachings in three preachings: the Sermon on the Plain from the book of
  • Luke 6:17-26 : blessings and woe? He said: “Blessed are you who are poor… Blessed are you who hunger now… But Woe to you who are full now”, which seems have reversed the understanding of the mankind. Let’s learn from Jesus’ teachings and learn to follow Him.
  • Luke 6:27-36 Jesus also said: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,” According to Jesus’ teachings, how should we treat our enemies? Is it really feasible in real life?
  • Luke 6:37-42 Jesus taught us not to judge: “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” What does it mean to judge someone? What’s the point?
  • Luke 7:36-50, talks about a sinful woman anointing Jesus’ feet with perfume. Yet Jesus did not drive her away, but declared her sins to be forgiven, and we will learn the forgiving Lord from this.
  • Luke 10:25-36, a lawyer stood up to test Jesus, but Jesus used the parable of the Good Samaritan to point out the man’s blind spots. Jesus used this parable to make us think about who is our neighbour? Let us know how to practice loving our neighbor.
  • Luke 11:1-13, the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. Let us learn from Jesus, the praying Lord.
  • Luke 14:25-35, Jesus challenged those who walked with Him, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple..” Is Jesus demanding too much? He wants to point out to his followers that He is the One who above all priorities.
  • Luke 15:11-32, we will read the parable of the prodigal son, understand the heart of the Heavenly Father, and learn to align with the heart of the Lord. The Lord does not want anyone to perish, but wants everyone to repent.
  • In December, we will study the message of the Messiah and prepare for the birth of the Savior. We have selected Luke 1:26-38, the angel Gabriel’s prophecy about the Savior, and Luke 2:22-40, Simeon’s prophecy about the Savior.

Let us study together, learn together, “Knowing Jesus, aligning with His heart!”

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Collins Kung




回顧第三季,我們已完成舊約創世記的選讀,我們看了神的創造,人的墮落,神的拯救,神人立約–挪亞,亞伯拉罕… 而終極救贖,指向亞伯拉罕的後裔,大衛的子孫耶穌基督。

從10月開始,我們回到新約,進入第四季的講道系列 — 路加福音的選讀:深識耶穌,切合主心。我們從路加福學習認識耶穌,體會祂的心腸。


  • 路4:1-13記載耶穌基督未開始傳道事工,便要受魔鬼的試探,天父為甚麼有這樣的安排?耶穌能勝過魔鬼的試探,對整個人類,對我們有甚麼意義?
  • 路6:1-11在傳道過程中,主耶穌常常與宗教領袖發生衝突,特別在守安息日的誡命上,祂顛覆了他們所確立的秩序。耶穌宣稱人子是安息日的主,究竟在耶穌眼中,如何守安息日才合神心意呢?
  • 跟著,我們會分三講研讀耶穌顛覆性的教導:路加所記載的平地寶訓。
  • 路6:17-26在論福與禍當中,祂說:「貧窮的人有福了…飢餓的人有福了…卻說:飽足的人有禍了」,好像顛倒了人所理解道理,讓我們學習耶穌的教導,學習跟從祂。
  • 路6:27-36耶穌又說:「當愛你們的仇敵,善待恨你們的人。」按著耶穌的教導,我們該怎樣對待我們的仇敵呢?在實際生活上,真的可行嗎?
  • 路6:37-42耶穌教導我們不要判斷人:「你們不要判斷人,就必不受判斷;不要定人的罪,就必不被定罪;要饒恕人,就必蒙饒恕」 怎樣才算是判斷人?這是甚麼道理?
  • 路7:36-50,我們會看一個有罪的女人,用香膏抹耶穌的腳,耶穌卻沒有驅趕她,反而宣告她罪得赦免,我們從中認識這位寬恕的主。
  • 路10:25-36,有一個律法師起來試探耶穌,耶穌卻以好撒瑪利亞人的比喻,指出這人的盲點,耶穌設這比喻,叫我們思考誰是我們的鄰舍?讓我們懂得如何實踐愛鄰舍。
  • 路11:1-13,門徒請求耶穌教導他們如何禱告,讓我們從耶穌身上學習這位禱告的主。
  • 路14:25-35,耶穌挑戰與祂同行的人,「如果有人到我這裡來,愛我不超過愛自己的父母、妻子、兒女、兄弟、姊妹,甚至自己的性命,就不能作我的門徒。」耶穌的要求是否過分?祂要向跟從的人指出,祂是那位超越一切優先次序之主。
  • 路15:11-32,我們會看浪子的比喻,體會天父的心懷,學習與主的心看齊吻合,主不願有一人沉淪,乃願人人都悔改。
  • 來到12月,我們會看彌賽亞的信息,預備救主降生,我們選讀了路1:26-38天使加百列對救主的預言及路2:22-40西面對救主的預言。



Pastoral Voice

September 9/10, 2023

RCAC Pastor’s Desk Article – Pastor Alex Poon

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

David declared in Psalm 116:1-2, “I love the Lord, because He has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy. Because He inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call on Him as long as I live.”

I recently returned from a cruise. It was the best time. We ate at the buffet each morning and lunch, but for dinner we visited the main dining hall. Imagine white linen clothes, white upholstered wooden chairs, waiters dressed in vests and tie, beautiful oil paintings hung on the walls, and a grand chandelier reminiscent to the dinner scene of the Titanic. But it was the food that captured my attention, more so, it was the availability. “What do you mean… I can order one more steak?”, “I can have two more shrimp cocktails and three more slices of cake… and walk away without being handed a bill?”

Never in my life have I had two steaks for dinner. Perhaps the reason is a good ribeye usually costs more than $20 and my wallet tells me it’s not a good idea, or perhaps my stomach simply just usually can’t handle it.

Here I was, receiving my favorite food, and having the opportunity for more, and more… if only I had the capacity. I could keep asking, and the waiter would keep giving.

David has faced turmoil and deep suffering in his life. He speaks of it in verse 3, “The snares of death encompassed me; the pangs of Sheol laid hold on me; I suffered distress and anguish”. It was like death had gripped him in the vices of its sharp fangs. It was like David was ensnared, caught in the trap set by death. Have you ever felt that way? Incaved in sharp and painful suffering?

David’s words do not end there – thankfully! “Then I called on the name of the Lord: ‘O Lord, I pray, deliver my soul!’ Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; our God is merciful.” Oh, what good news! David can turn to the Lord for help, he can call upon His name for saving, and God will deliver for David and for us!

When you are in your distress – you may call upon the name of the right and gracious Lord!

Then He will turn His ear to you! Our God will not only hear your pleas from a distance, but He will press in, He will incline His ear to you! He will lean into your voice, as if to show you that He is indeed listening attentively to your crying pleas. You are not ignored! He has not abandoned you, our God has not muted your voice. He has not turned the volume dial down as if you have annoyed Him – no, our God has attentively, drawn His ear closer to you still!

So, what must you do in response? Love the Lord and take more from the Lord!

For David asks, “What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits to me?”

David answers his own question and declares, “I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord, I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people.”

When David needs more from the Lord, he remembers who has given him salvation, then he calls for more of the Lord!

We can render nothing in return to the Lord. We can give to Him nothing back for the benefits we gain from Him. We can return to Him no favor, as if we could “owe Him one”. We can do no such thing! There is no work we are capable of to exchange His benefit for ours – for we benefit from Him in ways that far exceed His benefitting of us. What need would our Almighty Creator God have for us, His creation? Nothing! But this is who He is; gracious and kind. He is loving and generous with His mercy and care. He is for you, and not against you.

David’s declarations remind us that we can be assured that our Lord is delighted, joyed even when His children press in to depend on Him further, and further still. Call upon His name!

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Alex Poon