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教牧心聲 2025.1.04/05




• 難以預測的氣候變化所帶來的破壞力
• 美國新總統即將上任,未來加拿大經濟、環球經濟、地緣政治的緊張關係,大國博弈
• 我們的自己及家人的健康











以下是這系列的簡介,讓大家可先行在家中預先讀了經文,然後回到神家一同學習:合神心意的人(撒上13, 15章)

  • 大衛雖然一生顯赫,他卻不是以色列的開國君王。掃羅才是神揀選的以色列第一任君王。那麼,是甚麼原因導致神要放棄掃羅而選立大衛成為以色列的君王呢?撒上13:14「…耶和華已經為自己找到一個合他心意的人,立他作自己子民的領袖…」讓我們從掃羅的失敗學習如何作合神心意的人。

職場中的揀選 (撒上16章)

  • 大衛的出身卻不顯眼,是耶西家裡的幼子,他替父親牧羊,不受重視。神命先知撒母耳到耶西家中,要膏其中一人作以色列君王。究竟神怎樣選擇,我們又能從這敘事中學到甚麼功課?

面對強敵:巨人當前 (撒上17章)

  • 大衛與歌利亞的故事很多人都知曉。在面對巨人歌利亞時,大衛跟其他以色列人有甚麼分別? 他得勝的秘訣是甚麼? 還是只是幸運之神的眷顧? 每個人都有自己心中的巨人,難以戰勝,我們又能從大衛身上,學到甚麼功課,讓我們能勝戰我們心中的巨人。

真摰友誼 (撒上18-20章,23章)

  • 我們在教會裡互為肢體,學習主的教訓彼此相愛。但在實踐上困難重重。我們能在教會內建立真摰的友誼嗎? 真摰的友誼是經得起考驗的,讓我們從大衛與約拿單的友誼中學習。

在逆境中尋求神的學習 (撒上21章,詩34篇)

  • 掃羅妒忌大衛,要追殺他,從此大衛踏上逃亡之路。他是怎樣渡過這些年日呢? 讓我們從詩34篇學習大衛向神的祈禱。






Live Out Love – RCAC Newcomers Party


From the Pastor’s Desk: Rev. Collins Kung

Brothers and sisters, how long have you been with RCAC? Do you know RCAC’s mission statement? If you check our website online, you will find “Our Vision” in the “About Us” column. RCAC vision statement is: “To be a missional community of God, growing toward healthy relationships and deepening our spiritual life in Christ through worship.”

RCAC is an organic, living community that is constantly updating, changing, and growing. During weekly worship, we have newcomers visiting us. Some visitors are transit tourists, but more visitors come to settle down and are looking for the church as their spiritual home. There are also visitors who come to us because they participate in the ministries organized by our church, such as Praise Dance, Alpha course, etc., or accept invitations from our brothers and sisters. The church’s Newcomers Party is designed for this group of newcomers. On the evening of last Sunday, October 29, we just held our third Newcomers Party this year, with more than 60 newcomers in attendance.

As the name of the Newcomers Party suggests, newcomers are our protagonists and our guests. Before and after worship, we have the opportunity to meet the newcomers, but due to time constraints, we are not able to talk in detail. The Newcomers Party is a suitable time and setting for newcomers to get to know RCAC and for us to meet them in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere.

Praise the Lord, under the arrangement of the pastors, elders, deacons and co-workers of the Caring Department, newcomers could have a fun night. The following is my personal experience as a pastor.

  • We conducted the event in Mandarin and Cantonese. Before the meal, the co-workers led a game to guess the price of an item. Whoever guessed the closest price would receive that item as a gift. This game helped us break the ice. After the meal, the co-workers continued to lead us to play games in groups. Through games, everyone worked together and mingled.
  • Although the food on the table is simple, it is surprising. It is not only delicious, but also large in portion, enough for two meals. As a pastor, being able to dine with newcomers brought us closer together. They no longer know me as a pastor on the pulpit, but as a brother in daily life.
  • One of the special features of the RCAC Newcomers Party is that our professional dance instructor, Elder Peter Wong, led us to dance his own piece – Rooster Dance. It is easy to learn, lively and has a strong sense of rhythm. It is suitable for all ages.
  • After dinner, our co-workers led us into singspiration to praise the Lord. One of the hymns moved me even more, which was the Clay Music hymn “Live Out Love”. One of the verses said: “The love of Jesus inspires me and opens up my life. Let yourself be the blessing to others. The love of Jesus ignites me and the flame of love is sparkling in my heart. Let us live out love to the world together.” This is the RCAC vision. We live out love through the Newcomers Party, share the love of Jesus, and become a blessing to others. All people sang enthusiastically.
  • When talking with newcomers, I often ask them a question: “How did you come to our church?” Some answered that we were introduced by friends. From their words, I know people’s impression of RCAC is a church with good reputation. There are also newcomers who were invited because they participated in our Praise Dance. Some of these newcomers expressed their interest in joining our adult Bible Study classes, and I was happy to introduce the classes to them. There was also a group of students from UBC and some new immigrant families attended with the whole family.
  • Brothers and sisters from RCAC also participated in the Newcomers Party. They acted as drivers to give rides to the newcomers, including the group of students from UBC, so that we could get to know each other.

Finally, I give glory and praise to our Heavenly Father. Praise the Lord for being able to serve together with a group of brothers and sisters who live out love. Let newcomers blend with RCAC.

Your servant in Christ,
Rev. Collins Kung

活出愛 – 列宣家迎新會






  • 當晚我們以國粵語雙聲道進行,在未用膳之前,同工以猜一物品價錢,誰猜得最接近購買的價錢便能獲得那物品作禮物,這遊戲幫助我們破冰。飯後同工繼續帶領我們分組遊戲。透過遊戲,大家攜手合作,變得無拘無束,打成一片。
  • 餐桌上的食物,雖然簡單,卻有驚喜,不但美味,而且分量超大,足夠每人可吃兩餐。作為牧者,能與新朋友一起用餐,把彼此的距離拉近。他們對我的認識,不再是在講台上的牧師,而是日常生活中的弟兄姊妹。
  • 列宣家迎新會其中一項特色,就是有我們的職業舞蹈導師黃華興長老,他帶領我們跳自創的公雞舞,簡單易學,輕鬆活潑,節奏感強,真是老幼咸宜。
  • 飯後同工帶領我們一起唱詩讚美主,其中一首詩歌更令我感動,就是泥土音樂的「活出愛」,其中一段:「耶穌的愛激勵我,敞開我的生命。讓自己成為別人祝福。耶穌的愛點燃我,心中熊熊愛火。我們一起向世界活出愛。」這正是我們列宣家的使命,我們透過迎新會活出愛,分享耶穌的愛,成為別人祝福,全場都熱烈齊唱。
  • 在與新朋友的交談中,我經常會問他們一個問題:「你是怎樣來到我們教會呢?」有好幾位回答都是朋友介紹,從他們口中我知道,列宣家在別人心目中的印象,是一間有口碑的教會。也有新朋友是參加了我們的讚美操而被邀請來。其中有幾位新朋友表示想參加我們的成人聖經班,我就非常樂意向他們介紹。亦有一群來自UBC的學生,也有一些新移民的家庭,一家大小齊齊出席。
  • 參與迎新會亦有我們列宣家的弟兄姊妹,他們充當司機,接送那些新朋友來到我們中間,包括那群來自UBC的學生,讓我們能彼此認識。



Knowing Jesus, aligning with His heart


From the Pastor’s Desk: Rev. Collins Kung

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Looking back at the 3rd season, we have completed the selected reading of the book of Genesis from the Old Testament. We have learnt God’s creation, the fall of man, God’s salvation, the covenant between God and man – Noah, Abraham… and the ultimate redemption pointed to Abraham’s descendants, Jesus Christ the son of David.  Beginning in October, we go back to the New Testament and enter the 4th season of the sermon series – Selected Readings from the Gospel of Luke: Knowing Jesus, aligning with His heart.  From the book of Luke we learn to know Jesus and understand His heart.

The following are the scriptures we have selected. Let me make some introductions for everyone to study together:

  • Luke 4:1-13 : Jesus Christ was tempted by the devil before he began his ministry. Why did Heavenly Father make such an arrangement? What does Jesus’ ability to overcome the temptation of the devil mean to mankind as a whole and to us?
  • Luke 6:1-11 : During the course of His ministry, Jesus often clashed with the religious leaders, especially regarding the commandment to keep the Sabbath. He overturned the order established by them. Jesus declared that the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. In the eyes of Jesus, how can we keep the Sabbath be in line with God’s will?
  • Next, we will study Jesus’ subversive teachings in three preachings: the Sermon on the Plain from the book of
  • Luke 6:17-26 : blessings and woe? He said: “Blessed are you who are poor… Blessed are you who hunger now… But Woe to you who are full now”, which seems have reversed the understanding of the mankind. Let’s learn from Jesus’ teachings and learn to follow Him.
  • Luke 6:27-36 Jesus also said: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,” According to Jesus’ teachings, how should we treat our enemies? Is it really feasible in real life?
  • Luke 6:37-42 Jesus taught us not to judge: “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” What does it mean to judge someone? What’s the point?
  • Luke 7:36-50, talks about a sinful woman anointing Jesus’ feet with perfume. Yet Jesus did not drive her away, but declared her sins to be forgiven, and we will learn the forgiving Lord from this.
  • Luke 10:25-36, a lawyer stood up to test Jesus, but Jesus used the parable of the Good Samaritan to point out the man’s blind spots. Jesus used this parable to make us think about who is our neighbour? Let us know how to practice loving our neighbor.
  • Luke 11:1-13, the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. Let us learn from Jesus, the praying Lord.
  • Luke 14:25-35, Jesus challenged those who walked with Him, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple..” Is Jesus demanding too much? He wants to point out to his followers that He is the One who above all priorities.
  • Luke 15:11-32, we will read the parable of the prodigal son, understand the heart of the Heavenly Father, and learn to align with the heart of the Lord. The Lord does not want anyone to perish, but wants everyone to repent.
  • In December, we will study the message of the Messiah and prepare for the birth of the Savior. We have selected Luke 1:26-38, the angel Gabriel’s prophecy about the Savior, and Luke 2:22-40, Simeon’s prophecy about the Savior.

Let us study together, learn together, “Knowing Jesus, aligning with His heart!”

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Collins Kung




回顧第三季,我們已完成舊約創世記的選讀,我們看了神的創造,人的墮落,神的拯救,神人立約–挪亞,亞伯拉罕… 而終極救贖,指向亞伯拉罕的後裔,大衛的子孫耶穌基督。

從10月開始,我們回到新約,進入第四季的講道系列 — 路加福音的選讀:深識耶穌,切合主心。我們從路加福學習認識耶穌,體會祂的心腸。


  • 路4:1-13記載耶穌基督未開始傳道事工,便要受魔鬼的試探,天父為甚麼有這樣的安排?耶穌能勝過魔鬼的試探,對整個人類,對我們有甚麼意義?
  • 路6:1-11在傳道過程中,主耶穌常常與宗教領袖發生衝突,特別在守安息日的誡命上,祂顛覆了他們所確立的秩序。耶穌宣稱人子是安息日的主,究竟在耶穌眼中,如何守安息日才合神心意呢?
  • 跟著,我們會分三講研讀耶穌顛覆性的教導:路加所記載的平地寶訓。
  • 路6:17-26在論福與禍當中,祂說:「貧窮的人有福了…飢餓的人有福了…卻說:飽足的人有禍了」,好像顛倒了人所理解道理,讓我們學習耶穌的教導,學習跟從祂。
  • 路6:27-36耶穌又說:「當愛你們的仇敵,善待恨你們的人。」按著耶穌的教導,我們該怎樣對待我們的仇敵呢?在實際生活上,真的可行嗎?
  • 路6:37-42耶穌教導我們不要判斷人:「你們不要判斷人,就必不受判斷;不要定人的罪,就必不被定罪;要饒恕人,就必蒙饒恕」 怎樣才算是判斷人?這是甚麼道理?
  • 路7:36-50,我們會看一個有罪的女人,用香膏抹耶穌的腳,耶穌卻沒有驅趕她,反而宣告她罪得赦免,我們從中認識這位寬恕的主。
  • 路10:25-36,有一個律法師起來試探耶穌,耶穌卻以好撒瑪利亞人的比喻,指出這人的盲點,耶穌設這比喻,叫我們思考誰是我們的鄰舍?讓我們懂得如何實踐愛鄰舍。
  • 路11:1-13,門徒請求耶穌教導他們如何禱告,讓我們從耶穌身上學習這位禱告的主。
  • 路14:25-35,耶穌挑戰與祂同行的人,「如果有人到我這裡來,愛我不超過愛自己的父母、妻子、兒女、兄弟、姊妹,甚至自己的性命,就不能作我的門徒。」耶穌的要求是否過分?祂要向跟從的人指出,祂是那位超越一切優先次序之主。
  • 路15:11-32,我們會看浪子的比喻,體會天父的心懷,學習與主的心看齊吻合,主不願有一人沉淪,乃願人人都悔改。
  • 來到12月,我們會看彌賽亞的信息,預備救主降生,我們選讀了路1:26-38天使加百列對救主的預言及路2:22-40西面對救主的預言。



Give thanks and let us build the future together


From the Pastor’s Desk:Rev. Collins Kung

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

February 2, 1991 was a turning point in my life. With the feeling of reluctance, I said goodbye to my grandparents, parents, younger brothers and sisters and I immigrated from Hong Kong to Vancouver with my wife and her family.

On the day we arrived, a good friend of my wife happened to come to Vancouver from Toronto to visit her fiancé. We contacted her and arranged to meet up to worship on Sunday, February 3. Her fiancé picked us up and we came to Richmond Chinese Alliance Church. Looking back on this incident is amazing, none of us had visited RCAC before, it was just because her fiancé said that he wanted to listen to Rev. David Ng’s preaching, and Rev. David Ng was the senior pastor of RCAC at that time. RCAC became the first church I worshiped in Canada. From that day on, my wife and I stayed in this church family until today. I firmly believe that this is God’s leading. I also believe that every brother and sister who comes to RCAC has their own story and God’s guidance.

This year, RCAC celebrated its 46th anniversary. Although we lack a senior pastor, and the pastor of the English Ministries has also left; the entire pastoral team was willing to go the extra mile. The elders work closely with the pastoral team to keep the ministries of the church going. I am especially thankful for the following things:

  • As the covid-19 pandemic subsides and social life returns to normal, most fellowships have resumed in-person gatherings.
  • Since March this year, God has led Brother Frank Law to join our staff team as a part-time custodian. The cleanliness of the church has gradually improved.
  • Since May, God has prepared sister Phoebe Yeung to be our part-time co-worker to assist the development of AYAYA ministries.
  • We currently have three seminary interns, helping them to obtain internship opportunities in RCAC and training workers for the Kingdom of God.
  • With the increase of group members and the attendance has stabilised, Samuel small group has officially become a fellowship,
  • In terms of children’s ministries, the VBS will be resumed this year, hoping to reach more unchurch families.
  • The Tsawwassen Ministry remains stable, the Cantonese Bible studies will begin in September.
  • The Mandarin Alpha Course ended this past Thursday, and the Cantonese Alpha Course began smoothly on Monday this week.
  • The church is planning to hold evangelistic meetings and arrange short-term mission trips in the fourth quarter of this year.
  • We are now planning to resume summer camp in 2024.

We are so exciting for all the above thanksgiving items…

Brothers and sisters, as a member of the RCAC family, what do you have to be thankful for the RCAC?

The development and promotion of various ministries depends on the joint participation of brothers and sisters. Let us be thankful and join hands to hands to build the future together.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Collins Kung







  • 隨著covid-19疫程減退,社會生活復常,大部分團契已回復實體聚會。
  • 從今年三月開始,神帶領羅向輝(Frank)弟兄加入我們的事奉團隊,成為部分時間堂務同工,教會的整潔漸漸改善。
  • 從五月開始,神預備了李楊敏賢(Phoebe)姊妹成為我們的部分時間同工,協助AYAYA事工的發展。
  • 我們現有三位神學院實習生,幫助他們在列宣家獲得實習機會,栽培神國工人。
  • 我們的撒母耳少年小組,隨著人數加增及出席穩定,現已正式升格為團契。
  • 兒童事工方面,今年復辦VBS暑期聖經班,盼望能接觸更多未信主的家庭。
  • Tsawwassen 事工維持穩定,從9月會開展粵語查經。
  • 國語啟發課程本週完結,粵語啟發課程本週順利開展。
  • 教會正在籌劃在今年第四季舉辦佈道會及安排短宣旅程。
  • 我們現正計劃2024年會復辦夏令會。





Building the House of God


From the Pastor’s Desk:Rev. Collins Kung

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

From January to April 2023, our preaching series begin with the Gospel of John, we learn from the life of Jesus as our model for deeper life.

For the next two months starting in May, our preaching will go back to the Old Testament.  We will study the Book of Ezra – Building the House of God.

The Israelites were God’s chosen people, whom were supposed to be the most blessed ones. However, the Israelites did not respect God as God and serve God exclusively; instead, they turned to worshiping idols. God kept sending prophets to warn them, but they did not listen. As a result, the kingdom of Judah was captured by the Babylonian Empire in 586 BC. From then on, the Israelites were exiled to Babylon and entered a period of subjugation.

However, God’s intention is to discipline them through exile and give them a chance to return. Through the mouth of the prophet Jeremiah, God declared the judgment (exile) and comfort (return from exile).

  • 25:11-12 : “11This whole land shall become a ruin and a waste, and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years. 12 Then after seventy years are completed, I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation, the land of the Chaldeans, for their iniquity, declares the Lord, making the land an everlasting waste.”
  • Jeremiah 29:10 : “10For thus says the Lord: When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will visit you, and I will fulfill to you my promise and bring you back to this place.”

God indeed is faithful. The first chapter of the Book of Ezra told us the fulfillment of the prophecy. At that time, the Babylonian Empire had fallen and was replaced by the Persian Empire. In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, Cyrus made a proclamation that the exiled Israelites could return to Jerusalem to build the House for the Lord. This is the first return. In our preaching for the next two months, we shall study chapter 1 to 6, focusing on the returned Israelites and how did they rebuild the House of God. Having God’s help did not mean the building of the House of God was no difficulties or challenges; there were numerous difficulties and obstacles. Finally, under the protection of God and the repentance of the Israelites, the project was eventually completed.

Our preaching series ends at Chapter 7, which tells us how Ezra led the Israelites for the second return and how God used Ezra to rebuild His people.

May we study God’s Words with our heart, I encourage you to read the scriptures (one chapter at a time) prior to worship, to listen to the sermon and to take notes of the sermon.  We learn from the vast experiences of Israelites of their return journey and apply it today to build the House of God.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Collins Kung







耶25:11-12 這全地必然荒涼,令人驚駭。這些國民要服事巴比倫王七十年。七十年滿了以後,我必刑罰巴比倫王和那國民,並迦勒底人之地,因他們的罪孽使那地永遠荒涼。這是耶和華說的。

耶29:10 耶和華如此說:為巴比倫所定的七十年滿了以後,我要眷顧你們,向你們成就我的恩言,使你們仍回此地。



