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教牧心聲 2024. 11 02 03

當將你的糧食撒在水面,因為日久必能得著。早晨要撒你的種,晚上也不要歇你的手,因為你不知道哪一樣發旺;或是早撒的,或是晚撒的,或是兩樣都好。 傳 11:1;6)




有時在我們向人傳福音時,可能未必看到即時的果效,又或許有些種子隨水流失,我們永遠看不到結果。但記得主耶穌說:收割的人得工價,積蓄五 穀到永生,叫撒種的和收割的一同快樂。 約 4:36) 。有時是『那人撒種,這人收割』。但聖經鼓勵我們,衡量播種是否成功的標準不是我們所看到的。只要我們盡我們所能撒種,種子就會在神的時間裡發芽,成長。又或許要等待在天家時才收到果效。

我們生活在即時文化中,在很多方面我們都忘記瞭如何等待,一切都太快了。我們以前寫信要等幾天甚至幾週才能得到回覆,現在電子郵件和“ WhatsApp ”及“微信”通話與信息頻道,讓我們可以立即得到回覆,我們漸漸已失去忍耐等待的藝術。

這種即時的期望會影響我們與神的關係。也會影響我們為神行事及祂想在我們身上結出的果實。由於這種期望,我們有時會跑在神的前面,試圖讓事情按照我們的方式、在我們自己的時間發生。讓我們彼此勉勵:只管為神擺上,神自會負責後果 。





















“Seen” versus “Unseen”

Sep 2/3, 2023

From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Jeanie Auyueng

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Matthew 6 is part of Jesus’ teaching known as “Sermon on the Mount.” In this chapter, Jesus contended against the teachings of his contemporary scholars (scribes) and religious pietists (Pharisees). Judaism in Jesus’ time advocated three things as demonstrations of one’s piety: almsgiving, prayer, and fasting. Jews at that time made every effort to do these things, sometimes just for the sake of showing off. Jesus spoke on the same three things. Nevertheless, he instructed us not to be content with those outward religious conducts, but to seek for a genuine relationship with God (righteousness which exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees). The essence of being a Christian is not to get familiarized with religious rituals or observe religious regulations. It is by no means concerned only with a set of ceremonial rites, but is to pursue a close relationship with God the Father.
“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” (Mat 6:6 NIV).
This verse says, “Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you (some manuscripts read ‘will reward you in public’).” “in secret” and “in public,” in other words, are “seen” and “unseen.” Our lives consist of aspects which are seen and aspects which are unseen. This verse is the most important verse in Matthew 6. It reminds us that we should focus on those unseen aspects of life and have a genuine communion with God the Father.
“go into your room, close the door and pray…” This teaches us that when we pray, we should separate ourselves from the outside world, putting aside all worldly thoughts and things so that we can enter into a state to be focused on our communion with God. It is the hardest thing to do in our multitasked daily life.

“Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” The most precious thing to a Christian is God’s willingness to have a close relationship with us. The Father’s reward does not stop at his granting us what we ask for. One way to experience his reward is that when we draw near to him, we receive grace from him, have genuine satisfaction and strength, and are enabled to face all the challenges of life.
What is internal has an impact on what is external. What is “unseen” has an impact on what is “seen.” This is the most important admonition to a Christian. It is the Source by which we overcome temptations and are empowered to live a victorious life. The reason that many times in our lives we fail to live like Jesus is usually that we depart from the Source from which we receive power. Jesus said, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me” (John 15:4 NIV).

Let us get into the habit of drawing near to God through prayer each day before we start our mundane work. It is truly rewarding!

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Jeanie Auyueng

“看得見”與“ 看不見”





這節經文提到:“你父在暗中察看,必然報答你(有古卷:必在明處報答你)”:“暗中”及“明處”英文是“Seen” 和“Unseen”, (即:“看得見”及“ 看不見”)。我們的生活包含了:“看得見”及“看不見”兩方面。這節聖經是馬太福音6章中最重要的提醒/經文,就是我們需要著重在看不見的生活中,與天父有真實的相交。




在每天開始一日生活之先,養成禱告親近神的習慣,你必經歷神的賞賜(truly rewarding)!


Learn to give thanks on the ordinary days of life


From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Jeanie Auyeung

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Psalm 103:1-2 Bless the LORD, O my soul; bless his holy name, all that is in me. Bless

the LORD, O my soul; forget not all his goodness. (New Bible translation)

The poet David repeatedly spoke to his own heart, reminding himself not to forget God’s


During the fellowship gathering of the past week, we offered thanksgiving to God through music and hymns. Our time is filled with joy when we give thanks to God.
The church’s annual year-end thanksgiving meeting also encourages brothers and sisters to count the blessings that God has bestowed on us over the past year, but we often hear people say that there is nothing special to be grateful for. In fact, we often have the wrong idea that we need to be grateful only when something special or important happens.

The Bible teaches us to give thanks in everything. “Everything” includes all things big and small. Not just the things that we think are good, which includes bad times, and also to give thanks for things that we may have taken for granted.

Some years ago, a family brought their two children to church to attend VBS. The two

daughters accepted Christ at VBS and they prayed to thank our Heavenly Father for dinner. The father got angry and scolded the child for not thanking him. But rather thanking God because the father was the one who provided their living. Later on, the parents also believed in the Lord and they was finally knew to pray and thank our Heavenly Father before meals.

Many times, we take things for granted we don’t realize, and don’t think of it as being

God’s grace. When I visited patients in the hospital, I deeply felt that being

able to eat and taste the delicious food is not an ability that we will always have. We often don’t know how to thank God and treasure something until we lose it.

I once saw an interesting news item — a 4-week-old little squirrel in the UK was

seriously injured by an owl attack in 2019. A wildlife rescue

organization discovered her and entrusted her to the Harrison family, who was experienced in caring for squirrels. They gave the little squirrel a cute name “Bella” and took good care of her until she recovered. In the spring of 2010, the squirrel recovered well and they released her into the wild. Usually, squirrels who have just left home for a week will return home. But after they have returned to the wild, they will no longer approach humans. Unexpectedly, one day, a familiar little figure was sitting at the front door of the Harrison’s home. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Bella! Later, Bella went home to visit them without fail for the next 8 years after she

was released into the wild. She even went home when she was pregnant. After giving birth to 3 cute baby squirrels and when they grew stronger, they returned to the woods together.

This heart-warming story reminds us that even a squirrel never forgot the kindness of those who took care of her. How can we, who have received the Lord’s love so freely, forget the Lord’s kindness? Let us learn from David and count the Lord’s grace one by one. God’s grace is truly innumerable to us, to our family, and to the church. Because of all the grace bestowed by God, we must offer thanks and praise to Him from the bottom of our hearts!

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Jeanie Auyeung










曾看到一則有趣的新聞 - 英國一隻只有4週大的小松鼠,於2019年被貓頭鷹攻擊受了重傷,野生動物救援組織發現後,將牠託付給照護松鼠經驗豐富的哈里森一家。他們替小松鼠取了個可愛的名字「貝拉」,並細心照顧直到牠康復。2010年春天,松鼠已恢復健康,他們便將牠帶到野外放生,回歸大自然。一般來說,剛「離家」一星期的松鼠們都還會不時回家走走,但不久後就回歸野性,不再接近人類。沒想到有一天,一個熟悉的小小身影端坐在哈里森家前門,仔細一看,居然是貝拉!其後,貝拉竟然在野外放生後接著的8年,從沒間斷地回家「探親」。生孩子時更「回娘家」待產。生了3隻可愛的小松鼠寶寶、等到孩子們都長得強壯後,才一起重返樹林。



How blessed we are in Christ


From the Pastor’s Desk:Pastor Jeanie Auyeung

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Recently, I read a testimony of a newly baptized sister. She shared about how God spoke to her through His word and walked with her in her ldaily struggles. She had gained comfort and strength to carry on. She had experienced how real God is in her life.

God is real and He lives! Not like any other religions. Jesus was not a mere religious figure who was here and then left. Not only does His impact continue, but He Himself lives on. We worship a living Savior Who indwells His church and all believers even now. Those who truly believe in Christ, will experience a glorious transformation and become a new creation in Him (2 Corinthians 5:17). All believers can see how God leads and walks with us in life.

As the lyrics of the hymn “He lives” says, I serve a risen Savior, He’s in the world today; I know that He is living, Whatever men may say; I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer, And just the time I need Him He’s always near. He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives: He lives within my heart.

“He Lives” was written by Rev. A. H. Ackley. The hymn has encouraged and strengthened God’s children for many years to growin their faith to God. It is also a challenge to all who seek God to experience how real He is. My heart echoes with the lyrics. Yes, He loves us, cares for us and walks with us always. He will never change, yesterday, today and forever!

The OMF prayer group during my school days always ended with the Lancashire Sunday School song: “How good is the God we adore, Our faithful unchangeable Friend: Whose love is as great as His power, And knows neither measure nor end!”

It is a true blessing to know Christ, to have Him as our Savior. Our God is so real. Let us follow Him closely and trust Him whole-heartedly.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Jeanie Auyeung







我所事奉復活主,祂今在世活著;我知道祂確實活著,不管人怎麼說;我看見祂憐憫的手,聽見祂溫柔安慰聲,每次當我需要祂,祂總必答應。基督耶穌,今天仍然活著! 在人生的窄路上,祂伴我同行,與我交談。主活著!祂活著,我要傳揚,救恩臨到萬民!若問我怎麼知道祂活著:祂活在我心中!

“主活著”由 A. H. Ackley 牧師所寫。多年來,這首讚美詩一直在鼓勵和加強神兒女對祂的信心。對於所有真心尋求神的人,定能體驗和經歷神是多麼真實和寶貴。每唱此詩歌,我的心也會和應著歌詞的實在。是的,神愛我們,關心我們,一直與我們同行人生之路。祂永遠不會改變,昨日,今日,直到永遠,可信可靠到底!

我在亞省讀神學的時候參加了OMF (海外基督使團)定期為宣教士代禱的禱告會,他們的祈禱總會以“蘭開夏郡主日學校”的短歌作為結束:“我們所崇拜的神多麼美好,我們忠實不變的朋友:祂的愛與祂的大能同樣深廣無邊,祂的深切明瞭無疆無界!”有神真好!感謝祂的愛!



“The fire on the altar must be kept burning “


From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Jeanie Auyeung

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

The weather has been cold recently, so many people like to enjoy hotpot at home or to share hotpot at a restaurant. Sitting in front of the hotpot, you can enjoy the food, and also enjoy the warm atmosphere. Due to the dry weather in winter, everyone should try to be careful about the fire, and be sure to put out the fire immediately after enjoying the hot-pot.

In contrast, the responsibility of the priests in the Old Testament was to offer sacrifices for the people every day. But after the priests offered the evening sacrifice, God commanded that “the fire on the altar should always be kept burning and never be quenched.” The ongoing fire was so important that it was directly started  by God: “Fire came out from the presence of the LORD and consumed the burnt offering and the fat portions on the altar. And when all the people saw it, they shouted for joy and fell facedown” (Lev 9:24). The fire on the altar, therefore, served as a constant reminder of God’s power. It was a gift from heaven. The priest was to kindle the fire again every morning to ensure that the holy fire on the altar would continue to burn. This command is mentioned three times in Leviticus chapter 6 (Lev 6:8,12,13), which shows its importance.

The responsibility of the priest was not only to offer sacrifices for the people, but also to watch over the altar. It is also a reminder to us to be watchful for God’s house. Let us not forget to pray for the church and the family of God. Joining the prayer meeting is a good opportunity to watch for God’s family and each other.

“The fire on the altar shall always burn and shall not be quenched.” This command also reminds us today that we must keep our hearts fervent in serving God. The teaching of Romans 12:11 is: ” Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord!”

For God loves us so much that he even poured out his life for us. How can we take it for granted? May the love of the Lord always inspire us, and draw us closer to Him. May we always adore the Lord and respond with love to His deep and wide love without fathom.

What grace is this that God wants us to love Him? How can we deserve to love Him? Paul said, “If anyone does not love the Lord, let him be accursed!” (I Cor 16:22)

An old hymn from long ago :”O sacred Head, now wounded” is a Christian Passion hymn based on a Latin text written during the Middle Ages. It originates from  a long medieval poem attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux. There is one sentence at the 3rd stanza written as: “Oh let me never, never outlive my love to Thee”. It always grips my heart when I sing it. May this be my prayer and be your prayer – “Oh let me never, never outlive my love to God”!

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Jeanie Auyeung