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Nov 13-14, 2021








Lily in the Wilderness

Jul 24-25, 2021
From the Pastor’s Desk: Rev. Raphael Chow


As an everlasting theme among poets and scholars, lily has been known as The Fairy of Charming Gown.  Yan Chen, a Song dynasty poet, once wrote the following tribute to lily,

Mountain Flowers Enlightened by the Sunset,

Diffusing fragrances, Albeit short of Nurturing.

With A Gentle Breeze from the Forest Tip,

The Scent of the Lily is Blown around the World!

There are numerous lily species, ranging from about a foot to towering 6 feet tall.  Their petals vary from oval shape to slender contour, some are single stem while others are multiple!  Some flowers upturn gazing the sky, yet some droop towards the ground.  Among the 120 odd species that have been identified, every single one of them is elegant and noble, bearing sparkling and graceful flowers, with verdant leaves.  Their stems are upright and undiluted, with flowers of abundant hues.  There is the white Easter Lily normally seen around Easter.  There are the yellow Bell Lily (Lilium Euxathum), the Sacred Blue Lily, the red Pine Lily (lilium catesbaei), and the spotted-petal Tiger Lily (Lilium lancifolium), etc.  The most enchanted one would undeniably be the black pearl lily, with dark purple petals, gleaming leaves and buttery shade core.  At just one glance, you would have to stop and stay!

In addition to being elegant, lily is also sweet smelling (though there are scentless species)!  No wonder we heard couplet like

“ Deep in the Night, House Saturated with Aroma,

Appearing to be Awakened from Drunk!”

Once, I passed by a lily bouquet in a shadowed room, I was attracted to its lush smell instantly.  I was intoxicated by that aroma for a good few minutes, reviving my mind and soul!  Another time I sensed traces of fragrances while walking in the rural area.  Passing by a babbling brook and a shallow shoal, with sparse saplings and dense weeds or thorns around, I spotted a cobalt blossom in the distance.  The closer I got, the more intense was the fragrance. I finally caught a glimpse of over 100 tall lilies after a turn of the path.  Pastel blue, joined up with pale purple and matched with golden stamen, you will just get inebriated without the breezes, the music and even the delightful bird songs!  These wild lilies just stood there without being humble or overbearing, asking people to enjoy and appreciate them.  You only needed to experience one episode to have this unforgettable feeling of being fully blessed.

Paul talked about “the pleasing aroma” in 2 Corinthians 2:15, which might be the aroma of sacrifice to God.  Yet the aroma in 2:14 might be the scent of sweet balm. Though unable to confirm, we might still try to relate it to the sweet fragrance of the lily.  In any case, when we get among people, would people be able to experience this sensation of being amidst the lily bush?  Though there are thorns around, people can still get revived.  When we get among our fellow brothers and sisters, would they feel like amid blooming lilies, yearning for elegance and purity with this drowning fragrance!

“(He is) The Lily of the Valley and in Him alone I See,

All I Need to Cleanse and Make me Fully Whole.

In Sorrow He’s my Comfort, in Trouble He’s my Stay,

He Tells me Every Care on Him to Roll …”

May our lives carry the fragrance of the Lord always, as the lily of the valley!


Jul 24-25, 2021


百合花的種類繁多,有的只高尺許,也有長至六尺的。百合花瓣有的呈橢圓狀,有的則是細而且長,有單莖的,也有多莖的,有花開朝天的,也有低垂向地的。今天,已知的百合品種超過120種。但無論那一品種,都是花形典雅高貴,花朵晶瑩雅致,葉子青翠娟秀,莖幹亭亭玉立又落落大方。百合花的顏色也多不勝數。有在復活節時最常見白色的麝香百合(Easter Lily),有黃色的鐘花百合(Lilium Euxathum),有藍色的尼羅百合(Sacred Blue Lily),有紅色的松樹百合(Lilium Catesbaei) ,也有花瓣有班點的老虎百合(Tiger Lily, Lilium lancifolium) 等。而最幻麗的莫過於黑色的黑珍珠百合,紫黑色的花瓣,油緣的葉子,暗黃的花芯。只一眼望去就足以吸引你停下來,不願離開。



「恩主是谷中百合花,我唯一需要祂,祂能洗淨我,使我聖潔無瑕。悲傷時祂來解憂,患難時祂保佑,一切憂慮全放在主肩頭… 」



Mar 27-28, 2021
From the Pastor’s Desk: Rev. Raphael Chow

Turning March, the lavender in the garden wakes up unnoticeably!  When I did spot it, it was grinning to me with its new gray green foliage, as if greeting a long missed friend! I returned a blissful smile.

Lavender is one of my favourite flowers.  With bluish violet florets, thin gray green leaves grow on its slim stem, displaying lilac blossom on the tips!  Flowers dangles, covered with starry fine hair!  These charming florets liberate a drowning mint-like scent, with a hint of the pungent of the camphor.  An extraordinary light sweet aroma!  It is such a beautiful portrait to imagine yourself hanging around in a lavender field, seeing piles and piles of this sweet plant in the breezes.  This unique fragrance refreshes our heart and mind, sweeping away all the worries and frustrations!

Lavender originates from the Mediterranean area, e.g. Spain and Portugal.  It is now mainly grown in Provence in France, Hokkaido in Japan, Caucasus mountain in Russia and Ili River Valley in China.  Lavender is a resilient plant, capable of withstanding the tough winter.  When spring comes, it surges to life, releasing its charming fragrance in tranquility once again.  No wonder it is called the “Fragrance Plant of Serenity” and the “Queen of Herbs”!

Lavender is not only pleasing to the eye, its fragrance helps to calm mood, relieve pressure and energize spirit. Its essential oil helps detoxification and beautification.  Other usages include painkilling, relaxation, improving sleep and anti-depression.  A small pot of lavender can soothe the mind!  I would pick a lavender stem occasionally, crush it to release its fragrance, which will drown me for a good part of my day.

Lavender is also a special plant. You never see a lonely one, but usually in a big bush.  Besides, lavender needs pruning, too.  It flourishes in spring if it is given good trimming and fertilizing the winter before.

Somehow, being Jesus’ disciples is a lot like the lavender.  We don’t compete against each other, but share our charisma together.  We won’t get defeated by one blow, but get through the harsh test by staying together.  We don’t care only for ourselves, but we go into the world, think for the world and go against the world.  We don’t just look over the world, but going to be the salt and light of the world (Matthew 5:13).  Jesus’ disciples need pruning and trimming, too.  We are so grateful of our Heavenly Father pruning and trimming us constantly, so that we are capable of bearing more fruits (John 15:2).  When people get to be among Jesus’s disciples, their souls and minds should be soothed: getting the blessings from the gospel and a full acceptance.  Thus, people’s lives can be changed, become new persons in Christ and be blessings to others.

Would you like to live a life like the lavender?


Mar 27-28, 2021






在某角度看,主耶穌的門徒也像薰衣草。不是爭妍鬥麗,而是聚集一起時就發出迷人的美麗;不是一擊即敗,而是經得起嚴冬的考驗;不是獨善其身,而是共同進入世界,服侍世界,也抗衡世界;不單是只能觀賞,更是在世界之中是鹽是光(太5:13)。門徒的生命也需要修剪及打理。感謝天父,因他不停的修剪我們,讓我們結果子更多 (約15:2)。當世人進入眾門徒之中,心靈可得安撫:一方面得着福音帶來的祝福,另一方面得着完全的接納。如此,生命就得改變,在基督裡成為新人,繼而成為他人的祝福。




Dec 05-06, 2020
From the Pastor’s Desk: Rev. Raphael ChowOther than winter sport enthusiasts, I doubt if any person would welcome the coming of the winter season.

In North America, winter brings freezing breeze, persistent cloudy grey sky, shortened daytime, and the boring, detestable long night.  When winter comes, nowhere can we see bright-green leaves and nowhere can we find colourful flowers.  In winter, butterflies are gone, bees are hiding.  All we can see is evergreen trees and leafless branches.  Around us is either the lifeless water, or grey-greenish grass, either empty streets, or pedestrians shaking in cold.  Winter is not my favorite season.

However, winter does have its merits.  An article in Reader’s Digest states that winter slims us down naturally, quickens our minds, helps prevent infection, alleviates allergies, allows us to sleep better, and strengthens our heart (exercising in cold weather is even better, because the heart needs to pump more blood to compensate heat lose, therefore beef up the heart muscle).  Another article in TIME magazine claims that winter reduces crime, abbreviates military confrontation, fights bugs, reduces physical pain, and potentially prolongs our lives (This one is probably a stretch, although experiments show that cold weather allows worms and mice live a longer life.).  The benefits of winter season might not be known to everyone.

I perceive the similarities in spiritual realm.  Time of hardship suffocates us.  However, like the cold weather in winter, hardship purifies our soul, advances our faith and love, just as St. John of the Cross expressed in his Dark Night of the Soul.  Who would welcome “dark nights,” be it physical or spiritual?  Yet, let us ponder on the psalmist’s writing: “It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes.” (Psalm 119:71).  The Apostle Paul also says “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church.” (Colossians 1:24).  In addition, Peter contents that “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.” (1 Peter 2:21). The life journey of Christians should be one filled with hardships.

Hardship, or suffering, however, is not the end.  Paul proclaims that “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” (Romans 8:18)  Spring for sure will come after winter, just as sun rise is certain after dark night.  Seeds which survived winter will grow into strong fruitful plants.

A day in winter reminds us that the Lord is graceful.  He is still in control, working on us and blessing us.

May our lives glorify the name of our Lord in winter time as in any other time.


Dec 05-06, 2020

大抵只有熱衷於冬季運動的健兒會雀躍冬季的來臨, 嚴冬並不是一般人所歡迎的季節。

在北美,伴隨嚴冬的是令人瑟縮的凜冽寒風,是灰白又灰黑又陰暗的雲層,是吝嗇得可憐的白日,是令人煩厭的漫長黑夜。嚴冬所到之處, 沒有幼嫩青翠的樹葉,沒有五彩繽紛的花卉,沒有翩翩起舞的蝴蝶,沒有忙碌於花叢中的蜜蜂。處處所見要不是四季如一的長青樹, 就是沒了樹葉的枝條; 不是灰綠一片的草地, 就是死寂一片的池水;不是空無一人的街道,就是瑟縮趕路的途人。我不愛冬。

但嚴冬為大地帶來的祝福。按讀者文摘的一篇文章,冬天讓人更有效地燃燒體內積聚的脂肪,又令人的思想更敏捷。寒冷的天氣不單降低一般的過敏症, 又改善血糖過高的患者, 更能減少身體的炎症。冬天令人在晚上使人更容易熟睡,又暗地裡令人的心臟機能增強 (若在寒冷的天氣中運動則效果更佳, 因為心臟需要把更多的血液送往全身以保持體温, 以致心肌得到更多的運動)。而時代雜誌更指出冬天令犯罪率下降,令戰爭減少, 就是昆蟲的出沒的次數也明顯地減少了。不但如此,嚴冬令身體的痛楚減少 (寒冷令血液內能減低痛楚的去甲腎上腺素Norepinephrine提升),更有可能延長人類的壽命 (在老鼠身上的實驗得到證實)。我想,嚴冬的好處不為多人所知。

我深信, 在屬靈的層面也相若。艱難的境況往往令我們喘不過氣來。但這些嚴冬時份, 能練淨信徒屬靈生命的雜質,更能增強信徒對神的信心,對神對人的愛心,正如十架約翰在他的著作《屬靈的黑夜》 (Dark Night of the Soul, by St. John of the Cross) 所說的,沒有人會歡迎人生的黑夜, 那怕是生活的挫折或是屬靈的黑夜。但詩人說:「我受苦是與我有益,為要使我學習你的律例。」 (詩119:71)。保羅也說:「現在我為你們受苦、倒覺歡樂,並且為基督的身體、就是為教會、要在我肉身上補滿基督患難的缺欠。」(西1:24)。彼得更說:「你們蒙召原是為此,因基督也為你們受過苦,給你們留下榜樣,叫你們跟隨他的腳蹤行°」 (彼前2.21) 。 基督徒的人生路本來就應該是充滿挑戰艱難的。

但痛苦不是最終的結局。保羅說: 「我想現在的苦楚、若比起將來要顯於我們的榮耀,就不足介意了。」 (羅8:18) 。嚴冬以後, 必然是春天; 黑夜過後, 必然是日出。經過嚴冬的種籽, 必然長出茁壯的幼苗, 最後結果纍纍。

嚴冬之中,偶爾一天美麗的陽光提醒我們神仍然是恩典的神,在掌管一切,在塑造我們, 更在祝福我們。




Autumn Harvest

Aug 15-16, 2020
Rev. Raphael Chow

Cool wind breezing, clear moon shining, sunset gleaming, twilight captivating – this is autumn.

Spring is mixed with cold and warmth, shying people away from time to time; the aggressive summer sometimes makes people breathless; and the winter, the tyrannical winter simply puts people stay away. When autumn quietly comes, she simply transforms the sky and the earth without rush and force. The dawn was dressed in golden and reddish colored clothes, the sun became gentle, and the trees were hung with brown-red and light-yellow coats, and the geese who scraped and talked lined up and flew over the sky, and the red and crimson clouds in the distance took the blue sky. Such a noble scene just suspended the time.

Autumn is also a time of joy. Farmers plow in spring, cultivate in summer, harvest in autumn, store in winter. They prepare the soil and plant seeds to start cultivation in spring, irrigate and fertilize in summer. Autumn is the day to harvest crops. Farmers celebrated with joy on the autumn harvest day. This happens around the world: Pentecost in Israel, Thanksgiving in many North American and European countries, and autumn harvest festivals in the East such as China and Vietnam, to name but a few. After much sweating, the fields of jade become sea of gold ready for harvesting, budding of flowers turned into fruits ready for picking. The joy of the farmer is certainly incomprehensible.

This, I think, is similar to spiritual life. Seeds planted in our hearts as we have accepted God’s Word (Matthew 13:3-23; Luke 8:4-15), and Heavenly Father sends His servants to water it (1 Corinthians 3.6). But our hearts must accept and persevere (Luke 8.12) the Words – persevere against trials (Luke 8.13), overcome the temptation of riches and pleasures of life (Luke 8:14), and eventually bear fruit in patience (Luke 8:15), just like good seeds. Matured crop, I perceive, does not meant works. Rather, it is the Christ-like character (Gal. 5:22-23). Work merely reflects our spiritual character. Otherwise, we might be trapped in delusion, just like those keep working and even do many mighty works in the name of the Lord but are not remembered by the Lord (Matthew 7:22-23).

Have you harvested anything this autumn? Can our Heavenly Father harvest any fruit in your heart? Would that be love, joy (happy and contented in God), peace (harmonious living), patience (keeping calm in provocation), kindness (good for others, generosity), goodness (focus on the benefits of others), faithfulness (trustworthiness), gentleness (humility), self-control (control of one’s emotions, impulses, or desires) (Gal. 5:22-23) that He gets? Yes, this is easier said than done. But the Lord will help us (John 15:2). If we continue to endure without giving up, we will stand firm in victory eventually.

May the Lord be satisfied and filled with the bountiful harvest of our serving hearts. May the name of our Lord be glorified.


Aug 15-16, 2020

風清清, 月明明, 霞彩巧捷, 暮色醉人, 秋意濃濃。

秋, 沒有初春的寒暖交雜, 讓人時有瑟縮; 也不像炎夏的激進, 令人喘不過氣; 更不像嚴冬的強橫, 叫人迴避三舍。容容而來, 漫漫而遊的秋, 不急也不燥, 不忙也不亂, 在不知不覺間, 就改變了天空大地。晨曦披上金黃又帶淡紅的彩衣, 太陽變得温文和煦, 樹木掛上了棕紅淡黃的小外套, 刮刮交談的雁兒列隊飛越長空, 遠處殷紅緋紅的雲霞把尉藍的天襯得高貴無比。此情景, 叫人忘了時間的流逝。

秋天也是歡樂的時節。春耕、夏耘、秋收、冬藏: 春天翻土下種開始耕種; 夏天灌溉施肥除雜草; 秋天是收成莊稼的日子。農家人在秋天收成的日子歡騰慶祝。如, 以色列有五旬節, 北美及歐洲多國有感恩節, 東方多國如中國越國等有秋收節。在春天夏季不停的辛勞以後, 眼見所種下的種秄成為幼苗, 從糼苗經除草灌溉漸長成熟, 從翠綠的田變為金黃的一片而終可收割; 又或是菓樹經過修剪施肥, 目睹開花結果而可以採摘, 農家的歡愉相信是外人難以完全理解的。

我想, 在屬靈的層面也是相若。種秄撒在我們的心田, 好比我們接受了神的道 (太13.3-23; 路8.4-15), 天父又差祂的僕人澆灌 (林前3.6), 但我們的心田必須是好土, 能相信接受又持守(路8.12),能面對試練而堅持(路8.13), 又能勝過被今生的思慮錢財宴樂的引誘 (路8.14), 才能在不斷的忍耐中結出成熟的子粒 (路8.15)。我再想, 成熟的子粒並不指工作, 而是屬靈生命的成長, 是性情越加像耶穌基督 (加5.22-23), 而這些性情的素質是反映在我們的工作裡。否則的話就可能落在錯誤裡了, 正如那些不停工作甚至是奉主名行異能但不為主所記念的人一樣了 (太7.22-23)。

今年的秋季, 你有什麼收穫嗎, 天父能在你的心田有什麼收成嗎? 仁愛 (愛), 喜樂 (因神而歡愉滿足), 和平 (和諧), 忍耐 (在挑釁中保持平靜)、恩慈 (對別人有益處, 慷慨)、良善 (注重別人得益處)、信實 (信靠, 能信賴的)、23溫柔 (謙卑)、節制 (克制自己的情緒,衝動或慾望) (加5.22-23)? 知易行難嗎? 的確是不容易的。但主必幫助 (約15.2), 只要不斷的在忍耐中操練而不放棄,至終必能得勝。

願你我的心田讓主得豐收而滿足, 並非因無收穫而悲慟。願你我的心田因結果累累而讓神的名得榮耀。


Feb 22-23, 2020

有說:「雅各書一章論到人若能忍受試探就必蒙福」(雅1:12)。試探必然來自撒旦,因為路加福音記載「魔鬼用完了各樣的試探、就暫時離開耶穌。」(路4.13)。神不試探人(雅1.13),卻「試煉」人(加4:14; 路8:13;徒20:19)。撒但試探人要讓人失敗跌倒,而神試煉人是要使人得勝得祝福。對嗎?

不全對!「試探」及「試煉」在新約是同一字(peirasmos)。這字有雙重意思:考核某物件的本質及特性,及刻意使人犯錯1。有一位聖經學者說得好:「試煉或試探, 都是指神刻意的把一個人放在可能失敗跌倒的困境中。若這人能忍受過去的話,他的信心或愛人必有大躍進。」


從另一角度看,學生不能高過先生(太10:24)。若撒但是窮了牠的能力試探主耶穌基督(太4:1-11),牠還會放過你我嗎?不!因此,問題就不是為什麼困厄連連,讓人喘不過氣,而是當問如何能在幾乎忍受不了的情境下仍然能,倚靠神而堅忍下去, 讓生命再被轉化,更像耶穌基督,更能在黑暗的世界面前見證主耶穌基督,見證神的能力可以使人勝過邪惡!


不經烈火再焚燒              泥土不能成為精緻的瓷器

不經過風雨                      天空沒有瑰麗的彩虹

不經過嚴冬                      開不出燦爛的花朵

不經酒醡的壓榨          葡萄出不了美酒

不經打破的玉瓶              香膏不能釋出香氣

不經無數的跌碰              舞者不可能舞姿優美

不經死亡的生命              信徒不可能成為祝福


1 BDAG, s.v. “πειρασμός.”