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Walk in the Light

Feb 18/19, 2023

From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Karen Quan

1 John 1: 5-10 (The Message)

5 This, in essence, is the message we heard from Christ and are passing on to you: God is light, pure light; there’s not a trace of darkness in him.

6-7 If we claim that we experience a shared life with him and continue to stumble around in the dark, we’re obviously lying through our teeth—we’re not living what we claim. But if we walk in the light, God himself being the light, we also experience a shared life with one another, as the sacrificed blood of Jesus, God’s Son, purges all our sin.

8-10 If we claim that we’re free of sin, we’re only fooling ourselves. A claim like that is errant nonsense. On the other hand, if we admit our sins—simply come clean about them—he won’t let us down; he’ll be true to himself. He’ll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing. If we claim that we’ve never sinned, we out-and-out contradict God—make a liar out of him. A claim like that only shows off our ignorance of God.

Vancouver winters, although mild in temperature, can be so very dark and dreary. Although I’ve lived here for over 26 years, I still find myself longing to see the sun, even if it’s a short glimpse, especially after many endless days of rain. Slowly, the days are getting longer and I find myself emerging from what seems like this endless gray canvas.

Feb 22, 2023 marks Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. A solemn season in the church calendar that prepares our hearts for the death of Christ (Good Friday). It’s a time to quietly reflect on the greatest sacrifice of all time, as Christ gave up his life for our sin. It’s an opportunity to pause and make time to draw closer to God. For some, a time that might include practices such as extended prayer or fasting. This preparation can assist us to truly appreciate the resurrection of Christ celebrated on Easter.

This passage in 1 John, tells us of how God himself is light, even brighter than that of the sun. Darkness and light do not belong together, just as God and sin cannot coexist. God calls us to be in the light with him, and not stumble around in the darkness. He calls us to walk closely with him in this light and as the light reveals our sins, we’re to confess them to Jesus, for only He can forgive and remove these sins.

May the Lord give us fresh new ways to experience Lent this year so as to know Him deeper and so as to walk more freely in the Light.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Karen Quan




約翰一書 1:5-10(新譯本聖經)



2023 年 2 月 22 日是聖灰星期三,預苦期開始,這是教會年曆中一個莊嚴的季節,讓我們的心為基督的死做好準備(耶穌受難日)。也正好是時候我們靜靜地反思,耶穌基督的偉大犧牲,祂為我們的罪捨棄了自己的生命。這是一個停下來騰出時間安靜默想親近上帝的機會。對一些人來說,他們在這段日子會操練不住地祈禱或禁食。這樣可以幫助我們真正體會在復活節慶祝基督的復活。




Christ, our Coming King

Nov. 19/20, 2022

From the Pastor’s Desk:Pastor Karen Quan

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Returning to Montreal to be with my family is always a special time. Being here reminds me of the focus of “Christ, our Coming King”. Montreal is a city founded upon the strong influence of the Catholic Church.

During the short 10 min bus ride along “De L’Eglise = Church Street” from my family’s home to our neighborhood hospital, we passed at least 3 catholic churches. Of the 3 churches, 2 were smaller and the exteriors were overgrown with weeds & bare bushes. They looked rather sad, lonely and empty. I was reminded of how before the 1960’s each “Parish or Church” was responsible to look after & care for all the citizens of that designated area. Whether it was related to physical needs (Eg. bring food to the poor), emotional (Eg. visiting the sick & housebound) & spiritual (Eg. praying for those in need), the ministry of the clergy/parishioners were to be salt & light in the community. But after the 1960’s and the silent exodus of quebecers from the institution of the church, we now have an entire generation & beyond who have been completely cut off from the life of the church. As quoted in the Gospel Coalition, Quebec & it’s people are now identified as the Least Reached People Group in all of North America. Less than 1% of the population are identified as evangelical christians.

But the influence and legacy of the church lives on. Even as we walked through the main doors of the Verdun Hospital (founded & led by the Catholic Church from the 1930’s-1950’s) it’s inscription reads “Hopital General de Verdun, Dedie au Christ Roi = Verdun General Hospital, Dedicated to Christ the King”. Makes me wonder, how many people walking through these doors actually know who Christ is personally? With such a strong heritage & rich history, one might assume that it would be so easy to make Christ known! But the opposite seems to be true, as I walk along “De L’Eglise = Church Street” and pass by the “Church St. Pub” (a new bar with the Devil holding a pitchfork as it’s logo”).

No matter what our environment looks like, may we not forget that Christ has died for our sins and Christ will come again. May we not grow immune to this truth just as the etchings on a building can become somewhat of a decoration and easily overlooked. It encourages me to look up to Mont Royal and fix my eyes on the cross. It reminds me that everything that happens in the city happens in the shadow in the Cross.

Romans 5: 8 “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Karen Quan





從我家到我們附近的醫院,沿著De L’Eglise 譯作「教會街」短短的10 分鐘的車程,我們經過了至少 3 座天主教堂。在 3 座教堂中,有 2 座較小,外面雜草叢生和光禿禿的灌木叢。從外貌看起來相當悲涼、孤獨和空虛。回想 1960 年代之前,每個“教區或教堂”他們負責照顧和關懷附近的社區及當地的居民。無論是身體的需要(例如:派送食物賙濟窮人)、情緒的需要(例如:探訪病人和獨居者)和屬靈的需要(例如:為有需要的人祈禱)。這些神職人員的事工就是在社區作鹽作光。但是在 1960 年代之後,魁北克人悄悄離開教會機構之後,我們現在有整整一代人甚至更遠的人已經完全脫離了教會的生活。正如福音聯盟 (The Gospel Coalition)所引用說,魁北克及其人民現在被認定為整個北美地區接觸福音最少的人群。不到 1% 的人口被確定為福音派基督徒。

但教會的影響力和遺產依然存在。即使我們走過凡爾登醫院(Verdun Hospital)(1930 年代至 1950 年代由天主教會創立和領導)的大門,它的銘文也寫著“Hopital General de Verdun, Dedie au Christ Roi ”譯作「凡爾登醫院- 獻給君王基督」 。我真想知道,有多少人走進這個門實際上知道基督是誰?擁有如此濃厚的傳統和豐富的歷史,人們或許認為這讓基督為人所知會很容易吧!但事實上似乎剛剛相反,當我沿著「教會街」行走,我經過一家新酒吧“Church St. Pub”,它的標誌是拿著乾草叉的魔鬼。

無論我們的四周環境如何,願我們都不要忘記基督已經為我們的罪而犧牲了自己的生命,祂還會再來。願我們不會對這個事實淡忘,就好像建築物上的雕刻版畫,只會成為一種裝飾並且被忽視。讓我仰望「皇家山」(Mont Royal) 並注目於十字架,城市裡所發生的一切事都離不開十字架的影子。

羅馬書 5:8 “唯有基督在我們還作罪人的時候為我們死,神對我們的愛就在此顯明了。”


New WineSkins


From the Pastor’s Desk:Pastor Karen Quan

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Matthew 9:16-17 (NiRV)
16 “People don’t sew a patch of new cloth on old clothes. The new piece will pull away from the old. That will make the tear worse. 17 People don’t pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst. The wine will run out, and the wineskins will be destroyed. No, people pour new wine into new wineskins. Then both are saved.”

In the Children’s Ministry, we have undergone a complete paradigm shift as we moved to welcoming families “In Person”. Before the pandemic, most of our volunteer teams served together for 40/52 weeks in the year. Team members developed strong relationships with one another and were able to develop deeper relationships with those kids who came to church regularly. Volunteer teams were composed of experienced brothers & sisters and also those were new to serving children. This was the “Old” way of doing church. Who could imagine a church without Sunday School for kids?

But the interruptions that the pandemic has brought has meant that we could no longer expect volunteers to worship in one service and then serve with children for a different service. Concerns about COVID exposures are legitimate and serving among the kids (who were unvaccinated in the early days) meant that many volunteers were not ready to serve “In Person”. Teams that had served together for many years were suddenly frozen in time and while those who could jumped online to serve kids, it was a big change from what used to be ministry for kids.

Finally, when the time came for us to safely gather together again “In Person” as a church (Sept. 2021), we could only do so according to the specific congregation. So while the various congregations have been able to re-connect “In Person”, for many kids & some youth, they are no longer able to see or be with their peers. Especially as the families are likely to just come to church just once over the week-end. Missions Hour, Age divided Sunday School, Kids’ Worship Team, …these things no longer exist.

Now, in this “New” way of gathering “In Person”, kids are only able to see/connect with those from the same language group or worship service. While we are grateful to be gathering together in any manner, in this “New” format, we are only able to offer Bible Time as one large group of children learning together in which I repeated the same lesson 4 times/week-end until mid-April where it was no longer sustainable. I am forever grateful to our head Deacon (Terence Fong) & the Children’s Ministry Team Leaders/members in all the “In Person” services who sustained and faithfully taught while I was on the leave of absence.

In this “New” way of hosting Bible Time, everything takes longer. Relationships between leaders (who only serve once/month) and kids (who may/may not be coming regularly) are still forming but it all takes more time. Whether it’s on the volunteer level or between kids, relationships are now taking place with face masks in order to keep each other safe. The one thing that has not changed is our desire to point children to God and have them respond to Him in obedience.

In this passage, Jesus reminds us that whether “Old” or “New”, we must not lose sight of the bigger picture. While we are not winemakers, God has called us to make disciples and we can’t just rely on the “Old” ways to accomplish this goal. Forcing the “Old” ways into “New” situations just doesn’t work. We need to continually explore and adjust to “New” ways to share the love of Jesus even while we may not have figured it all out just yet. In fact, this exploration forces us to rely on HIM more and not just on familiar routines or habits. May God continue to show us how to prepare “New WineSkins” for all the “New Wine” that HE has entrusted to us.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Karen Quan




當我們返回“實體”聚會時,兒童事工的模式經歷了徹底的轉變。在疫情大流行之前,我們大多數的義工一年52星期中會一起服侍40 星期。團隊成員彼此建立了牢固的同工關係,並與那些定期回教會聚會的孩子建立了深厚的關係。義工隊員包括經驗豐富和剛開始服事兒童事工的弟兄姊妹。這是建立教會的“舊”模式。有誰能想像一個沒有兒童主日學的教會呢?




在“新” 模式下進行聖經時間,組長(每月事奉一次)和孩子(可能或不可能定期來)之間的關係需要更長時間去建立。無論是事奉團隊或是孩子之間,為了確保彼此的安全,仍然需要配戴口罩。沒有改變的是我們帶領孩子指向上帝並引導他們以順服的心回應祂。




From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Karen Quan

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

2 Tim 3:16-17 (New International Reader’s Version)

16 God has breathed life into all Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true. It is useful for correcting our mistakes. It is useful for making our lives whole again. It is useful for training us to do what is right. 17 By using Scripture, the servant of God can be completely prepared to do every good thing.

As previously mentioned, the Online Awana Kids have been focused on this Theme Verse for Sept 2021-June 2022. In Awana, we focus a lot on knowing & reciting the word of God, which reflects that we’ve truly studied & spent time in God’s word. A few more thoughts on this passage….

“It is useful for correcting our mistakes…” or NIV “rebuking”

No one likes to admit or make mistakes but as humans, we are all so limited. Mistakes are a part of our daily lives. Whether it’s trying something for the first time (Eg. making a new food recipe) or (Eg. learning how to treat others), it’s often because of our failures that we are faced with our own shortcomings. Our lives often do not go as planned, but it’s by admitting and growing from our mistakes where scripture can really shape us. When we’re faced with the plain words on the page of our bibles (Eg. Love our neighbors as ourselves — did we really do that?), is the opportunity to re-direct our thoughts, intentions & actions. It is God’s way to transform us more into the likeness of Christ.

“It is useful for making our lives whole again….” or NIV “correcting”

While it’s hard to admit that we make mistakes, the greater purpose beyond recognizing the mistake is to lead to actual change. “Correcting” gives us that chance to fix it & make it right. When we make things right, it can lead to healing and wholeness. I really like how in this Kids’ version of the scripture that this is expressed. That after recognizing the wrong, the point is to lead us to a place of wholeness or completeness. The only One who is truly complete is our God so it makes sense that it’s His Word that can lead us to that place as well. Correction allows us to have a second chance to do it the right way, the way that is in keeping with God’s desire for us to live in honor of him.

May God continue to allow His Word to shape us in this time of Lent, a season of repentance & change in order to truly grow closer to Christ.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Karen Quan






如早前所述,網上基督少年軍「Online Awana Kids」2021 年 9 月至 2022 年 6 月會專注研讀這一段主題經文。基督少年軍非常重視認識和背誦上帝的話語,這樣反映了我們是認真和擺上時間去學習上帝的話語。有關這一段經文的更多的思想…


沒有人喜歡犯錯或承認犯錯,但我們畢竟是人,是如此有限,離不開會犯錯,彷彿這是我們日常生活的一部分。無論是第一次嘗試製作新的食譜,還是學習如何關心和接待別人,往往是因為我們的失敗,我們才認識到自己的不足。我們的生活一般都未必可以百份百按我們的計劃實行,但只要我們承認並從錯誤中成長,這樣,神的話語才可以真正塑造我們。當我們讀到聖經上一些簡單的語句,例如:「愛我們的鄰舍像愛自己一樣」- 我們真的做到嗎?是時候我們找緊機會重新思索我們的思想行為,這是上帝陶造和轉化我們更像基督的途徑。




Fullness of God

Aug 14-15, 2021
From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Karen Quan

Eph. 3: 17- 19: NIV “….17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, BEING ROOTED AND ESTABLISHED in love, 18 may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and how high and deep is the love of Christ,  19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

It’s been a joy to meditate on this passage since Sept. 2020 with all those in Children’s Ministry & to have celebrated together on the Virtual Awana Awards Nite (June 25, 2021). Some of our leaders even memorized this passage and had their Awana Kids listen to the reciting! Hiding God’s word in our hearts is not only for those under 12.

May the following thoughts from verse 19 be of encouragement to you.

KNOW” What is it to really know someone? Not just know about them, but truly know them deeply and thoroughly? The previous verse reveals the multi directional love of Christ and here we are told to press on and know this love for ourselves. This love of Christ is beyond knowledge. Could it be that we just know about Christ’s love on a superficial level? Or know facts about Christ but have actually missed knowing Him personally? To really KNOW this love is to get personal and to be vulnerable with Christ. To spend time with Him, know His character and strive to understand what motivates Him to love us so.

“FILLED” Have you ever blown a balloon so that it was filled with so much air that you couldn’t add any more? Or eaten so much that you can’t even take one more bite? God’s desire is to fill us with Christ’s love, to fill us just as we will up our cars with gas. And this “filling” isn’t just once and done, it’s continuous. That we would be filled with Christ’s love every moment of each day: every hour, every minute, down to the second! The thought that the boundless love of Christ is offered to limited humans like us is so wonderful. Our God is generous and demonstrates this in the act of filling our hearts to the maximum level so that we are not left wanting or in need.

“FULLNESS OF GOD” As I try to imagine the “Fullness of God”, I picture a cup that is overflowing. Abundance….Surplus… like a fountain that never runs out of water. In memorizing this passage, I use hand gestures to remind myself of each phrase and this section involves God not only filling me with the love that I so need, but going beyond. God’s love is complete and with my human limitations, I’m challenged to think on the limitless & wholeness of God. This leads me to worship Him and give thanks for this great gift of love so freely given to us.

The kids have reflected and expressed their thoughts on this passage through art. Enjoy this link for the Secret Video “Rooted & Established”: