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Aug 14-15, 2021

以弗所書 3:17-19:「17使基督藉著你們的信,住在你們心裡,使你們既然在愛中扎根建基,18就能和眾聖徒一同領悟基督的愛是多麼的長闊高深,19並且知道他的愛是超過人所能理解的,使你們被充滿,得著神的一切豐盛。」

從 2020 年 9 月以來我就和兒童事工的所有事奉人員一起思考這段經文,並且與他們在2021年6月25日網上基督少年軍頒獎之夜(Awana Award Night)上一起慶祝,為此我獻上感恩。當中有一些組長甚至背誦並在他們的基督少年軍的孩子面前朗誦了這段經文!將上帝的話語藏在心裡的不僅是適用於 12 歲以下的人,是每一位弟兄姊妹都可以也應該做到。願以以下第 19 節的分享,彼此勉勵。

「知道」– 要如何才是真正知道某人?不是單單知道他們,而是真正深入完全認識他們?上一節揭示了基督的愛是何等的長濶高深,接著保羅告訴我們要認識並持守這一份愛。基督的愛是超越知識層面的。我們斷然不能只是在知識層面上認識基督的愛?或者知道一些有關於基督的事蹟,但實際上卻沒有親身認識祂?真正認識這份愛是需要透過自身的經歷,並完全倚靠祂才能夠掌握。需要用時間去經歷,領略祂的屬性以及努力了解是什麼促使祂如此愛我們。

「充滿」– 你曾否吹過氣球,把它吹脹到一個程度沒有辦法再吹多一點氣進去?或者你吃得太飽到一個程度沒有辦法再吞下更多的食物?上帝的心意就是把基督的愛充滿我們,這種「充滿」不是一次性的,就像給汽車加油一樣,是需要持續的。我們每一天、每一分、每一秒都被基督的愛充滿!基督無限的愛給我們有限的人是何等奇妙。我們的上帝是如此慷慨,讓祂的愛充滿我們每一個人的內心,以至我們不會有缺乏。

「神的豐盛」– 當我試圖想像「神的豐盛」時,就像是一個滿溢的杯子。豐足…滿溢…..就像一個永不止息的噴泉。在背誦這段經文時,我用手勢提醒自己每一節經文,上帝給我的愛不僅是我所需要的,並是多而又多。我不斷思想上帝的無限和完全,相比之下我看見了自己的有限,這促使我要敬拜祂,並且為祂白白將這份偉大的愛賜給我而不住的讚美。


how wide, how long, how high, how deep

Apr 24-25, 2021
From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Karen Quan

Eph. 3: 17- 19: NIV “….17so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, BEING ROOTED AND ESTABLISHED in love, 18may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and how high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

As mentioned in my contribution in Jan. 2021, the entire Children’s Ministry has been focusing on this passage for the entire ministry year. Here are some thoughts related to Eph. 3:18.

“POWER” What is our idea of power? These days, I can feel powerless to the constant changing of COVID measures & resulting impact. But this passage reminds me that with Christ dwelling in our hearts, we do have power – the power of God’s love through the Holy Spirit! And this power isn’t only within me, but is also in the lives of “all the saints” which are fellow believers. I have experienced this power through prayer, whether on Zoom Calls in Breakout Rooms or praying as an individual alongside others who are many kilometres from where I am, I have been knowing this power in increasing measure. This power from the Holy Spirit has been fueling my inner life, particularly with regards to the difficult and hard news of loss, heartache and things that are beyond my ability to bear.

“WIDE”…spanning from East to West …… “LONG”..stretching endlessly….. “HIGH” …moving in an upwards direction…
“DEEP”…going down to the depths of the ocean/earth………The arrows in the image above help me to see that it basically reflects in every single direction possible… “IS THE LOVE OF CHRIST” ….. It’s no wonder that the author uses the term “to grasp”… how can I grab hold of this idea? It’s like trying to get my arms around an enormous package…no matter which way I try to hold onto the box, I just can’t get a solid grip!

This multi-directional love of Christ, is generously offered to me, if only I could have a good hold or have my hands solidly capture this incredible love. And the most shocking little word that ties all of these directions together….. AND……which appears not once but 4 times in this verse. Could it be to reference the 4 directions? All I know is that it leads me to think upon the limitlessness of such love.

While we are called to be physically apart during this pandemic, may we each richly experience this all encompassing love of Christ. AND then having it take hold in our hearts, move out of our comfortable circles to share it with others in new and creative ways…..


Apr 24-25, 2021



「力量(能)」-我們對力量的概念是什麼呢?這一段日子,對新冠疫情的措施不斷變改及帶來的影響,我感到無能為力。但是這段經文提醒我,基督住在我們心裡,我們確實擁有力量-透過聖靈是上帝的愛的力量!這種力量不僅住在我心裡,還內住在「所有聖徒」即眾信徒的生命裡面。我透過禱告體驗了這種力量,無論是在「互聯網小組祈禱(Zoom Call Breakout Room)」,或是我與遠方的弟兄姊妹一起禱告時,我都越來越體驗到這種力量。尤其是在困苦、憂傷、和超越自己能力可以承擔的困局的時候,來自聖靈的這種力量不斷為我內在的生命「加油」。




From the Pastor’s Desk

Jan 02-03, 2021
From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Karen Quan

(Eph. 3:17-19) NIV “….so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, BEING ROOTED AND ESTABLISHED in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and how high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

Since Sept. 2020, all the children from Nursery – Gr. 6 have been focusing weekly on this one phrase “Being Rooted and Established”. While we are apart physically, our desire was to grow in maturity in this theme together as a ministry. Reminding and pointing one another to Christ’s love. Here are some thoughts related to this growing theme.

“BEING” – We are human beings and not human doings. Prior to COVID, we’ve all been guilty of trying to fit in too much activity. The focus on doing or achieving often leads us to believe that we only have value when we produce. This current time of being apart focuses us on doing less outside our homes but are we aware of our sense of being or the state of our souls? Taking time to be still in God’s presence and revel in His being allows all people, younger and older, to wonder at His magnificence.

“Rooted” – What are we rooted in? Do we have deepening roots in God’s word or prayer? Prior to COVID, our excuse was that we do not have time. But now that we do have it, how do we spend it? What are we consumed with? Even the babies as young as 18 months are responding in the Zoom Nursery by hand motions of reaching deep into the pretend soil. We’ve been encouraging the older kids that as they spend time memorizing for Awana, they are actually rooting themselves in scripture. And as they are reciting to their parents at home, we pray that it is rooting the whole family in truth. Maybe this is the time to read the bible on a regular basis? Perhaps consider committing to a Bible Reading Plan or even another translation of the bible over 2021?

“Established” – As the roots dig deep and stabilize a tree, so is our hope as believers to mature & flourish. From upside down hands to outward stretching motions, we’ve been encouraging the kids to live out the love of Christ that has been so generously given to us. Stemming from the deep love that Christ gives, acts of love can overflow from us into the world. Some of the ways that this has been expressed by kids has been drawing pictures, sending messages, calling those who are isolated, expressing love to grandparents from a distance…. What about ourselves? Have we been still enough to hear God through scripture? And being transformed by His word, do we move to live it out? Are we obedient to the Holy Spirit’s prompting to respond in order to experience true transformation?

I’m struck by the little word “AND” in this phrase. We’re called to a combination of grounding ourselves in scripture and expressing His love for all to see. The hidden work of the roots underground works in partnership with the growth that is above ground for all to experience. They work hand in hand. God is using this time in our kids in many ways and there’s still more to come. As 2021 begins, we will focus on vs. 18 (Jan-March) and vs. 19 (April-June). I look forward to what the Lord will show us as a community and how it will allow us to grow deeper in God’s love.

Pastor Karen Quan


Jan 02-03, 2021



存活」(BEING) – 我們是人,不是為工作而存活的人。在新冠疫症之前,我們都錯誤地將許多的活動放在我們的時間表裡面。我們將焦點放在工作或成就,引領我們相信,只有當我們有生產能力,我們才有價值。目前的限聚令促使我們減少外出活動,但是我們會否檢視自己存活的意義或屬靈的狀況?讓我們把時間留給神,享受與神同在的憩息,察驗祂的偉大全能。

扎根」(ROOTED) – 我們扎根於什麼?我們是否扎根在神的話語或禱告裡?在新冠疫症之前,我們常常用沒有時間為藉口,但現在我們有的是時間,我們如何渡過?我們如何運用我們的時間?甚至只有18個月大的嬰兒,都會在網上幼兒班在螢幕前作出回應用手模擬深入泥土。我們一直鼓勵基督少年軍(Awana)的學員背誦聖經,實際上是要叫他們扎根於聖經。當他們在家裡與父母背誦時,盼望神讓整個家庭也同時扎根於聖經的真理當中。也許是時候我們要習慣定期閱讀聖經了?可以考慮在2021年參加《聖經閱讀計劃》,甚至閱讀不同譯本的聖經?

建基」(建造)(ESTABLISHED) – 當樹的根部深入泥土可以穩固一棵樹,同樣作為信徒的我們盼望屬靈生命成長和發旺。我們從不同的方法和方向,一直鼓勵孩子們要活出基督的愛,這份愛如此慷慨的送給我們,我們要用行動去回應,把基督這份深厚的愛傾流到世界。孩子們會用各樣方式來表達這份愛,包括繪畫、發送短訊,打電話問候那些被分隔的家人朋友,向遠方的祖父母表達愛意…。那我們呢?我們是否有閱讀聖經聆聽上帝的話語?有否被祂的話語陶造,被祂感動並且活出基督的愛?我們有否順從聖靈的指引作出回應以致經歷真正的改變?

這短句中的「」(AND) 激發我的思想。神呼召我們扎根於聖經,向所有人彰顯祂的愛。正如一棵樹,根部隱藏在地下,與地面上的樹幹合伙工作,它們手牽手合作,一同經歷成長。上帝在這段時間及未來的日子,以各式各樣的方法使用我們的孩子,傳揚祂的大愛。2021年即將到臨,我們將聚焦研讀18節(1至3月)及19節(4至6月)。期待主向我們展示,以致我們作為主內一個群體,能夠在主的愛裡更加彼此相愛。



Sep 19-20, 2020





日營的其中一大特色是時間並且相當豐富。有好幾天我們每天在一起9-10個小時。Kelly 和Janzen有許多活動項目計劃,我們還需要找機會安靜下來去解答這些問題。我體會到不僅是成人能發問深奧的問題,如關乎優先次序或關係上的問題,小孩子也會發問一些複雜性的問題和尋求真理。有時,我們給他們的回答是「我不知道,但我願意去尋找」或「這是個奧秘,求上帝繼續向你啟示。」。我非常感恩,我們能夠分別與年齡相約的孩子一起討論有關神學知識及在聖經中找到這些真理的地方。我們能夠將他們指向上帝的話語,而不是聆聽我們的說話。


Deep thoughts from young hearts….

Sep 19-20, 2020
From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Karen QuanThe pandemic has brought chaos into our lives. Schedules have turned upside down, simple tasks now take much more time and relationships have been deeply affected. We are tired of hearing of watching the news, only to hear nothing but bad news. But is there more that this pandemic brings?

I’m thankful that in the midst of such chaos, we as a church had the opportunity to support families who could no longer work from home. Day Camps is a ministry that we have been hosting since 2009 but this year proved to be the most unique experience ever. Thanks to Kelly Luk & Janzen To (a former Day Camp kid) and without any volunteers, we managed to host 4 weeks of 6-11 kids. But it certainly had its challenges in terms of group life as kids had been stuck at home for months, learn new safety protocols (masks/physical distancing) and how to function as a family not just an individual.

Yet despite these real obstacles, God brought more than we could have ever expected. Though tender in age, the deep questions that arose from this bunch surprised even me. Our Daily Bible Time extended overtime as they would ask difficult and deep questions about God/the world. Their questions became so many over the course of the day that we decided to create a “Question Box.” This way, they could submit their questions all day long and we could have some time to prepare and research before we answered them.

Some of the questions they asked:
1) Were there dinosaurs in the bible?
2) How can God be 3 in 1? How can Jesus be God’s son and God too?
3) Is the Bible against Divorce?
4) Is the Bible against being gay? But doesn’t God love everyone?
5) What happens after we die? Do we get another body? What is our spirit?
6) Isn’t God sad by the many the people dying of COVID? He’s so powerful, can’t he just make it stop?

One of the great features in Day Camp is time and lots of it. Some days we spent 9-10 hours together. And while Kelly/Janzen had lots of program plans, these took a back seat to the opportunity to address such questions. I realized that it’s not only the adults who are asking deeper questions of themselves in terms of priorities and relationships. Kids are also asking tough questions and seeking truth. Sometimes, our answer to them was “I don’t know, but I’m willing to go and find out” or “It’s a mystery, ask God to continue to show you.” I’m so grateful that we were able to discuss in age appropriate groups with these kids about theology and where to find these truths in scripture. That we were able to point them to God’s words rather than just listen to our words.

So while this pandemic has brought hard adjustments to daily living, it’s also brought an opportunity to wonder, to think and search for God in ways that perhaps we wouldn’t have done before COVID. May we as God’s people also dive deeper into God’s word to seek His truth for ourselves.