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關潔玲傳道 2023.12.30/31


今年十月初,我被朱莉·布萊克(加拿大歌手/作曲家)挑戰,要求我成為一個每天都實踐感恩的人。今年夏天,布萊克因為改變了國歌中的歌詞“哦,加拿大,我們的祖國在原住民地……”而成為頭條新聞,但更重要的是我了解到她從小就在多倫多的教會裡唱歌。 雖然我不太了解她與神的個人關係,但她提出的這兩個問題令我震驚:“這個感恩節我們會記得感恩嗎?”以及“為什麼我們要等到年底的最後一天(12 月 31 日)才回顧和實踐感恩之情?”

 我在想感恩節期間我們真的表達了感謝嗎? 我們是否只遵循古老的傳統,在 10 月 8日圍著餐桌每人列出生活中的一個祝福? 如果每個人不論任何信仰背景都更感恩,我們的社會會是什麼樣子? 布萊克的問題促使我接受了這項挑戰,從 10月到12月創寫為期3個月的感恩日記。這樣我就會停下來刻意地列出3件每天讓我感激的事物或境況。我接受了這個挑戰,並感謝神在這幾個月裡向我展示的一切。

雖然寫下三段陳述並不需要太長時間,但確實需要時間來刻意地回顧我的一天,看看神是如何作工的,以及我為什麼感謝祂。老實說,有些日子我忘記了,但即使是體驗趕上回顧錯過的日子也是一種成長的經歷。 對我來說,回顧並為我所感激的內容立下標題是好的。更重要的是,不僅僅是列出對我個人有利的事物或珍寶清單,我還被吸引去感謝所有這些好禮物的賜予者,我們的神。

對驚喜表示感謝是容易的,例如與至愛一起慶祝的邀請、 宴聚的邀請、與朋友聯誼以及我們喜愛的活動都是感恩的愉快時光。 真正的考驗是在平凡的生活中似乎沒有任何大事件或明顯值得感謝的時刻,仍培養更刻意地尋找神如何在當天的祝福,並渴望將其記錄在日記中,這是愉快的經歷。 最後,在特別困難的時刻,尤其是在失落和悲傷至不知所措或一片空白時,更豐富地形成一顆無論何境況都感恩的心。 感謝神是何等樣的神,而不是我此時此刻的感受。

 帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:18 呼籲我們“凡事謝恩”,而不僅僅是在順境或安逸的情況下,因為神知道當我們處於艱難和患難的環境時,我們更需要祂。 這節經文繼續說,“感謝是神在基督耶穌裡對我們的旨意”,特別是當我們有需要時,我們就不會絕望,而是親近神,使我們能被塑造成像祂的樣式。 願我們以更深刻、更感恩的心在神面前結束 2023年並進入2024年。


Nov 11/12, 2023

From the Pastors’ Desk: Pastor Karen Quan

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Gen 1: 14-15 (The Message)

“God spoke: “Lights! Come out! Shine in Heaven’s sky! Separate Day from Night. Mark seasons and days and years, Lights in Heaven’s sky to give light to Earth.” And there it was.”

The beauty of the fall colors are always my favorite time of the year. We are truly blessed to experience the variations of all 4 seasons in Canada. Ironically, the beauty of the colors of the leaves originate from the process of their death. As the leaves change color, they will eventually fall to the ground in preparation and waiting for winter. Only the mighty Evergreens can keep their needles & branches full.

So while these maple trees are preparing for more, we too as a church family are in a specific season. Our season is one of leadership transitions. A time where we have lots of questions and few solid answers. What does a Transitional Pastor and Transitional Coach look like? How will they assist us as a church family? When will they come to us?

Scripture tells us that seasons were always part of God’s design. From the time of creation in Genesis, God has “Marked” the start and end of a day, a year & groups our seasons. A way for us to delineate & trace God’s goodness in having a time for all things.

Waiting is always hard but waiting allows for an aspect of being quiet. Only as we are quiet, are we able to see & hear more clearly from our God. A time where we may be quietly & actively praying for ourselves and our church. A time where we continue to wait in obedience before the Lord as He unfolds what’s best for us. We can be quietly & prayerfully looking to see God at work. Who might God be shaping us to be during this special time? Are there people in need that we can be caring for or serving even now? We can be actively inviting God to mature and grow in faith as we wait for a new leader. We can actively consider and remove those attitudes that keep us apart from God. We can seek to do more inner work: self-reflection, review and re-alignment to God. As a church family, it’s a season to wait expectantly before God.

During this time we can be asking God to increase our faith in His good & perfect plans (Jer. 29:11). Invite him to focus our eyes increasingly on Him and not on human plans or strategies. A time where we can mature in trust while He quietly works and provides for us while we wait for Him to lead us into a new chapter.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Karen Quan




創世記1:14-15 神說:“在天上穹蒼中,要有光體來分晝夜;這些光體要作為記號,定節令、日子和年歲;它們要在天上穹蒼中發光,照耀地上!”  事就這樣成了。



聖經告訴我們,季節總是神設計的一部分。 從創世記中的創造開始,神就「定」了一天、一年和季節的開始和結束,這是讓我們勾畫和追索神在所有事情上都有定時的美意。

等待總是很艱難,但等待卻存在安靜的一面。只有當我們安靜時,我們才能更清楚地看到和聽到神的聲音。在這個時候,我們可以安靜地、積極地為自己和教會祈禱。在這段時間裡,我們繼續在主面前順服,等待祂向我們展示對我們最好的。我們可以安靜地、虔誠地仰望神在作工,神會在這個特別時期怎樣塑造我們?此時此刻有什麼有需要的人我們可以服侍和關顧?當我們等待新的領袖時,我們可以積極地邀請神使我們在信心上更鞏固和成熟,我們可以積極反思並除去那些使我們與神隔絕的態度,我們可以追求做更多的內在工作:自我反省、檢視並重新調整至與神保持一致。 作為教會一家,這是一個在神面前抱著期待等候的時刻。

在此期間,我們可以祈求神增強我們對祂美好而完美計劃的信心(耶利米書 29:11)。邀請祂將我們的目光越發集中在祂身上,而不是人的計劃或策略上。 此時此刻,我們可以在信靠中成長,相信神在靜靜地作工並會供應我們,期待祂帶領我們進入新的一章。


“VBS Aug 21-25, 2023”’


From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Karen Quan

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

God has been so good to us as a church family this summer. Not only were we able to host 6 weeks of Day Camps for Working Families, we had the opportunity to resume VBS. This is the biggest outreach event for kids & families during our ministry year. Our goal is to have 50% of those attending as unchurched and after a 4 year absence due to the pandemic, we are grateful for the 25% unchurched who registered. Another goal for VBS is for the churched kids to have an immersive experience of scripture. VBS often becomes a spiritual marker in their faith journey as we spend over 30 hours together in ministry. With 80 kids and 45 volunteers, we focused on the theme of “Shine Jesus’ Light.”

Except for a handful of adults, our serving team were all serving for the very first time, so a repeated phrase became “Everyone has a 1st time!” We are so grateful for how God moved among our Youth Ministry to commit and serve for the week. God has nurtured and matured many of our teens in their faith due to this ministry event. Relationships were built between kids & leaders and among leaders’ themselves. Over the years, we have seen how this ministry becomes 2 tracks: one for the kids and another for the serving team. Decisions to know Jesus & grow in him were made by kids and our teens.

The summary of our learning is below but truly, these are not only lessons for the kids. As a serving team, we were able to see the need to apply these lessons to our own lives during the week of VBS and I pray that we’re still applying & growing in these lessons beyond VBS.

  • When life feels dark….Shine Jesus’ Light
  • When people don’t get along…Shine Jesus’ Light
  • When good things happen…Shine Jesus’ Light
  • When people are sad….Shine Jesus’ Light
  • When people need help….Shine Jesus’ Light

Due to the absence of the English Pastor, we decided to cancel our Family BBQ and host a VBS Celebration Worship Service on Aug 27. How wonderful it was to welcome some of our unchurched families to join us for a “Family Worship” in the English service where kids were present for the entire service. Whether serving directly with the children or behind the scenes like our food team who prepared all of our lunches, God graciously provided all that we needed. Physically, it was tiring but in our spirits, God was our strength.

“My flesh and heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Karen Quan

「暑期聖經班(VBS) 2023 年 8 月21 至25日」



今年夏天,神恩待我們教會大家庭。我們不僅能夠為在職家長的家庭舉辦為期六星期的兒童日營,我們還恢復暑期聖經班(VBS),VBS是我們每年為兒童和家庭舉辦最大型的外展活動。因疫情緣故停辦四年之後,我們的目標是有50%參加者是沒有參加教會活動。我們對有25% 沒有參加教會活動的人註冊表示感恩。VBS 的另一個目標是讓教會的孩子對聖經經文有更深刻的理解。我們與孩子們一起度過30 多個小時,VBS 常常成為他們信仰歷程中的一個標記。我們有 80 名孩子和 45 名事奉人員,大家一起專注在本年度主題「閃耀耶穌之光」。


以下是我們學習的總結,但實際上,這些不僅是給孩子的課程。作為一個事奉團隊,我們能夠將 VBS這一 週的課程應用到我們自己的生活裡,祈求我們日後仍然能夠應用這些課程並且在這些課程中成長。

  1. 當人生感到黑暗時……閃耀耶穌的光
  2. 當人與人之間相處不愉快……閃耀耶穌的光
  3. 當遇到美好的時光……閃耀耶穌的光
  4. 當人們悲傷時……閃耀耶穌的光
  5. 當人們需要幫助時……閃耀耶穌的光

由於未有英語牧者,我們決定取消家庭燒烤活動,並於 8 月27 日舉辦 VBS 慶祝崇拜聚會。很高興歡迎一些未參加教會的家庭與他們的孩子出席我們英語“家庭崇拜”。無論是直接服侍孩子,還是像我們的餐務團隊在幕後為我們準備所有午餐,上帝供應我們所需的一切。我們肉體是疲累,但在靈裡上帝是我們的力量。

「我的肉身和我的內心雖然漸漸衰弱,神卻永遠是我心裡的磐石,是我的業分。」 (詩篇 73:26)


Pastoral Voice

Aug 19/20, 2023

From the Pastor’s Desk : Pastor Karen Quan

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

“Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he’s done.” Phil 4: 6

This has been our Memory Verse during the month of July for Bible Time (the Children’s Ministry Sessions that parallel the Worship Services). So simple, yet so challenging to put into practice.

Together with the kids, we traced the lives of Ruth, Hannah & Samuel. We saw over and over again that God provided what was needed. Whether that was for the individual, for their family and how it blessed their greater community. Our personal God stepped in and recognized personal needs. He further met those needs and demonstrated the great lengths to which he would care for his people.

The verse begins with a negative command “Don’t worry about anything”. It’s not a suggestion or just a good idea, it warns us, “Do Not do this…” As Paul writes, he knows full well the frailty of our humanness. But he does not leave us with just a negative command as the sentence continues with “..instead pray about everything.” Knowing that our human nature will often fail, Paul instructs us to replace worry with prayer. God inspires Paul to write in such a way that the quiet act of praying strengthens our souls by turning our attention away from ourselves and instead re-directing our attention to God.

Further, we are commanded again, “Tell God what you need & thank him for all he’s done.” God knows that our human nature is to complain but rather than allowing ourselves to indulge, he again redirects us to focus on himself & what he’s done in our lives.

While children are often perceived as care free, I actually feel that this was a very timely verse for us. As the WHO declared COVID 19 over as a Global Health Emergency (as of May 5, 2023), we continue to live with managing the effects of this health threat. This generation of kids have witnessed the worry/fear/confusion of all the adults in their lives and experienced first hand the weight of uncertainty. We continue to see the cautiousness of some kids when gathering and the impact of a lack of opportunity to navigate social situations due to few interactive experiences.

What a joy it is to be able to teach kids from an early age what to do when worrying comes. There is a fine line between “Thinking” about a matter and how easily that can cross over into “Worrying”. Scripture prepares us that worrying will come but when it does, God has given us a way to deal with it. Our Almighty God invites us to talk to him about everything: every concern, difficulty or challenge. We get to go directly to God & tell him what we need and in his time, he will show us how he responds.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Karen Quan








雖然孩子們一般被認定是無憂無慮的,但實際上我覺得這節經文對我們來說是非常及時的金句。隨著世界衛生組織於2023 年5 月5 日宣布新冠肺炎(COVID-19) 不再是全球突發衛生事件,我們仍然繼續應對這一健康威脅的影響,這一代的孩子目睹了所有成年人在生活當中的擔憂、恐懼、困惑,及親身體驗那前境不明朗的重壓。我們仍會看到一些孩子在聚會時步步為營的態度,以及由於互動的體驗減少,以致缺乏社交應對機會,所帶來的影響。

能夠教導孩子從小就認識當憂慮來臨時該如何去處理,是多麼令人欣慰。“思考”某一件事情,很容易會轉變為“憂慮”,兩者之間只是一條很微小的界線。聖經告訴我們憂慮會來臨,但當憂慮發生時,神早已給了我們一個處理它的方法。我們全能的上帝邀請我們把一切事情告訴祂,每一個憂慮、困難或挑戰。 我們可以藉著禱告直接去告訴上帝我們的需要,上帝按著祂的時間,祂會向我們展示祂的回應。


Happy Fathers Day

June 17/18, 2023

From the Pastors’ Desk: Pastor Karen Quan

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Psalm 103: 13 (NiRv) A father is tender and kind to his children. In the same way, the Lord is tender and kind to those who have respect for him.

Did you know that the origin of Father’s Day for North America began during a sermon just across the BC border? In 1909, Sonora Smart Dodd was in worship, listening to the preacher teaching regarding the newly established holiday called “Mother’s Day” in Spokane, Washington. Sadly, Sonora’s mother passed away during childbirth when she was only 16 years old. As the eldest child and only girl, she helped her father to raise her 5 younger brothers. The more she listened to the sermon, the more she thought about her father, who served as both Mother and Father to all the children.

Sonora greatly respected her earthly father and felt strongly that fathers should also be recognized with a special day. She spoke to the Spokane Ministerial Alliance and suggested her father’s birthday, June 5 but finally the group decided on the 3rd Sunday of June. It would take until 1972 for President Nixon to establish the day as a permanent national holiday for the United States.

The psalmist begins Psalm 103 by praising God and then describes the many ways that God shows his love and forgiveness for his people. The kids in Bible Time have been memorizing Psalm 103: 8 which speaks for God’s mercy & compassion. How he’s slow to anger and full of love. So the kindness of God is compared to the kindness of human fathers who all desire the best for their children. What an amazing gift of love for us as humans, who are so undeserving of his faithfulness.

Whether we have the privilege of celebrating with our earthly fathers today or not, scripture reminds us that our Heavenly Father is always with us. His tenderness has been poured upon us through our earthly fathers. While for some of us, even though our earthly fathers have passed on, it is also important to remember and cherish those who serve as Father Figures in our lives. Let us praise our Perfect Heavenly Father for his tenderness & kindness. May we also make time to recognize those individuals who have loved us so generously.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Karen Quan




詩篇103:13 (新譯本)「父親怎樣憐恤兒子,耶和華也照樣憐恤敬畏他的人;」

您知道北美「父親節」的起源是在卑斯省邊界南面的一次崇拜講道中開始的嗎?1909 年在華盛頓州斯波坎市(Spokane, Washington),索諾拉·斯馬特·多德(Sonora Smart Dodd) 在崇拜中,聆聽牧者講述關於新設立的「母親節」的教導。令人遺憾的是,索諾拉的母親在她年僅16 歲時因難產去世。作為家中的長女和唯一的女兒,她需要協助父親撫養5個弟弟。她一邊聽道一邊想念著她的父親,他父親的角色既是所有孩子的父親,也是母親。

索諾拉非常尊重她地上的父親,並強烈認為也應該為父親設立一個特定的日子被得到認同。為此她與斯波坎的Spokane Ministerial Alliance進行了交談,並建議以她父親的生晨6 月 5 日為父親節,但該小組最終決定6 月的第三個星期日。直到1972 年,尼克遜總統才將這一天定為美國的永久法定假期。

詩篇103篇詩人以讚美上帝開始,然後描述上帝以不同的方式向祂的子民展示祂的愛和寬恕。列宣家的小孩子在聖經時間一直在背誦詩篇 103:8,第8節講述上帝的恩典和憐憫。祂不輕易發怒且有豐盛的慈愛。上帝的慈愛可比美地上父親的慈愛,都希望自己的兒子得到最好的。對我們這些不配得祂信實的人來說,這是一份何等奇妙的愛的禮物。



Gr. 6 Class: Servant Leadership

April 15-16, 2023

From the Pastor’s Desk:Pastor Karen Quan

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

We all desire to be led well, but how does that happen? Faithful leaders are raised and need time to grow. To make mistakes, to adjust, to fail and to turn to Jesus again and again. For it is only by His grace that anyone of us can be entrusted to lead others. In the Children’s Ministry, we are thankful to be able to offer the “Servant Leadership Class for Gr. 6’s In Person”. Taking this class doesn’t guarantee that a good leader will be made but rather it’s an opportunity to grow in Christlikeness at this critical time of moving into the teen years.

We believe that it is Christ who grows and shapes each person. No matter how old they are or how much experience they’ve had. Servant leadership focuses on how to BE a servant more than lead others. It is only in engaging in the process of actively following Jesus that we can be transformed and changed into His likeness. We are never too young to begin our discipleship journey.

Servant leadership is built upon Godly character development.  Humility, faithfulness, gentle strength, these are Jesus’ ways of leading. Our modern society often uses the opposite of these characteristics to measure a “successful leader”. But our goal is to grow Gr 6’s who begin by following in Jesus’ ways and not the world’s. Quietly and steadfastly being nurtured in the ways of the Spirit to consider others above themselves. This is a lifelong process of growing in God’s ways and our desire is to help pre-teens start well. We desire to encourage maturity in each person whether being a participant or helping to lead.

For in fact, the best leaders are those who are passionate followers of Jesus. Following his example of loving others in hard situations, noticing & caring for  those who are hurt, and ultimately, pointing to God with their words and their actions.

Phil 2: 3-4 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Karen Quan