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Deeper Life and Broader Vision


From the Pastor’s Desk: Rev.Collins Kung

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

RCAC is an English/Chinese/Mandarin trilingual church. We have five worship congregations yet we share the same goal – to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and fulfill the Great Commission. We demonstrate the unity of our church through our common theme and common preaching messages.

This weekend’s worship will cross two years, from 2022 to 2023. We will also start a new theme from the New Year:  “Deeper Life, Broader Vision”. I have chosen to use two words, “deeper” and “broader”, to emphasize our need for action, and not just slogans. We uphold the traditions of the Christian Missionary Alliance.  On the one hand, we believe that believers must grow in spiritual life and  Christ followers must learn His teachings and put His teachings into practice. Jesus Christ is our role model, we deepen our spiritual life through His words and deeds. On the other hand, we need to broaden our horizons and recognize who are our neighbors, so that we can embrace the world and obey the Great Commission declared by the Lord.

From January to April 2023, we will study the Gospel of John and take the life of Jesus as examples of life deepening:

Beginning with the incarnation of Jesus Christ, He humbled Himself from the position of God to the likeness of man. John 1:18 ” No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.”  Jesus Christ manifests a life centered on God. Wherever he went, he preached the gospel to the people he met and challenging their beliefs and lives.

  • He spoke to the Jewish teacher Nicodemus about the need to be born again.
  • He talked to the Samaritan woman about the living water and made her realize the Messiah in front of her eyes.
  • He fed 5,000 people with the miracle of five loaves and two fishes, exhorting people to pursue the bread of life.
  • How He treated a woman caught in adultery and declared Himself to be the Light of the world.
  • He declared Himself a good shepherd, willing to lay down His life for the sheep so that the sheep could have abundant life.
  • He raised Lazarus back to life, declared that He is the resurrection and the life, and gave hope of resurrection to the world.
  • According to the date prophesied in the Scripture, He entered Jerusalem meekly on a donkey, showing that He is the King of Israel who came in the name of the Lord.
  • He shared the Last Supper with His disciples, washed their feet, and instituted the Eucharist for the disciples to remember the new covenant with Him.
  • When the disciples were sad, He comforted them He is the way to God the Father.
  • He emphasized to his disciples that the relationship with himself should be connected like the true vine with its branches, and they should remain in the Lord.
  • Before going to the cross, He offered the High Priest’s Prayer to intercede for the disciples.
  • In the end, He fully obeyed, was delivered into the hands of the religious leaders, and died on the cross for us by laying down His life.
  • The story is not over yet…He resurrected on the third day and defeated death according to His prophecy to the disciples.
  • After His resurrection, He appeared to His disciples, strengthened Peter, and charged him to follow the Lord’s example and shepherd the flock.

Let us study the Gospel of John from a deeper life perspective, learn to imitate the life of Jesus as an example to a deeper life, and exhibit the beauty of Christ. May glory and praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ, amen!

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Collins Kung








  • 祂與猶太人的拉比尼哥德慕談論重生的必要。
  • 祂與撒瑪利亞婦人談論活水,讓她認識到眼前的彌賽亞
  • 祂以五餅二魚的神蹟令5000人吃飽,勸告人要追求生命糧。
  • 祂怎樣對待一個行淫中被抓住的婦人,宣告自己就是世界的光。
  • 祂宣告自己是好牧人,願意為羊捨命,叫羊得著豐盛的生命。
  • 祂叫拉撒路復活,宣告祂就是就是復活和生命,給世人復活的盼望。
  • 祂按聖經預言的日子,騎著小驢謙謙和和地進入耶路撒冷,表明祂就是奉主名來的以色列王。
  • 祂與門徒共享最後晚餐,為他們洗腳,設立聖餐要門徒記念與祂所立的新約。
  • 門徒憂愁時,祂安慰門徒祂就是通往父神之路。
  • 祂向門徒強調與自己的關係要像真葡萄樹與枝子這樣連結,要常在主裡。
  • 在上十架前,獻上大祭司的禱告,為門徒代求。
  • 最後,祂完全順服,被交在宗教領袖手裡,為我們捨棄生命,死在十字架上。
  • 故事還未完結…按著向門徒的預告第三日復活,戰勝死亡。
  • 祂復活後向門徒顯現,堅固彼得,囑咐他效法主的榜樣,牧群羊。



Grace upon grace


From the Pastor’s Desk:Rev.Collins Kung

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Recently, I saw on TV news that the storm battered the Atlantic Province, houses and roads were severely damaged and devastated, there are still power outages in many parts of the region. It was really appalling. Another storm hit Florida in the US which also caused severe damage.

When a reporter interviewed an owner of a tourist camp in Prince Edward Island, he said most of the holiday homes had been destroyed and all travelers who had booked the camp had to cancel. The reporter also visited the owner of an oyster farm, he told him that most of oysters in the bay were damaged and he suffered heavy losses!

Thanksgiving reminds me that God is the source of all His grace

When I see this news, I pray for them. At the same time, I am thinking what would I do if it happened to me? I am so thankful in my heart that God keeps me peace and calm every day.

These kinds of things remind me that things happen as planned should not be taken it for granted. You can come and go safely, you go to work and come home safely.  It is God’s protection!  We should be thankful for what God has done to us every day. When we are thankful, we acknowledge that God is the source of all grace. HE is the One controls everything in the universe, Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.

We often think that everything is under our control. In fact, it is the grace of God that everything can be done according to our plan. I personally believe that God has done miracles on me. For example, if I want to travel abroad, there are actually many uncertainties. I may be infected with Covid-19 and cannot make the trip. May be the plane is delayed and is too late to make connection flight to the destination. May be the airport security check takes too long and I missed the flight. Maybe upon my arrival to the destination, my luggage is missing. To be able to go and return safely is actually God’s gracious hand upon me! James 4:13-15 gave me a great reminder: Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”—  yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.  Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”

Thanksgiving reminds us of God’s countless grace

Psalm 103:2 ” Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits,!”

When we give thanks to God, we remember God has a lot of grace in us, we will not forget it so easily. When I started ministering at the beginning, an old pastor taught me to include thanksgivings in my prayer items, I am doing it until to date. In the Old Testament, when God gave the Ten Commandments to the Israelites,  Exodus 20:2 God said: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.” God told the Israelites to follow the feasts to remember the grace of God so that they can pass on their faith from generation to generation. When the Israelites forsook God, and didn’t even keep the Passover. They became ungrateful. Only when we always be thankful, we will remember that God has countless graces.

Thanksgiving keeps us connected to God and grace upon grace

When we have a thankful heart to God, we always look upon God, just like the relationship of the vine and the branches, be connected with God. John 15:5 The Lord Jesus said, “…whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit…”. When you experience the grace of God, you will trust Him more. The more you trust HIM, the more grace you will receive from God. John 1:16 “For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.”

May all brothers and sisters be a person who always be thankful to God!

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Collins Kung



















From the Pastor’s Desk: Rev Collins Kung

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Richmond Chinese Alliance Church was established on June 12, 1977. A group of brothers and sisters from Vancouver Chinese Alliance Church had the vision of planting a church in Richmond. By the grace of God, RCAC celebrates its 45th anniversary.

With the growing population of Richmond, today RCAC has developed into a trilingual church. Under the leadership of Rev. Simon Lee, we have 9 pastoral staff and 2 office staff. There are 5 worship congregations. As the pandemic gradually subsided, the number of people comes back to in-person services at church has gradually increased, and the number of newcomers joining our worship services has been increasing.

I came to RCAC 31 years ago in 1991. After the June 4th Incident in 1989, there was a crisis of confidence as to future of Hong Kong, and a wave of immigrants emerged. Under this atmosphere, I emigrated from Hong Kong to Canada and live in Vancouver.  RCAC is my spiritual home and I become a member of this big family. Later, I followed God’s calling, I dedicated myself and received theological training, and joined the pastoral team in 2008. In those days, the sanctuary was full of worshippers during worship services and fellowship meetings flourished. Later in January 1992, with the encouragement by our previous Senior Pastor Rev. David Ng, we started the Saturday Noon Worship Service and it continues until now.

By the grace of God, the church has continuously been growing, and the brothers and sisters has been very passionate for evangelism. During those days, I also received the Evangelism Explosion III training, and followed the evangelism team to visit the community from house to house to spread the gospel to them. I also witnessed the development of the church planting ministry of the RCAC family. Within the past 31 years, we witnessed four Alliance Churches established in Richmond.  We have planted North Richmond Alliance Church, Richmond Grace Alliance Church and Richmond Faith Alliance Church, and the North Richmond Alliance Church has further planted the Richmond Capstan Alliance Church.  We all adhere to the core value of The Alliance Family, i.e. Deeper Life and Evangelism & Mission. That’s what the church here for. On one hand, we praise and worship God; on the other hand, we witness the love of God, the grace of Jesus Christ, to bring the lost soul into the Kingdom of the Lord.

With the arrival of a new wave of immigrants from Hong Kong, the RCAC family is ready to welcome them. The attendants of our Saturday night AYAYA Worship Service has been increasing, as well as the children and young people, we ask the Lord to provide His servants to us to look after these people . In addition, the Mandarin ministries have started a disciple training ministry. During the outreach ministry on the last Mother’s Day, we found that there are many Chinese living in the Tsawwassen areas. We hope that we can plant a church in this area in the near future. Adhering to the vision of The Alliance Family, inheriting the past and opening up the future.

On this great day of the 45th anniversary celebration, may we all remember the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus. Don’t forget the purpose of our existence, let RCAC continue to be a bright lampstand, amen!

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Collins Kung











From the Opening Ceremony of the Winter Olympics…

From the Pastor’s Desk: Rev. Collins Kung

 Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Beijing Winter Olympics finally opened on last Friday, the 4th day of the Chinese New Year. China announced that it is a simple opening ceremony this time, the size and the time is greatly reduced, compared to the opening ceremony of 2008 Summer Olympics. The four great inventions of China were introduced in 2008 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony, and the 24 Solar Terms of the Chinese Calendar was introduced this time.

According to Wikipedia, the Chinese calculated the Solar Terms based on the movement of the earth around the sun, resulting in annual seasonal weather changes, and serving as a time-frame for agricultural activities. In 2016, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) included the 24 Solar Terms in the representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity.

As a Chinese city dweller, I certainly don’t know the 24 Solar Terms very well. It turns out that the names of the 24 Solar Terms reflect the changes in seasons and its weather. They consist of Beginning of Spring, Spring Equinox, Beginning of Summer, Summer Solstice, Beginning of Autumn, Autumn Equinox, Beginning of Winter and Winter Solstice. They are called the Eight Bits, and are the key nodes that distinguish the impact of revolution on the earth. The Solar Terms were further divided into sixteen categories: Rain Water, Awakening of Insects, Pure Brightness, Grain Rain, Grain Buds, Grain in Ear, Minor Heat, Major heat, End of Heat, White Dew, Cold Dew, Frost’s Descent, Minor Snow, Major Snow, which reflect the more subtle climate changes in the four seasons.

It is indeed the grace of God that allows us to observe this natural phenomenon from His creation. This is God’s revelation to enable us to properly manage what He has created.

  • Genesis 1:14-19: God said: Let there be lights to divide day and night, for signs and seasons, for days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth. And it was so. God made the two great lights, the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. There was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.

Although man sinned and rebelled against God, God saved human through Noah and made a covenant with man. The following are His promises to man in the Noahic covenant:

  • Genesis 8:20-22: Noah built an altar to the LORD and took some of every clean animal and some of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And when the LORD smelled the pleasing aroma, the LORD said in his heart, “I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done. While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.

When we look at the heaven and earth and all things created by God, we have a sense of eternity and we long for living forever:

  • Ecclesiastes 3:11: God has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, He has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.

Man must know God in order to be in His eternal embrace.  Because of this, God sent his only begotten Son into the world as a man, so that man can be saved by believing in Him.

  • Hebrews 1:3: He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and He upholds the universe by the word of His power. After making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.

Brothers and sisters, while we learn the 24 Solar Terms, we should acknowledge our God who is the creator and redemptor behind the scene, and understand that He cares for us.

  • Psalm 8:3-4: When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?

Your servant in Christ
Rev. Collins Kung


作者: 龔敏光牧師






  • 創1:14-19神說:天上要有光體,可以分晝夜,作記號,定節令、日子、年歲,並要發光在天空,普照在地上。事就這樣成了。於是神造了兩個大光,大的管晝,小的管夜,又造眾星,就把這些光擺列在天空,普照在地上,管理晝夜,分別明暗。神看著是好的。有晚上,有早晨,是第四日。


  • 創8:20-22 挪亞為耶和華築了一座壇,拿各類潔淨的牲畜、飛鳥獻在壇上為燔祭。耶和華聞那馨香之氣,就心裡說:我不再因人的緣故咒詛地(人從小時心裡懷著惡念),也不再按著我才行的滅各種的活物了。地還存留的時候,稼穡、寒暑、冬夏、晝夜就永不停息了


  • 傳3:11 神造萬物,各按其時成為美好,又將永生(原文是永遠)安置在世人心裡。然而神從始至終的作為,人不能參透。


  • 來1:3 他是神榮耀所發的光輝,是神本體的真像,常用他權能的命令托住萬有。他洗淨了人的罪,就坐在高天至大者的右邊。


  • 詩8:3-4我觀看你指頭所造的天,並你所陳設的月亮星宿,便說:人算什麼,你竟顧念他?世人算什麼,你竟眷顧他?



Oct 09-10, 2021





  • 由於防疫關係,我們設定150人實體敬拜人數的上限,讓弟兄姊有寬敞的空間敬拜神。會眾都非常守秩序,預早到達登記,並安坐於神的殿中,靜默地預備自己的心敬拜神。他們在悠揚悅耳的序樂中默想神。當主席宣召,會眾同聲歌唱,同心合意地唱詩讚美神。歌聲響遍整個禮堂,大家都興奮雀躍,我也手舞足蹈起來。跟在網上敬拜不同,缺乏了集體敬拜的氣氛。


  • 自從去年三月中起,我們牧者要透過預先錄影的講道信息,在網上播放。我們過了一些日子,才適應對著攝錄機,對著空氣講道。每一次都要想像有會眾在前面聽道。但現在重返實體,面對面與弟兄姊妹有眼神的交流。看見他們的反應,實在有說不出的喜悅。感謝神!讚美神!


  • 在這次恢復實體崇前,我們教牧團隊用了很多時間商討,預備技術升級,我們升級了我們的網絡及網速。增添影音器材,以方便未能參與實體敬拜的弟兄姊妹透過ZOOM平台觀看實體崇拜,同步敬拜。在技術上,英文堂的技術團隊支援中文堂的技術團隊,他們付上額外的時間在音響室幫助我們運用新器材,讓我們中文團隊能循序漸進地學習。這是一幅極美麗同心事奉、彼此幫助的圖畫。
  • 我們亦小心翼翼,按照省衛生當局的規定,制定各項防疫措施,令弟兄姊妹安心回來敬拜。
  • 此外,感謝國語崇拜及AYAYA青崇率先於9月18日試行實體崇拜,讓我們其他各堂崇拜能從他們身上學習,總結經驗,改良進出流程及防疫措施等等。
  • 我們亦建立了各事奉團隊,彼此聯絡合一,讓整個實體崇拜的運作暢順,為他們忠心事奉感恩。
    • 接待團隊:提醒大家量體溫, 幫助登記。
    • 歡迎團隊:關懷部的弟兄姊妹送上問候。
    • 司事團隊:協助弟兄姊妹尋找寬闊的合適位置,預備敬拜,並協助會眾於崇拜後有秩序地離開。
    • 技術團隊:支援影音及ZOOM平台的運作。
    • 兒童事工團隊:讓成人敬拜時,兒童同步學習。
    • 敬拜團隊:帶領我們預備及進入敬拜。