
From the Pastor’s Desk:Rev. Collins Kung

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

February 2, 1991 was a turning point in my life. With the feeling of reluctance, I said goodbye to my grandparents, parents, younger brothers and sisters and I immigrated from Hong Kong to Vancouver with my wife and her family.

On the day we arrived, a good friend of my wife happened to come to Vancouver from Toronto to visit her fiancé. We contacted her and arranged to meet up to worship on Sunday, February 3. Her fiancé picked us up and we came to Richmond Chinese Alliance Church. Looking back on this incident is amazing, none of us had visited RCAC before, it was just because her fiancé said that he wanted to listen to Rev. David Ng’s preaching, and Rev. David Ng was the senior pastor of RCAC at that time. RCAC became the first church I worshiped in Canada. From that day on, my wife and I stayed in this church family until today. I firmly believe that this is God’s leading. I also believe that every brother and sister who comes to RCAC has their own story and God’s guidance.

This year, RCAC celebrated its 46th anniversary. Although we lack a senior pastor, and the pastor of the English Ministries has also left; the entire pastoral team was willing to go the extra mile. The elders work closely with the pastoral team to keep the ministries of the church going. I am especially thankful for the following things:

  • As the covid-19 pandemic subsides and social life returns to normal, most fellowships have resumed in-person gatherings.
  • Since March this year, God has led Brother Frank Law to join our staff team as a part-time custodian. The cleanliness of the church has gradually improved.
  • Since May, God has prepared sister Phoebe Yeung to be our part-time co-worker to assist the development of AYAYA ministries.
  • We currently have three seminary interns, helping them to obtain internship opportunities in RCAC and training workers for the Kingdom of God.
  • With the increase of group members and the attendance has stabilised, Samuel small group has officially become a fellowship,
  • In terms of children’s ministries, the VBS will be resumed this year, hoping to reach more unchurch families.
  • The Tsawwassen Ministry remains stable, the Cantonese Bible studies will begin in September.
  • The Mandarin Alpha Course ended this past Thursday, and the Cantonese Alpha Course began smoothly on Monday this week.
  • The church is planning to hold evangelistic meetings and arrange short-term mission trips in the fourth quarter of this year.
  • We are now planning to resume summer camp in 2024.

We are so exciting for all the above thanksgiving items…

Brothers and sisters, as a member of the RCAC family, what do you have to be thankful for the RCAC?

The development and promotion of various ministries depends on the joint participation of brothers and sisters. Let us be thankful and join hands to hands to build the future together.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Collins Kung