March 21-22, 2015

馬可14:32-42 – 在客西馬尼禱告(太26:36~46;路22:39~46)


預苦期間,齊來默想主耶穌的禱告,詩詞譯自Arthur Smith 1957年的作品 “Not My Will” ( 不要照我的意思) 。

1. 若我祈求不應祈求的東西, If I ask for a thing that I should not ask for

若我所求的其實出於自私, If I pray for a thing selfishly

若我為己求而非為鄰舍求, If I ask for myself and not for my neighbor

求主揭開蒙蔽我眼睛的紗,讓我能看見。Lift this veil from my eyes and let me see.

副歌 chorus.


“Not my will, thine by done,” prayed Jesus.

願我每天以此為禱文。         May this same prayer be mine every day.

當這臭皮囊令我飄搖,         When this robe of flesh that I wear makes me falter,

引導我腳步,全程牽我手。 Guide my steps, hold my hand all the way.

2. 若我埋怨,慨嘆路遙艱辛, If I murmur about the toil of my journey,

若我畏難,試圖尋找捷徑, If I seek for an easier way,

若我憂慮,因為擔子過重, If I worry because my load gets so heavy,

求主使我甘心樂意,能走在祢的道路上。Make me willing to walk in thy way.

3. 當我路途黑暗、心靈憂鬱, When my pathway is dark and my heart is so weary,

當我感到在戰場孤軍作戰, When I feel all alone in this fight,

親愛主,請來伴我走天路, Come, dear Lord, walk with me along this pilgrim’s journey

作我的指南、作我的藍圖、作我的響導。Be my compass, be my chart, be my guide.