From the Pastor’s Desk:Rev. Simon Lee
Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,
First of all, merry Christmas to you all! May the new year 2023 brings you God’s blessings, good health and spiritual growth!
2022 has been a roller-coaster year. We have gone through three years of Covid and even after 4 vaccinations I could not be spared catching COVID. This year for me, apart from facing challenges in ministry, in the first half of the year I was rear-ended, my car was totalled, and I suffered a whiplash injury to my neck for months. Then in November after a successful short-term mission to Malaysia, I was infected with severe UTI (urinary tract infection) in Hong Kong and was hospitalized. But all these events let me experience the unfailing faithfulness of God, His ever-present protection, and His mighty hand in healing at work. For example, I found out I had UTI in a very timely way and after an aggressive course of antibiotics at the hospital I was completely cured in 7 days! I really want to thank many brothers and sisters for your fervent prayers for me and Lydia. Praise the Lord for his grace and mercy!
From the Church’s perspective, in 2022, we faced a lot of challenges, but even in the third year of Covid, we had over 30 brothers and sisters (including many individuals privately) got baptized. All 5 worship services, children ministries and fellowships have resumed in-person gatherings and activities weekly. The Chinese adult Bible classes and the Cantonese prayer meetings continued strong online. The mandarin worship was moved to Saturday morning at 9 am, meeting in the sanctuary with a steady attendance of over 80 people weekly. Rev. Mark Liu and the mandarin congregation has also launched a gospel outreach to Tsawwassen. The AYAYA congregation continues to reach out to newcomers from Hongkong and the weekly attendance has grown rapidly to as high as 200 people. Evangelism and mission efforts continue. This year we have two pastors ordained, namely, our mandarin pastor, Rev. Mark Liu and our AYAYA pastor, Rev. Francis Chan. Congratulations! For all these things God has done for RCAC, we need to give thanks to Him! May all the glory be given to God and God alone!
I pray 2023 will be a year of renewal for RCAC. The theme for the church has been set as “Deeper life, broader vision.” Let’s pray that we will stay united as a church which is comprised of people of 2 written languages and 3 spoken languages, so that people can see we are the disciples of Jesus Christ. The Board has appointed Rev. Collins Kung as the Administrator, and he has taken the baton to lead the pastoral team and coworkers moving forward in building the Church. We pray that our brothers and sisters at RCAC will give your full support to Pastor Collins. Let us also pray that we will find the next Senior Pastor soon. May the gospel spread speedily, the Church grows positively, and the Kingdom of God continue to expand, so the name of God is lifted high!
After a decade of ministry, I believe I have completed my calling to serve at RCAC. Instead of saying “retiring” I like to say I am stepping down as I also believe a pastor never stop being a pastor in serving others. It is true that the work is never completely done, but by stepping down, I hope that the next mature pastor will come to take the Church to new heights. Here I like to thank my pastoral team members and coworkers for their strong support, making my work more effective. At the same time, I want to apologise to those I have failed to serve because of my limitations, I beg for your forgiveness. As this is my last article, may I urge you to remember each other in the Lord. Good-bye (God be with you)!
Moving forward, may I present these words to you for our mutual encouragement:
“8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (Josh 1:8,9)
Your servant in Christ
Pastor Simon