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From the Pastor’s Desk : Pastor Mark Liu

May 22-23, 2021
From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Mark Liu

Hello, brothers and sisters. It is my pleasure to share the word of God through this article. I recently received a book, written by a sister of RCAC, about the book of Revelation. I am very excited and encouraged to read such a well written book. The content inside gave me a lot of inspirations. In particular, the author John included the prophecies in the book for a purpose, and that is to prepare us as our Lord Jesus will come again. We need to be better prepare ourselves and the time is near.

When we read God’s Word, we must always remind ourselves that God’s Word has a purpose, and one of its purposes is to let us know Him, not just know Him, but know Him well.

Speaking of knowing God, Psalm 19:1-2 appeared in my mind: “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. 2 Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.” In this verse, David told us that the heavens and the sky declare and proclaim the Glory of God. In other words, God is the one who created everything. But today, many people may have accepted the theory of evolution. What is taught in schools is that human beings are evolved beings. I don’t have much knowledge to analyze the views presented by evolution. However, I also recently read another book, written by an Old Testament scholar, John Walton. What he shared has inspired me a lot too, and I want to share the learnings with you here.

First, when we read Genesis, we must not forget that when Genesis was written, it was a long time ago. There is a big difference between the culture at that time and now. To understand the creation described in the first chapter of Genesis, one must have a certain understanding of the culture of the Near East. Of course I don’t have much knowledge to share with you the culture of the Near East, but if you read Genesis under the premise of the culture of the Near East, you will have a different understanding of Genesis. In short, what Genesis wants to express is the purpose of creation, not how it was created. Whether creation or evolution, the essence is to explain how things come from. But in Genesis, the content is not concerned about how things come from but what is the purpose of the creation. The focus is on the purpose of creation.

When we read the creation of the first day, we will know that the purpose of creation is to set up time. The purpose of the creation of the second day is to set up the weather. Time and weather produce the four seasons, which is the way human beings depend for their livelihood. After that, there are creatures, and the apex of creation is human being. All this is carried out in an orderly manner and with a purpose. Evolution does not know the purpose, only creation can have a purpose. Evolution is all about probability, only creation follows a certain order. Disrupting the order would mean nothing can be sustained and everything will be in chaos. Evolution does not know when to stop, only creation can. All this is telling us the fact that everything is created by God. When all created things are displayed according to the definition of the Creator, they are glorifying God. That is what Psalm 19 told us. What about us? If people want to glorify God, they must live according to God’s will, and God’s will is to rely on Him and live for Him.

When we look at God’s creation again, we will all admire the granduer of creation. And this Creator is not far away from us, but lives in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. What a wonderful mystery this is.

May God bless you all, and may God bless RCAC.

His Servant,

Pastor Mark Liu
Putonghua Ministries


May 22-23, 2021



講到了認識神,詩篇19:1-2就在腦海中出現:“諸天述說 神的榮耀,穹蒼傳揚他的作為。天天發出言語,夜夜傳出知識。”這裡講到了一切的創造都在傳揚神的榮耀和祂的作為。創造主每一天透過自身的展現來傳揚神的作為。在今天,有很多人可能都接受了進化論。在一般的學校所教導的都說人類是從進化而來。我沒有知識來和大家分析當中的看法。但是,我最近也讀了另外一本書,是一位舊約學者John Walton所寫。他當中所分享的對我有很大的啟發,我想在這裡和大家分享。






20-20 Vision on God’s Will

Jan 30-31, 2021
From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Mark Liu

Hello, brothers and sisters. It is by God’s grace that I can use this platform to share with you my thoughts about the responsibility that children of God need to bear.

Recently, because of my deteriorating eyesight, I need to have a pair of progressive glasses. It is said that this kind of lens can help me, who have presbyopia and myopia, to see clearly, both far and near without taking off the glasses. While thinking about what to share with you, God reminded me that the Bible is like a pair of progressive lens that can help us see clearly both near and far. Why do we need to see clearly? It is because we need the “good eyesight” in order to understand God’s Will for us, to live out the life which belongs to the children of God.

From the book of Genesis, we know that because of our sins, we cannot have a direct relationship with God.  The problem came when humanity decides not to rely on God but to rely on ourselves.  Because of sins entering humanity, which causes the loss of direct relationship with God, this problem extends to our relationship with ourselves, other humanities, other creatures and also the earth.  God chose Israelites to be His people, hoping that, through this nation, that the world can understand the right way of living as humanity, which is relying on God.  And with this relationship, not only there is a reconciliation to us, but also other humanities, other creatures and the earth.  However, Israel did not complete the task. Not only did the nation fail to live like God’s people, but the nation also assimilated with the world.

The purpose of Jesus Christ entering the history of humanity is to put an end of the old and start something new.  This “new thing” is the Kingdom of Heaven.  During Jesus’ preaching, He preached the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. The gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven is to live out God’s original purpose for creation.  This starts with a right relationship with God.  This relationship can only start when humanity was redeemed, as the entire humanity was under the curse of sin. This was what the salvation of Jesus Christ was about. This salvation enables us to have a right relationship with God. Not only that we can have a right relationship with God, but also, because of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, we are regarded as the children of God.

We see from the history of creation account, to the time when Jesus entering the history of humanity, which puts an end to the old and start something new.  How does this have anything to do with our daily living?  The Bible tells us to live out the identity of being God’s children. This identity has an important responsibility, which is to live out the original purpose God has for the creation. Because we are reconciled with God, we also need to bring the world to the reconciliation with God, which is sharing the gospel to the world through our lives.  It is not about preaching or sharing the gospel through our words but our lives.  We need to actively live out the role of an agent, which helps to bring the world to the reconciliation with God.

In today’s pandemic, the life of God’s children is especially precious. Because there is no hope for relying on the world.  Hope only comes from relying on God. How can the world know? It’s through our lives. The driving force for you and me to live out this life is to crown our Lord Jesus with many crowns.  This is not simply a hymn but a living testimony of each God’s child.  May we have the courage to live out this noble role in front of the world.

May God bless you. May God bless RCAC.


Jan 30-31, 2021








A Thanksgiving Heart

From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Mark Liu

Oct 10-11, 2020
From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Mark LiuHello all,

Happy Thanksgiving.

This year’s thanksgiving has a different meaning to me. Starting from April this year, I joined the Pastoral Team of RCAC, looking after the Putonghua Ministry. To many of us, this year’s thanksgiving is also very different. Because of the pandemic, the way of life has been changed. We cannot come back to church worship with other brothers and sisters, let alone all the church activities have been moved online. One of the Pastors mentioned that, everything is Zoom. “Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!” has become the mode of RCAC carrying out the activities. To those brothers and sisters who will participate the baptismal ceremony later today, they will go through a very different ceremony, something which RCAC has never done before.

In April this year, I officially became one of the pastors at RCAC. That day, due to the pandemic, there were not many people in the office. I sat there alone, quietly starting my new role. When a sister called me Pastor Mark, I was caught by surprise. However, the sister reminded me that I need to realize this noble call, because I was called by God to become His servant to carry out His Ministry. Yes, I didn’t think too seriously about the meaning behind this identity at first. May the Lord have mercy on me.

In the past six months, under God’s Guidance, Putonghua Ministry has carried out various ministries in an orderly manner. Last week, September 27, we started using Zoom to worship with brothers and sisters. On that day, we were able to meet with brothers and sisters whom we had not seen for a long time, and I was moved. Among them, my sister also participated in worship from Boston. I was very grateful.

Due to the pandemic, even though majority of the programs are conducted through the Internet, this did not affect the participation of brothers and sisters. We started different cell group activities in the past September. The gatherings are conducted with the Bible Study. The difference is that instead of doing the Bible Study live, I would record the contents of the Bible study first. By doing so, groups can meet at the time selected by the group members. This provides flexibility for the gatherings. Praise the Lord.

Having the flexibility, however, does not mean that we can choose to worship whatever time we like. Bearing in mind that setting up a dedicated time to worship God continues to be important. Though the content is now provided online, we need to prepare ourselves, without any distraction and disturbance, to worship God. There is nothing more important than submitting ourselves to God through the worship. Indeed, the pandemic has enabled brothers and sisters to watch the content online. But we need to arrange our life so that the time set for worshipping God does not change.

May God bless you all, and may God bless RCAC.

His servant,

Pastor Mark


Oct 10-11, 2020



在今年四月,我正式成為了列宣家的教牧同工。當天,因著疫情的緣故,並沒有太多人在辦公室,我一個人坐在那裡,安靜開始了新的身分。當天有一位姊妹用了Pastor Mark來稱呼我的時候,我有一點不習慣。但是,姊妹提醒我,這個身分是尊貴的,因為我是被神呼召,成為祂的僕人,牧養祂的羊。是的,我一開始並沒有太認真去思考這個身分背後所帶來的含義。求主憐憫。





