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Pastoral Voice

September 9/10, 2023

RCAC Pastor’s Desk Article – Pastor Alex Poon

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

David declared in Psalm 116:1-2, “I love the Lord, because He has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy. Because He inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call on Him as long as I live.”

I recently returned from a cruise. It was the best time. We ate at the buffet each morning and lunch, but for dinner we visited the main dining hall. Imagine white linen clothes, white upholstered wooden chairs, waiters dressed in vests and tie, beautiful oil paintings hung on the walls, and a grand chandelier reminiscent to the dinner scene of the Titanic. But it was the food that captured my attention, more so, it was the availability. “What do you mean… I can order one more steak?”, “I can have two more shrimp cocktails and three more slices of cake… and walk away without being handed a bill?”

Never in my life have I had two steaks for dinner. Perhaps the reason is a good ribeye usually costs more than $20 and my wallet tells me it’s not a good idea, or perhaps my stomach simply just usually can’t handle it.

Here I was, receiving my favorite food, and having the opportunity for more, and more… if only I had the capacity. I could keep asking, and the waiter would keep giving.

David has faced turmoil and deep suffering in his life. He speaks of it in verse 3, “The snares of death encompassed me; the pangs of Sheol laid hold on me; I suffered distress and anguish”. It was like death had gripped him in the vices of its sharp fangs. It was like David was ensnared, caught in the trap set by death. Have you ever felt that way? Incaved in sharp and painful suffering?

David’s words do not end there – thankfully! “Then I called on the name of the Lord: ‘O Lord, I pray, deliver my soul!’ Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; our God is merciful.” Oh, what good news! David can turn to the Lord for help, he can call upon His name for saving, and God will deliver for David and for us!

When you are in your distress – you may call upon the name of the right and gracious Lord!

Then He will turn His ear to you! Our God will not only hear your pleas from a distance, but He will press in, He will incline His ear to you! He will lean into your voice, as if to show you that He is indeed listening attentively to your crying pleas. You are not ignored! He has not abandoned you, our God has not muted your voice. He has not turned the volume dial down as if you have annoyed Him – no, our God has attentively, drawn His ear closer to you still!

So, what must you do in response? Love the Lord and take more from the Lord!

For David asks, “What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits to me?”

David answers his own question and declares, “I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord, I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people.”

When David needs more from the Lord, he remembers who has given him salvation, then he calls for more of the Lord!

We can render nothing in return to the Lord. We can give to Him nothing back for the benefits we gain from Him. We can return to Him no favor, as if we could “owe Him one”. We can do no such thing! There is no work we are capable of to exchange His benefit for ours – for we benefit from Him in ways that far exceed His benefitting of us. What need would our Almighty Creator God have for us, His creation? Nothing! But this is who He is; gracious and kind. He is loving and generous with His mercy and care. He is for you, and not against you.

David’s declarations remind us that we can be assured that our Lord is delighted, joyed even when His children press in to depend on Him further, and further still. Call upon His name!

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Alex Poon






我一生中從來沒有吃過兩塊牛排當晚餐。也許原因是一份好的牛排通常要花費 20元以上,而我的錢包告訴我這不是一個好主意,或者也許我的胃通常無法承受。


大衛的一生經歷過動盪和疾苦。他在第3 節說:“死亡的繩索纏繞著我,陰間的痛苦抓住我;我遭遇患難和愁苦。”就好像死亡用鋒利的獠牙抓住了他。大衛就像掉入了陷阱,陷入了死亡的陷阱。你曾否有過這樣的感覺嗎?陷入尖銳而痛苦的折磨之中?







Pastoral Voice

July 15/16

From the Pastor’s Desk :Pastor Alex Poon

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

In the distant road, I see a figure of a person wearing bright neon yellow on the side of the road, I instinctively ease off my acceleration. I see a Ford F-150 parked at the side of the busy road, my right foot withdraws from the right-side pedal to hover over the left. My eyes shift to my speedometer, to triple check my speed. Because both these cues, when seen on the road, represent to me the subtle presence of a police speed trap.

I am familiar with the traffic regulations of the road… but it’s as soon as my eyes catch the image of a physical representative of the law, my knowledge becomes deeply practical. Suddenly, the knowledge I already possessed in the form of unconscious habit becomes ever so tangible.

The authority represented by a black and white police car brings to light familiar truths. Or to put it more generally, sometimes we need to see a visual cue, in order to recall what we habitually know.

In this same heart, God has created you and I – made in His image – to be visual cues amongst this earth as physical reminders of His will. The Apostle Peter said as much:

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession. That you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness and into his marvelous light.”

  • 1 Peter 2:9

In God’s all-knowing ways, in His kindness, God elects priestly representatives – people with special roles who acted on His behalf. He formed a chosen people charged to be His hands and feet in the world. Representatives seen throughout all the earth. You are His visible ambassadors to this world, mirroring an invisible God.

You who follow Him, you are chosen as a royal priesthood, to proclaim how excellent He is. Where do you find such opportunity to do this?

One reason why we gather weekly is to perform priestly duties to one another. We don’t neglect to gather because we are called to exhort one another. We make effort to meet regularly not because of simple friendship or family ties – but we are given intentional opportunities to proclaim the greatness of God to our fellow image bearers. In unison, we sing familiar songs with verses and choruses that repeat God’s promises through melody. Listening attentively, share stories of how God’s presence can be felt in our lives even amidst our suffering. Vulnerably, we tell testimonies of how we have tasted the grace of our Holy God who forgives us in our sin. Together, we verbalize statements of truth that put into words the loving act of our sacrificial Lord Jesus Christ. We commit to being honest before each other as ones who acknowledge our deep need for a Savior. The knowledge that rests on our mind, and the experiences of daily life all sync in tune as the Spirit stirs us to connect the dots between life and faith. We do all this when we gather. Then we go into the communities and relationships outside the church doors to which we are called.

God made you in His image; bothered to put you on this earth so you would learn His excellencies, then proclaim them. God breathed life into you, so you would encounter His majesty, so that you would share His mesmerizing love with your curious neighbour.

The point is this: God made you in His image, and He gathered you up to make a local church body, to give you the opportunity to regularly look your brother and sister in the eye to make tangible truths already known. You are the visual cue that brings forth heightened awareness of unconscious habits. You are the image bearer who serves to call attention to the love of God made possible through Jesus.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Alex Poon















Finding Joy in Christ

June 3/4, 2023

From the Pastor’s Desk – Pastor Alex Poon

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Happy and joyful, joyful, and happy – we use these words interchangeably, don’t we?

But they’re not the same. Joy is something deeper than happiness. Happiness comes and goes with favorable happenings. Joy is deeper and does not depend on our happenings. Joy is a heart posture, rooted deeply beyond events and experiences, but felt in our soul.

Where does joy come from? “Rejoice in the Lord” (Philippians 3:1) the Apostle Paul writes from his jail cell in Rome. He’s writing his letter to the church of Philippi he helped start.

“Rejoice in the Lord”, Paul has exhorted the same message before, so he writes, “To write the same things to you is no trouble to me and is safe for you.”

We do need constant reminders to find our joy. To find our joy in Christ.

If I was to ask you, “Are you happy?” What would you want to tell me? Perhaps you would say, “No, I’m not! How could I be?”, “I am busy with work, the rise of prices is making me worry, my children aren’t listening, my parents are ill, and I’m not sure when my next day of rest will be.” These are all deeply upsetting circumstances. I pray for your comfort and peace to arrive soon. Know that Paul would resonate with all your feelings – he is after all, sitting in his jail cell, wrongly accused, waiting to see if he will live past this foreseeable future.

What is his pastoral exhortation then? It’s found in verse 8, “Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.”

Knowing Christ leads to joy, joy that is beyond happiness.

Knowing Christ Jesus deeply, in such a way that experiences him in our distressing times will lead to joy, a joy that binds up fear.

It seems like an impossible task – of knowing Christ this deeply – but it is not. For this is our invitation. This is the trajectory to which we strive. This is the aim, the goal of the long and possible journey.

Do you know Christ?

Do you know how he sees you? Do you know how he looks upon your life’s circumstances today? Do you know his compassion, his ever near presence, his ability to save you in all the ways you need to be saved? Do you know him as Redeemer that he would free you from any sin that we have let ourselves be bound to? Do you know Christ as the Son of God who adopted you into his family? Do you know you can trust and delight in the Father because you have Christ who restored your relationship? Do you know that Christ is light, who can drive out the dark? Do you know Christ is the one by whom all things were made, and he bothered making you? Did you know that you can come to him for his embrace when all seems to go wrong? Did you know you have Jesus who sees you with eyes of love and longs to show you the power of his resurrection life which puts death and sin and evil and Satan in their defeated places?

This is tangible and practical joy we gain from the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ our Lord. A joy that helps us stand each day.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Alex Poon






喜樂從何而來?“靠主喜樂”(腓立比書 3:1),是使徒保羅在羅馬的監獄裡寫的。他寫信給由他建立的腓立比教會。



如果我問你,“你快樂嗎?” 你想告訴我什麼? 也許你會說:“我並不快樂!我怎會快樂?”,“我忙碌工作,物價上漲令我憂心,孩子不聽話,父母生病,我都不知道我甚麼時候可以休息。”這些都是令人深感不安的環境。我祈禱祢的安慰與平安早日到來。保羅有著你同樣的感受,當時他正因為被巫告收監,前途未卜,能否活著還未知道。

那麼保羅的勸勉是什麼? 第 8 節說:“我把萬事都拋棄了,看作廢物,為了要得著基督。”








Pastoral Voice

April 22/23

From the Pastor’s Desk –Pastor Alex Poon

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9

Three times Paul plead for his trouble – his “thorn in the flesh” – to be removed from him. He longed for his calamity to be removed. And the answer was no.

Instead, God offered him something even more sufficient than the stripping away of pain. Elimination was not the answer.

Rather, something is… grace.

Grace is often defined as “undeserved favor”. It is credit, love, kindness, approval, or acceptance that we can do nothing to earn. We bring nothing, but we are given everything.

I wonder if you’ve ever felt this sort of favor? Have you wronged someone only to be accepted still? Where does this kind of grace come from?

I was reminded recently of a simple but effective metaphor that helped me understand.

What if my friend spilt coffee on my computer? What would make it truly possible for me to forgive my friend? I cannot simply forget the wrongdoing deed – because each time I reached for my computer; it would no longer be available for me. To truly resolve the matter, the debt of the computer must be paid. Either my friend must buy me a new one, or I must buy myself a new one – and only when I have a computer to use again, can the issue truly be settled, and forgiveness made possible.

This is how grace is offered. Through the atoning, substituting work of Christ. Christ takes our place on the cross. He absorbs our debt, in our place. He switched places with us, and now the issue is settled. We are assured of our pardon. We are truly and completely forgiven. The debt we owed for our rebellion against God has been paid. God’s justice and mercy have intertwined in Christ. We are truly undeserving of such favor, but we have been offered it – through Jesus our Savior.

See your life through the lens of grace, and no matter the trouble, you’ll know you’re not alone. Through weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, calamities, you’ll know you have not been abandoned. You know you have favor with our God, who grants you power in the form of relationship and He will carry you through.

May this power, made perfect in our weaknesses, rest upon you now.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Alex Poon







這些東西叫… 恩典。









Pastoral Voice

February 25/26, 2023

From the Pastor’s Desk: Alex Poon

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Jesus surprises us, doesn’t he? He does meet our expectations. He intentionally does things that leaves us sometimes in confusion.

In John 11, the account of Lazarus, we see Martha wondering aloud to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” (John 11:21)

He remained in remained for two days longer in the place where he was in (John 11:6).

All to set up a scene where Lazarus would be raised up from the dead, and he would declare “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.”, and declaring all this so he would ask the question of utmost importance, “Do you believe this?” (John 11:26)

We ask, where was he when he was most needed?

The Gospel of John 12 and Luke 19 together gives us another surprising story. Jesus sends two of his disciples to fetch for him a young donkey who has never been ridden (Luke 19:30).

And upon his arrival into Jerusalem, the crowds gather to welcome him in. “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!” (John 12:13)

The crowds praise his name… but were they expecting another kind of king? Perhaps a mighty warrior who would ride into their city to wage war against their Roman oppressors. A mighty King who would rescue them from their immediate problems…

Instead… this king wouldn’t take the lives of his enemies, but rather, he would give his own life for the ransom of many.

He would lay down his own life to rescue us from the bigger problem – the problem of eternal damnation, to give to us eternal life.

Whatever may be going on in your life, however you feel these days, I pray that you would be revealed to the surprising king in a way that anchors your worship.

Our Lord does not fit into our boxed definitions of who he is. May we see a clear picture of his heart.

His plans may surprise us; we cannot contain his knowledge of what we need best. We cannot contain his purposes for us, nor his purposes for the world.

Worship still.

Worship in way that trusts him.

Worship in a way that adds to your faith.

Worship, with an anchored hope that Christ does knows all, that he sees all things going on, and he’s in control of it all. He remains Lord of it all.

Worship, declaring his praises because you know truthfully, that Christ has not abandoned anything.

Worship, even when you’re surprised, all because you can rest in the hope of our Coming King.

You’re invited to worship, even when it’s hard. And in our worship, we’ll be reminded of Christ who is very much alive, still, in the most surprising kind of way.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Alex Poon




耶穌給我們驚喜,不是嗎? 祂確實回應我們的期望。 祂刻意做一些讓我們有時感到困惑的事情。

在約翰福音 11 章拉撒路的記述中,我們看到馬大大聲地對耶穌說:「主啊,如果你早在這裡,我的兄弟就不會死了!」(約翰福音 11:21)。耶穌聽說拉撒路病了,仍然在原來的地方住了兩天,(約翰福音 11:6)。一切都是為了營造一個拉撒路從死裡復活的場景,耶穌說:「我就是復活和生命;信我的人,雖然死了,也要活著。所有活著又信我的人,必定永遠不死,你信這話嗎?」 (約翰福音 11: 25-26)。


約翰福音 12 章和路加福音 19 章同樣講述了另一個令人驚訝的故事。 耶穌派祂的兩個門徒去為祂牽來一頭從沒有人騎過的小驢(路加福音 19:30)。

當祂到達耶路撒冷時,群眾聚集起來迎接祂,「和散那,奉主名來的以色列王,是應當稱頌的!」 (約翰福音 12:13)。群眾一邊讚美祂的名字,另一方面祂們是否期待著一個王, 一個威猛的戰士,騎馬進城,與當時壓迫祂們的羅馬政府抗爭,解決祂們眼前的困苦,把祂們解救出來。相反… 這個王不會除掉敵人的性命,而是會獻出自己的生命來救贖許多人的生命。祂犧牲自己的生命來拯救我們脫離罪惡,永死的刑罰,賜予我們永恆的生命。

無論你生活在任何光景,我為你祈禱願你能定晴敬拜給我們驚喜的主耶穌。我們的主不單單局限於我們對祂的認識,願我們能清楚地看到祂的內心。祂的計劃可能會讓我們驚訝, 祂完全知道甚麼是我們最需要的,祂對我們甚至對世界的旨意,我們無法猜透。



邀請你與我們一起敬拜,即使是在艱難的時候, 在我們的敬拜中,我們會想起基督,祂仍然以最令人驚訝的方式活著。
