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Bearable in God’s love and mercy

April 1/2, 2023

From the Pastor’s Desk : Rev. Francis Chan

The Apostle John used 5 chapters to recount Jesus’ parting words to his beloved disciples in the upper room. Jesus said that he would leave them to go to a place where they could not go with him, and that he would be betrayed by a disciple and eventually killed. Although Jesus also said that he would leave to prepare a place for them, and that he would rise from the dead and come back for them, his disciples had failed to listen up and could not understand because their hearts were filled with worries, confusion, sorrow, and fear.

Jesus was not only their teacher, but also their family who had lived with them for three years. Jesus’ way of loving them meticulously, teaching them patiently, saving them mightily, and leading them authoritatively had become the most unforgettable and irreplaceable experience in their lives. Thanks to Jesus, they had received a renewed insight into their faith and the meaning and purposes of their lives. Jesus had become an integral part of their lives and the foundation of all their hopes for the future. When Jesus was about to depart, their reluctance, their trepidation, and their difficulty in accepting it were only natural.

In our lives, there are people who are very dear to us. They are an integral part of our lives. For example, our families, our relatives, our best friends, as well as our pastors who have enlightened us and brothers and sisters in the Lord who have walked with us in our journey of faith. When these people leave us for different reasons, it is as if a part of our life is leaving us. Our hearts have sunken into an abyss.

Jesus’ temporary departure was God’s will. In God’s time, Jesus will come again to welcome us into the new heavens and new earth to enjoy the presence of God and all the goodness and happiness that God has prepared for us. If the disciples could see Jesus’ departure from a heavenly perspective, they would understand that everything Jesus experienced on earth, from his birth to his death, was in God’s plan. Jesus’ life was to fulfill the mission God had given him.

The same goes for our lives. From the moment God called us to be his children, God’s wonderful plan for us had begun. Maybe we will stop here for a while and go there. Maybe sickness, death will temporarily separate us from our loved ones. If we can just see things from a heavenly perspective, willing to believe that God’s plan is good for us and his kingdom, we can accept such separation with peace amid our sorrow. As long as those who leave and those who stay are willing to follow God’s will and fulfill God’s mission faithfully, all temporary separations and departures in this life would be bearable in God’s love and mercy.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Francis Chan

上帝的慈愛和憐憫 • 我們的祝福和安慰









Testimonies from AYAYA Prayer Meeting


From the Pastor’s Desk: Rev. Pastor Francis Chan

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

On the first Wednesday of every month, AYAYA will hold a prayer meeting in Room 200. In the meeting, brothers and sisters sing hymns together to worship God; give thanks to God for his protection, guidance, and provisions; pray and intercede for one another. Brothers and sisters who did not know each other in the AYAYA community can get to know each other in the prayer meeting and watch out for each other. In the past February prayer meeting, 26 brothers and sisters participated. From their sharing, we clearly see the glory of God. Among them, three sisters used “miracle” to describe their recent experience in God.

A sister testified on behalf of her husband. Because they want to apply for immigration, her husband needs to take an English language exam. The result of the first exam was not good, mainly because the oral English examiner had a strong accent, and her husband could not hear clearly and could not respond well. But he didn’t give up, and he didn’t complain. He continued to pray, trusting in God’s grace. In the second exam, he encountered an examiner who he believed to be from Hong Kong. Since the examiner spoke with a Hong Kong accent, her husband could understand and respond well. This time he got a very satisfactory result: from 5.5 points last time to 7 points this time. His score for applying for immigration was met. The sister described it as a “miracle” because only God could have provided an oral English examiner with a Hong Kong accent for her husband.

A sister passed the driving test on her first attempt. She described it as a “miracle”. She is a very nervous person, and she has no talent for driving a vehicle. She bit the bullet and took the driving test because of family needs. On the day of the test, she herself knew that she had made many mistakes. After the exam, the examiner told her about her mistakes one by one, but gave her a pass, nonetheless. She thanked God for providing her with an understanding and kind examiner.

The sister who testified used to work as a registered nurse in Hong Kong. Now in Canada, she hopes to continue to work as a nurse and has taken a nursing license course. In the process, she needs to pass many exams. Recently, the school prepared a mock exam for its students, which require them to take more than 4 hours to complete. Many of these questions are not easy to answer. Although the sister studied very hard, she had no confidence in passing the exam. She said that even experienced nurses could not be sure of the correct answers to some of the questions in the exam paper. Consequently, she could only make guesses for many answers. After the exam, she thought she could only get about 350 points, but in the end, she got 1,000 points. She said it was a “miracle” because it was impossible for her to achieve it herself. The results of this mock exam have greatly increased her confidence in eventually obtaining a nursing license.

From the three testimonies above, we can understand that brothers and sisters who have just arrived in Canada face many difficulties and challenges in life and work. At the same time, because they are willing to trust God, they also experience a lot of grace and provision. In the prayer meeting, not only did God receive the glory He deserved, brothers and sisters were also strengthened in their faith because of the testimonies they heard. Glory be to God!

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Francis Chan

AYAYA 祈禱會見證分享



每個月第一個星期三,AYAYA 會在200號房舉行祈禱會。當中,弟兄姊妹一同唱詩敬拜上帝;為着上帝的保守、帶領與供應獻上感恩;為着弟兄姊妹的需要互相禱告代求。在 AYAYA 群體裏面本來互不相識的弟兄姊妹,在祈禱會中能夠互相認識,互相守望。在剛剛過去的二月份祈禱會,有26位弟兄姊妹參加。從他們的分享,我們清楚看見上帝的榮耀。其中有三位姊妹,都用「神蹟」來形容他們最近在上帝裏面的經歷。

有一位姊妹代表她的丈夫作見證。他們因為要申請移民,丈夫需要考英文公開試。第一次考試成績未如理想,主要因為在英語會話的環節,考官有很重的口音,他聽不清楚,也不能作出理想回應。但他沒有放棄,也沒有埋怨。他繼續祈禱,相信上帝有恩典。第二次考試,他遇上一個他相信是從香港來的考官。由於考官說話時有香港口音,弟兄聽得明白,也能作出好的回應。今次他得到非常理想的成績:由上次 5.5 分提升至今次 7 分。他申請移民的分數達到了。姊妹形容這是一個「神蹟」,因為只有上帝可以為她丈夫預備一個有香港口音的英語會話考官。



