From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Jeanie AuYeung
Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,
In the midst of the pandemic, food delivery service has flourished due to high demand. There is nothing new under the sun. The story of “meal delivery service” has long been recorded in The Book of Kings. God told the prophet Elijah to stay at Kerith Ravine during the famine, and wait for His guidance. There, he lacked food for his living. God ordered a “food delivery service” for him. The ravens served as couriers to deliver food on time to him every day for his needs.
The lesson of faith that the prophet Elijah learned during the famine was a lesson from God. Every time I read this passage, I am deeply touched and inspired. God’s provision to Elijah was so precise and wonderful, a really amazing act of God’s care for Elijah!
We can see God’s lessons to Elijah in the following aspects:
1. God’s timely and good supply (Learn to trust God for His timely care, He is God, the almighty)
The ravens came to deliver meals to Elijah every day, and brought food sufficiently till the creek dried out. During the period of famine, there was meat and bread, a balanced food supply with protein and carbohydrates. God understood his needs well that he was provided for in an environment where it was impossible to get food. God is our provider, just as Jesus teaches us to pray: “Give us this day our daily bread.” We may ask, what about tomorrow? Don’t worry, just for today there is enough for us to carry on.
2. God’s surprising and unexpected supply (Learn to rely on God, not on others)
The scripture describes “ravens” as a plural number, which means different birds. God didn’t just send one specific crow to deliver meals to Elijah. There is uncertainty about whether the bird that appeared today will come tomorrow. It is not controlled by human beings. However, Elijah is not relying on the crows, but relies on God who is the One to supply his needs. If we miss the right focus, we will be disappointed. God will make a way when there seems to be no way.
3. God’s supply is beyond normal (Learn to look beyond what we see, just focus on God”)
The raven is among the unclean birds in Leviticus. According to the raven’s dietary habit, it is possible that the birds might bring carrion to Elijah, but they brought him good and edible food every day. There is no set way for God’s provision, but it must be “tailor-made fit” for us, just learn to trust Him and not to rely on people or the reliable environment, but only focus on Him by faith. God can make the impossible possible.
When I was studying in the seminary, our president often taught us to learn to live by faith. “Do not put your trust on people, but only rely on God.” By faith, I experienced God’s faithful provision again and again in the impossible. God provides everything I need at His best timing, I lack nothing indeed.
During the pandemic, I came into contact with some brothers and sisters who lost their jobs or faced great difficulties. I often remember them in my heart, as I am not God, and I can only help them in limited ways. Through the promises of God in the Bible, I encouraged them and prayed for them in private, trusting that God understands every need, He will take care of His children, all who belong to Him shall not be in want.
Surely, God recorded Elijah’s story of His impossible supply in the Bible in order to encourage us to rely on Him wholeheartedly and experience His care and provision by faith.
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Jeanie