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Farewell to 2022 and welcome 2023, passing the baton and stepping down


From the Pastor’s Desk:Rev. Simon Lee

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

First of all, merry Christmas to you all! May the new year 2023 brings you God’s blessings, good health and spiritual growth!

2022 has been a roller-coaster year. We have gone through three years of Covid and even after 4 vaccinations I could not be spared catching COVID. This year for me, apart from facing challenges in ministry, in the first half of the year I was rear-ended, my car was totalled, and I suffered a whiplash injury to my neck for months. Then in November after a successful short-term mission to Malaysia, I was infected with severe UTI (urinary tract infection) in Hong Kong and was hospitalized. But all these events let me experience the unfailing faithfulness of God, His ever-present protection, and His mighty hand in healing at work. For example, I found out I had UTI in a very timely way and after an aggressive course of antibiotics at the hospital I was completely cured in 7 days! I really want to thank many brothers and sisters for your fervent prayers for me and Lydia. Praise the Lord for his grace and mercy!

From the Church’s perspective, in 2022, we faced a lot of challenges, but even in the third year of Covid, we had over 30 brothers and sisters (including many individuals privately) got baptized.  All 5 worship services, children ministries and fellowships have resumed in-person gatherings and activities weekly. The Chinese adult Bible classes and the Cantonese prayer meetings continued strong online. The mandarin worship was moved to Saturday morning at 9 am, meeting in the sanctuary with a steady attendance of over 80 people weekly. Rev. Mark Liu and the mandarin congregation has also launched a gospel outreach to Tsawwassen. The AYAYA congregation continues to reach out to newcomers from Hongkong and the weekly attendance has grown rapidly to as high as 200 people. Evangelism and mission efforts continue. This year we have two pastors ordained, namely, our mandarin pastor, Rev. Mark Liu and our AYAYA pastor, Rev. Francis Chan. Congratulations! For all these things God has done for RCAC, we need to give thanks to Him! May all the glory be given to God and God alone!

I pray 2023 will be a year of renewal for RCAC. The theme for the church has been set as “Deeper life, broader vision.” Let’s pray that we will stay united as a church which is comprised of people of 2 written languages and 3 spoken languages, so that people can see we are the disciples of Jesus Christ. The Board has appointed Rev. Collins Kung as the Administrator, and he has taken the baton to lead the pastoral team and coworkers moving forward in building the Church. We pray that our brothers and sisters at RCAC will give your full support to Pastor Collins. Let us also pray that we will find the next Senior Pastor soon. May the gospel spread speedily, the Church grows positively, and the Kingdom of God continue to expand, so the name of God is lifted high!

After a decade of ministry, I believe I have completed my calling to serve at RCAC. Instead of saying “retiring” I like to say I am stepping down as I also believe a pastor never stop being a pastor in serving others.  It is true that the work is never completely done, but by stepping down, I hope that the next mature pastor will come to take the Church to new heights. Here I like to thank my pastoral team members and coworkers for their strong support, making my work more effective. At the same time, I want to apologise to those I have failed to serve because of my limitations, I beg for your forgiveness. As this is my last article, may I urge you to remember each other in the Lord. Good-bye (God be with you)!

Moving forward, may I present these words to you for our mutual encouragement:

“8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (Josh 1:8,9)  

Your servant in Christ
Pastor Simon









願將這寶貴的金句送給列宣家互勉:「8 這律法書不可離開你的口,要晝夜默誦,好使你謹守遵行書中所記的一切;這樣,你的道路就必順利,你必一路亨通。9 我不是吩咐過你要堅強勇敢嗎? 所以,你不要懼怕,也不要驚慌;因為你無論到哪裡去,耶和華你的神必與你同在。」(約書亞記1:8,9)


Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death


From the Pastor’s Desk by Rev. Simon Lee, Senior Pastor

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want… Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Ps. 23:1, 4)

I have studied and preach this text countless of times, but never have I experienced the reality of these verses until two weeks ago when I became very seriously ill with Urinal Tract Infection while I was in Hong Kong. I would like to share my personal experience and the great mercy of God on me.

It all happened after our blessed short-term mission in Malaysia, a week of experiencing the power of God in the lives of people there. The trip was to continue the mission left by our dear Rev. Matthew Wong. Nearly two years have passed since our dear Rev. Wong and Stella came back from there and he was later diagnosed as having pancreatic cancer, dying a year after. We, especially Stella Wong, will share the story of our wonderful visit another time. To God be the glory.

On our way back, my wife Lydia and I went to Hong Kong, visiting our Alliance families there, among other things. Then out of the blue we were confronted with the news of the sudden and untimely death of Lydia’s older sister-in-law due to Covid. We were all sadden by the news and stayed longer to attend the funeral. We realized life can be so fleeting, and we must treasure each moment we have with one another.

On the day of attending the cremation, I suddenly felt ill and could not walk steadily, and eventually I took a fall on the street pavement injuring my forehead.  I also started throwing up several times. All our relatives urged me to go to get checked out at the hospital. The MRI which was taken showed no internal brain injury, and I went back to the hotel, which by God’s grace was only several blocks away. I started to have a fever and ended back hospitalized in the afternoon where I was hospitalized. The fall resulted in my being quickly diagnosed as having a serious infection. It was indeed a blessing in disguise.

On the second or third day of my hospitalization, the capable doctor attending to me was quick to diagnosed that I had severe UTI (Urinal Tract Infection) from E-Coli to the extent of serious sepsis. My WBC (White Blood Count) was 10 times higher than normal, and my CRP (C-Reactive Protein) which indicated how sick I was, was over 23 times than normal. To make a long story short, I went through an aggressive course of intravenous antibiotics treatment for a whole week. By God’s grace, the antibiotics worked, and I was released from hospital in the end. Thanks to Lydia who visited me frequently and took good care of me. Thanks be to Christ the healer who had mercy on me. I finally realize how fragile life can be and it is entirely God’s grace that we can live and be healthy!

We were able to find a return ticket even though most flights were full, again it is the grace of God.  We are so happy to be back to walk with you all in our last days at RCAC. Thanks to so many of you who prayed for us during this period of crisis. We have learned to treasure the precious relationships we have, especially our families and friends. I have realized life can be short and therefore I must fully utilize each breath I have to live for God and serve Him even more faithfully in a focused way. I now understand more in a personal way that the Lord indeed is my shepherd, and even though we walk through the darkest times, the Lord is here to provide, to heal and to comfort. Praise the Lord!

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Simon




「 耶和華是我的牧人,我必不會缺乏。…  我雖然行過死蔭的山谷,也不怕遭受傷害,因為你與我同在; 你的杖你的竿都安慰我。」(詩23:1,4)





在院的第二或第三天,能幹的醫生很快診斷我患的乃是嚴重的尿道炎(UTI) ,而我的白血球(WBC)的指數是正常人的十倍,並且患病的蛋白質的指數(CRP)是常人的23倍有多,病況極其嚴厲!長話短說,經過一星期强力的抗生素的治療,靠主的恩典,我得到完全的醫治!感謝主!在此我要特別感謝賢妻師母無微不至的照顧使我能很快便康復!更感謝醫治者基督的憐憫。我體會到人身體的脆弱,能健康地存活完全是神的恩典呀!



Continuing the work of our co-worker, the late Rev. Matthew Wong


From the Pastor’s Desk:Rev. Simon Lee

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Early last year (2021) our dear co-worker, Rev. Matthew Wong (王允志牧師)wrote “March to Paradise (邁向神的樂園)” when he knew his days on earth were ending. These are his last words:

Good bye to my dear wife-lover, daughters and sons in law, grandsons and granddaughters, relatives, brothers and sisters, coworkers, friends, May we meet again in paradise where we can enjoy eternal life together. Amen.🙏

I still remember at his burial, because we were still at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were only 10 people allowed, all from his family, to say good-bye. It was an occasion where everyone there were sad to bid farewell, but the sorrow was very restrained because we all knew that it was more like “See you” and that one day we will reunite with great joy in heaven. Maranatha!

Shortly before the passing of Matthew, I was blessed to have opportunities to meet with Matthew and Stella. I was so touched that there were only two things he kept emphasizing. The first being, whatever the outcome of his sickness, he wanted the name of Christ be glorified. The second was that the ministries that he was involved in in his last few years would continue. His heart was always on glorifying God and furthering His Kingdom, as he knew he was marching to paradise. God is indeed glorified through the amazing testimony of faith of Matthew. Praise the Lord!

Rev. Matthew Wong was involved with two major areas of ministries: the Mandarin ministries of RCAC, and the short-term mission to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We are so thankful that the first “wish” (prayer) he had is being fulfilled in Rev. Mark Liu, ordained on September 11. Since Mark took over the Mandarin ministries, the work has continued to grow steadily in both numbers and quality, most recently with five brothers and sisters being baptized on Thanksgiving Sunday.  Also, he is responding to the Macedonian Call from Tsawwassen and doing outreach ministries at Tsawwassen Alliance Church. Praise the Lord!

The second major ministry of Matthew was the short-term mission to Malaysia. Malaysia is a Muslim country, and it is very hard to do Christian ministries there. But Matthew and Stella had established a ministry there in actively helping the pastors there to strengthen the three young Alliance Churches. The mother Church in Puchung has recently bought by faith an adjourning building to extend their work there. Matthew further helped to do evangelistic and discipleship work at an outpost, Kuala Lipis (立卑), to build up a small church there. The church which is built in a low-lying area is flooded often and needs to be rebuilt on higher ground. The people there in all these places remember with fondness the dedicated service of Matthew and Stella. Praise the Lord!

Right now the team, Stella Wong, Katherine Yeo, Lydia Lee and me, are engaged in a short-term mission work in Malaysia (Oct 27 to Nov 4). We want to assure the people that we have not forgotten them and reassure them that RCAC will continue to support their ministry there. For Stella Wong it is especially meaningful for her to return there to see Matthew’s work continue to prosper there. Please pray for us.

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Simon Lee








王允志牧師參與了兩方面主要的事工領域:本會的普通話事工,以及對馬來西亞吉隆坡的短期宣教。我們非常感恩,他的第一個“願望”(王牧師祈禱)在9月11日按立的劉展權牧師身上實現了。自從劉展權牧師接任國語事工以來,事工在數量和質量上都在穩步增長,最近有五個兄弟姐妹於感恩節主日受洗。此外,他響應來自Tsawwassen 的馬其頓呼聲,並在Tsawwassen 宣道會開設外展事工。讚美主!王牧師第二方面的主要事工是對馬來西亞短期宣教的負擔。馬來西亞是一個穆斯林國家,在那裡做基督教事工非常困難。但王牧師和師母在那裡建立了一個事工,積極幫助該地的牧師鞏固三個仍屬雛型的宣道會。蒲種堂母會最近憑信心購買了一座建築物,以擴展他們在那裡的工作。王牧師進一步幫助在立卑(Kuala Lipis)的一個前哨站做傳福音和門徒訓練工作,在那裡建立了一個小教會。建在低窪地區的教堂經常被洪水淹沒,需要在地勢較高的地方重建。所有這些地方的人們都懷念著王牧師和師母為神擺上的熱切事奉。讚美主!




Yes, I do: A Special Thanksgiving


From the Pastor’s Desk: Rev. Simon Lee

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Thanksgiving was especially meaningful this year for me and I would like to share my joy with you all.

From the Church’s perspective, we had a thanksgiving theme plus a celebration of baptisms for a total of 19 new brothers and sisters (giving us a total of 29 in 2022). I had the joy and privilege of participating in all the baptisms in all the four Chinese services, to witness the tears of joy, the sparkling eyes of hope, and the smile of faith and assurance of the different candidates. When each person was asked by the different pastors whether he or she believes in his or her heart that Jesus Christ is his or her saviour, there was always a firm and joyful affirmative response: I do. Then when asked whether he or she will follow Christ closely based on the Word of God, again each answered in a clear loud voice: I do. One sister commented to me afterwards that her “I do” was spoken with even more conviction than when she did her wedding vow. She was also overwhelmed by the flood of gifts and well wishes that she received afterwards from family and friends, in her mind more filled with excitement than her own wedding.

There were many moving moments, to mention just a few here. In the Mandarin service, a mother and daughter who came to seek the truth not too long ago, both were joyfully baptized in the service. A sister in the Saturday Cantonese service who had delayed being baptized for years was baptized as witnessed by her husband and daughter, as well as many brothers and sisters who had encouraged her throughout the years. In AYAYA, there were so many touching testimonies, for example a husband was baptized in the presence of his wife and daughter after the family was restored in their relationships. Another sister whom Pastor Francis ran into at a superstore a few years ago also received baptism. In the Sunday Cantonese service, a fully pregnant mother wanted to be baptized with her husband because they wanted their child to born into a Christian home and they want to be good Christian parents. Another lady wanted to be baptized because she had realized her former faith was faulty, and she wants to be a true Christian. I can go on and on, but you can read them in the next issue of UNITY.

At the Sunday Cantonese service, Pastor Collins preached an evangelistic sermon based on the story of the healing of the 10 lepers: Ten were healed, only one was saved. The Spirit prompted me on Sunday at the end of the baptisms to make a calling for anyone to accept Christ after witnessing the baptisms. We were totally surprised when a person in the congregation immediately raised his hand and stood up to accept Christ, to the roaring claps of the whole congregation. Yes, the Spirit of the Lord was present and at work! Thanks be to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!

For me personally, after experiencing the challenges of COVID and of the ministries in the last year, this service was a fitting conclusion to my ministries at RCAC, witnessing totally about 200 people baptized in the last decade, becoming children of God and part of the family of God. This is a testimony to the faithfulness of the God whom we serve and to His work in our midst. To God be the glory!

Your servant in Christ
Pastor Simon





從教會的角度來看,各堂崇拜除了以感恩為主題,我們並為總共19 位新兄弟姊妹(2022 年共有29 位肢體受洗)接受洗禮而慶祝。我有幸參加了所有四堂中文崇拜的洗禮,見證了不同接受洗禮肢體的喜悅淚水,滿有盼望的閃爍眼神,以及從堅定相信和滿有確據所流露的笑容。當不同的牧者問及每個領洗者是否相信耶穌基督為他/她的救主時,總是聽到,每個堅定而喜樂的肯定回答:我相信。接著當被問及他/她是否會按照神的話語緊緊跟隨基督時,每個人再次以清晰響亮的聲音回答:我願意。一位姊妹事後對我說,她說“我願意”比她在婚禮中發出的誓言更加堅定。事後,她也被家人和朋友送來如潮水般的禮物和祝福所淹沒,心中感到比自己的婚禮更興奮激動。


就我個人而言,在去年經歷了疫情大流行和事奉的挑戰後,這崇拜對於我在列宣的事奉來說是一個適切的總結,見證了在過去十年中總共有大約 200 人受洗,成為神的兒女和成為神家中的一分子。這實在是見証著我們所侍奉的神是何等的信實,以及衪的而且確是在我們中間運行工作。願榮耀全然歸給神!


From where does my hope come?


From the Pastor’s Desk:Rev.Simon Lee

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? 2 My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. (Ps 121:1,2) Recently I was able to see again the majestic Rockies and was reminded how great God is, and I realized that God is my help, even as I was in my own struggles. I was reminded of one of my favourite songs in Winter Conference:

Who made the mountains? Who made the trees? Who made the rivers flow to the sea?
And who sends the rain when the earth is dry? Somebody bigger than you and I.

When I am weary, filled with despair. Who gives me courage to go on from there?
And who gives me faith that will never die?  Somebody bigger than you and I.

By looking at the hills, the troubled psalmist found his source of help that he was looking for. It was found in the Creator of heaven and earth. For all of us, after almost three years of Covid which exacerbate whatever troubles we are experiencing, we are looking for help from everywhere. The psalmist saw in and beyond the beautiful hills, his help comes from the Creator who made the hills, the mountains and all the wonderful things in nature. Often at the top of the hills are built the places of worship. So looking at the hills is like seeking the presence of God.

If in Christ as the Saviour, I see love, the love of God, and in Christ as the Sanctifier and healer, I see faith, God’s faithfulness, then in Christ as the Coming King, I see hope, ultimate hope.

Often, we become Christians because we see and experience God’s love. Then as we strive to be good Christians, we learn that it is Christ who enables us to grow and we can turn to Him when we are weak, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. But still after trying to learn to follow Christ the Saviour, the Sanctifier and Healer, we are in situations where we seem to be stuck in our different difficulties, or to be stricken with sickness that are incurable, or become the victims of irreparable broken relationships… When we come to the end of the road, remember Christ is the Coming King, and therein lies our eternal and ultimate hope. Therefore, I would like to rephrase the above verses for this article as:

I lift up my eyes to heaven. From where does my HOPE come? My HOPE comes from the LORD, Christ the Coming King.

We are reminded of the words of the two messengers (angels) of God to the disciples at the ascension of Jesus Christ:  … as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. 10 And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, 11 and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.” (Acts 1: 9-11) What does Christ coming in the same way means? From the context it means that Christ ascended in a cloud, and will return in like manner, physically, in view of the people (Rev. 1:7) and to the Mount of Olives (Zech 14:4).

But these words were also spoken after Christ Jesus have told the disciples not to focus on “When” will be the “times or seasons” which has been fixed by the authority of God the Father.  Instead, the disciples were to focus on the Great Commission: …But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” At that time, the disciples were more concerned with “justice”, the restoration of the earthly kingdom of Israel, but Christ was concerned only for the gospel and the expansion of the Kingdom of God. Indeed, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to be “witnesses” of Christ to the whole world. It is when this Great Commission is accomplished that Christ will return. As the hymn goes,

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full, in his wonderful face.
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of his glory and grace.

From where does my hope come? It comes from focusing on Christ the Coming King, and His mission for us.

Your servant in Christ,
Rev. Simon Lee




“我要向群山舉目,我的幫助從哪裡來呢? 我的幫助是從造天地的耶和華而來。”(詩121:1,2)

最近,我有機會遙望雄偉聳立的洛磯山脈,我再次被提醒神是多麼的偉大,並且我意識到即使我落在自己的掙扎中,神是我的幫助。我想起了曾在冬令會中我所最喜歡唱的一首歌Who made the mountains?:







我們可會想到在耶穌基督升天時,神的兩位使者(天使)對門徒所說的話:…他們還在看的時候,他被接上升,有一朵雲把他接去,就看不見他了。當他往上升,他們定睛望天的時候,忽然有兩個人,身穿白衣,站在他們旁邊,說:“加利利人哪,為甚麼站著望天呢?這位被接升天離開你們的耶穌,你們看見他怎樣往天上去,他也要怎樣回來。” (徒1: 9-11)
基督將以同樣的方式降臨是什麼意思?從上文下理來看,意即:基督在雲彩中升天,並將以同樣的方式返回,在眾目睽睽之下降臨(啟1:7)於橄欖山上(亞 14:4)。



