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Our providential God


From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Francis Chan

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

One evening in December 2009, my family had dinner with Rev. Williams Cheng, an aviation missionary in the USA. On that occasion, the Holy Spirit kept asking me the same question, “What are you doing?” For the next month or so, I continued to listen and respond to the Holy Spirit, whether I was having morning devotion or listening to sermons. Finally, the Holy Spirit reminded me of a Bible verse that had become the beacon of my life since I was 21 years old, exhorting me to realign the priorities of my life. In Matthew 6:33 Jesus taught his disciples, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” At that time, I felt I was a decent Christian because in various aspects of life, I had sought God’s will, and participated in the Kingdom’s work. But what I could not do is the word “first” in the Bible verse. Because of my busy workload and my love for my family, God’s business was often put after my work and my family. The Holy Spirit reminded me to obey Jesus’ command to put God first in my life. Since there were no clear indication that I should work towards becoming either a pastor or a missionary, I did not know if this “reminder” was a “call.” In the course of seeking further guidance, my then senior pastor Rev Gordon Siu told me firmly, “Yes! This is a call!” Subsequently in 2012, I left my job, my family, and my friends in HK to come to Regent College in Vancouver with my immediate family of four to study. At first, I was in the Master of Christian Studies program. According to my plan at that time, I would return to the marketplace after equipping myself with theological training, only that I would put my work and my family after God’s business when I return to the marketplace. Totally out of the blue, the Holy Spirit spoke to me again after a year and a half to urge me to become a fulltime pastor in the church. In view of this, I switched to the Master of Divinity program. Due to my old age, my poor memory, and a benign tumor in my pituitary gland that needed to be removed, I spent 6 years to complete the M.Div. program when other people only take 4. As I was supposed to graduate in April 2018, I started to look for a ministry position in Canada in December 2017. I sent over 20 applications to churches all over Canada. Since Hong Kong at that time had become a totally foreign and deeply frustrating place to me, and that my two sons were studying in Vancouver, I really did not want to go back to Hong Kong. I wanted to stay and serve in Canada. The year I was looking for a job in Canada was a low point in my life as most of my applications were without any response. It was only when I was willing to surrender to God’s will – even if I had to return to Hong Kong to serve – that a miracle happened. At that time, the pastor in charge of the Cantonese youth ministry in RCAC resigned under unexpected circumstances. By providence, there was a position in my home church that I could apply for. After two rounds of interviews, I was hired. On November 1, 2018, I joined the pastoral team of RCAC and began to serve fulltime. In the blink of an eye, four full years have elapsed. Again by providence, I will be ordained as a pastor of the C&MA in the AYAYA Youth Worship tonight (December 10). In retrospect, it was the will of God himself. Our Heavenly Father plans… our Lord Jesus Christ leads… our Comforter the Holy Spirit moves… and we, his people, respond. All is grace!

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Francis Chan




2009年12月的一個晚上,我們一家與從美國回港述職的飛行宣教士鄭偉昌牧師共進晚餐。談話之間,聖靈在我內心不停發出同一個問題:「你喺度做緊乜嘢?」之後一個月,在靈修和聽道的時候,我繼續聆聽、回應聖靈的聲音。最後,聖靈引用一節從我21歲開始,就成為我人生指標的金句,去提醒我重新調教人生的優先次序。主耶穌在馬太福音6:33 訓勉門徒說:「你們要先求他的國和他的義,這些東西都要加給你們了。」。當時,我自覺是個尚算可以的基督徒。因為在生活的不同範疇,我都有尋求上帝旨意,也有參與上帝國度的建立。但我做不到的,就是金句裏面的一個「先」字。由於工作繁忙又熱愛家庭,上帝的事往往都只會放在工作和家庭之後。聖靈提醒我,要遵從主耶穌的吩咐,將天父上帝重新放在我生命中的首位。由於當時沒有明確指示,叫我成為牧者或宣教士,我真的不知道這個提醒,是不是一個「呼召」。在尋求指引的過程中,我當時的主任牧師蕭壽華,就非常堅定的告訴我:「係!呢個係呼召!」就這樣,2012年我離開了香港的工作,離開了親人朋友,一家四口來到溫哥華 RECENT COLLEGE 讀神學。起初報讀基督教研究碩士課程(Master of Christian Studies),預算有了神學裝備之後,再回職場繼續工作,但會將天父上帝放在工作和家庭之上。誰知道,就讀一年半之後,聖靈再次感動我,要我全時間在教會事奉。有見及此,便改讀道學碩士課程(Master of Divinity)。由於年紀不輕,記性又差,再加上腦下垂體下面生了一個良性腫瘤需要切除,一般用四年時間完成的課程,我用了六年。預計2018 年4 月畢業,2017年12月便開始在加拿大尋找事奉崗位,從西岸一直搜索到東岸。由於當時的香港已經變成一個令我感到陌生而且沮喪的地方,加上兩個兒子仍然在溫哥華讀書,我實在不願意返回香港,我希望在加拿大事奉。在尋找工作的那一年,是我人生中的一個低谷。因為我發出的求職信,都沒有回音。到最後,當我願意在上帝面前降服,就算要我返回香港事奉,我也願意的時候,奇蹟就發生了。當時一位在列宣家負責廣東話青年事工的傳道人,在意想不到的情況下請辭。在上帝的鋪排之下,自己的母會竟然出現一個我可以申請的事奉崗位。在兩輪面試之後,我得到聘用。在2018年11月1日正式加入列宣家的教牧團隊,開始全職事奉。轉眼間,整整四年過去了。再次在上帝的鋪排之下,今天 (12月10日) 晚上,我會在 AYAYA 青年崇拜之中被按立,成為宣道會的牧師。回想起來,一切都是出於上帝的手。天父有鋪排,耶穌有帶領,聖靈有感動,我們有回應。 一切都是恩典!


What A Challenging Year 2022

From the Pastor’s Desk:Pastor Francis Chan

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

I still remember that in 2018 when I was about to graduate from Regent College, I could not find a ministry position in Canada. My feeling of loss, frustration, and fear at that time were beyond words. Being a mischievous child of God, I threw my complaint at my Father in heaven: “If You have truly called me to serve full-time in your church, why have you not opened a ministry position for me?” Of course I knew in my heart that God’s calling to me was real. It was just that He never said I had to serve Him in Canada. It is my will, not necessarily His will, to stay in Canada to serve.

Why did I not want to return to Hong Kong? Because I could not accept the “new” Hong Kong. The Hong Kong I had known, had cherished, and had been proud of was a society where the rule of law, administrative justice, basic human rights and freedom were cherished and protected. Everyone is equal before the law, and for those who were enforcing and administering the law, their enforcement and administration were fair, just, and transparent. Hong Kong had never been a place where mere words could form the basis of criminal prosecution. No one would be prosecuted, convicted, and imprisoned for speaking out his mind. Hong Kong in 2018, compared to Hong Kong after the passing of the National Security Law on June 30, 2020, would have been like heaven. Yet even in 2018, free speech and civic society were being suppressed with relentless intensity. The Hong Kong Government ignoring public opinion, going against common sense, and constantly changing its policies to advance its political agenda had become “the new normal” in Hong Kong. Moreover, our family has lived in Canada for 6 years, and we have generally adapted to it. “God, I have given up everything I have in Hong Kong to serve You with all my heart, can I just choose where to serve You?”

After many struggles, when I was willing to give up my will and seek God’s will, a miracle happened. RCAC had a vacancy in its pastoral team. By God’s grace, I got the opportunity to serve in my mother church. I became a pastor of the Cantonese Ministry to take care of our youth and young families. Thanks be to God that although my ministry has been busy and sometimes trying, I do see lots and lots of grace and blessings.

In 2019, the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement broke out in in Hong Kong. The contradictions and conflicts between Hongkongers and its government reached a critical point. What happened after 2019 has become a history written by the tears and blood of Hongkongers. Out of sympathy for Hongkongers (especially those social activists), many liberal democratic countries in the west have set up truly generous immigration programs. Canada is one of them and has set up the Hong Kong Pathway to facilitate Hongkongers to study and work in Canada. Starting from 2021, we have seen a large number of Hongkongers coming to Vancouver. Among them were Christians and faith seekers who came to our RCAC family. When I see their reluctance and grief to leave behind their families and friends in Hong Kong, their struggles and adaptation to their new life here in Canada, and their anxiety about the uncertainty of their future, I can totally resonate with them. “God, is it not shepherding and caring for the wounded Hong Kong newcomers your call to me here and now?”

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Francis Chan




還記得2018 年的時候,神學課程畢業在即,用上幾個月都未能在加拿大找到一個事奉崗位。當時的失落,沮喪及恐懼,實在難以言表。老實不客氣的我,便向上帝投訴:如果祢真的呼召我進入教會全時間事奉,為什麼不為我安排一個崗位?心底裏我當然知道上帝的呼召是真實的。只是祂從未說過我一定要在加拿大事奉。留在加拿大事奉,是我的意願,不一定是祂的旨意。

為什麼不願意返回香港?因為我接受不了已經改變的香港。我所認識、珍愛,並且引以為傲的香港,是一個擁有良好法治,行政公義,基本人權,自由得着保障的地方。在法律面前人人平等,執法者無論在執法或者檢控方面,都是公平公正公開,從來都不是一個以言入罪的地方。市民從來都不用擔心因為說出心底話而被追究(因為誹謗而產生的民事責任除外),甚至被檢控,被定罪,被監禁。2018年的香港,相對於2020年6月30日通過國安法之後的香港,當然是小巫見大巫,但當時言論自由的空間,公民社會存在的空間,已經受到越來越大的打壓。 而香港政府漠視民意,倒行逆施,不斷搬龍門已經是香港的新常態。加上我們一家在加拿大已經生活了六年,大致上都已經適應了這裏的生活。上帝,我已經放棄了我在香港的一切,全心全意全時間去事奉祢,我可以選擇我事奉祢的地方嗎?

幾經掙扎,當我願意放棄自己的心意,尋求上帝的旨意的時候,奇蹟便發生了。 列宣家竟然出現了一個事奉空缺,靠着上帝的恩典,我得着在列宣家事奉的機會, 成為廣東話事工的青少年及婚姻家庭部的同工。感謝上帝,在列宣家的事奉雖然非常忙碌,自己都有很多適應,但處處都見到上帝的恩典。

2019年香港發生反對《逃犯條例修訂草案》運動,香港市民與政府之間的矛盾和衝突達到臨界點,之後發生的事,都已成為香港人用血和淚寫成的歷史。西方自由民主國家出於對香港市民(特別是社運人士)的同情,紛紛設立寬鬆的移民方案,加拿大也設立了方便香港人來加拿大讀書和工作的特別計劃(Hong Kong Pathway)。2021 年開始,我們見到大量香港人來到溫哥華,其中也有基督徒以及慕道者來到我們列治文華人宣道會的大家庭。當我看見他們對香港家人朋友的不捨和掛念,他們對新生活的掙扎和適應,甚至他們因為將來的不確定性而產生的焦慮,我心裏面就產生莫大的共鳴。上帝,去牧養受傷的香港新移民,不就是祢此時此刻對我的呼召嗎?


I am thankful

Aug 28-29, 2021
From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Francis Chan

The topic I shared last time was, “Woe to me if I don’t preach the gospel!”. At that time, I shared the progress of our Youth Evangelism Exploration Training Course that had just started for about 2 months. Today, all 10 students in the course have passed our 2 graduation exams. Now, they are working hard to fulfill another graduation requirement, which is to share the gospel with no less than 10 people. When all students have completed the required number of sharing, they will graduate. All is grace and I am thankful.

Since its establishment in January last year, our Cantonese-speaking Young Couples Fellowship, SOS (Song of Songs) Fellowship, has continued to grow in numbers. So far, our fellowship has more than 20 couples and more than 30 children. We have two regular meetings a month from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm on Saturdays. On the second Saturday, we study the Bible in one large group, and on the fourth Saturday, we share and pray in small groups. Although we could only meet online in the past 17 months, we are thankful that our attendance rate has remained above 70%. For young parents having to take care of young children, this is a very good attendance rate indeed. Last Sunday, we went to the Centennial Beach Park in Delta. A total of 40 people from 14 families attended. All is grace and I am thankful.

In my sermon in AYAYA Online 2 weeks ago on August 14, I asked: “Why does God allow us to suffer?” My answer, “Oftentimes, the greatest learning and growth opportunity in life happens   when we suffer. Suffering can help us understand our weaknesses, see our limitations, hear God’s voice more readily, and follow God’s path more willingly.” Just one week after my sermon, my right foot suffered from plantar fasciitis. On the first night of my illness, my foot felt as though it was being burnt on the stove, and I couldn’t sleep at all. Incredibly, my heart was at peace. I was thankful, and I even felt a satisfying feeling that I was being loved. I didn’t only pray for God to increase my pain, but also to extend the time of my pain. You may be wondering, am I a masochist? Of course not. But God knows what a very forgetful person I am.

In fact, I had suffered from plantar fasciitis more than a decade ago in Hong Kong. For several weeks, I went to see a Chinese bone-setting doctor. When the doctor turned and twisted my foot, the pain I experienced was almost unbearable. The cause of my illness? Simple: I was obese, and my feet had been under tremendous pressure from my bodyweight for a long time. For an obese person like me, the onset of plantar fasciitis is only a matter of time and frequency. Therefore, this relapse is a wakeup call from my loving God, who loves me and my family very much. How can I not respond and be thankful? By God’s grace in the not too remote future, I do look forward to meeting a new Pastor Francis, who will be 10 kg lighter than the current Pastor Francis. Please remember me if you will.


Aug 28-29, 2021


自從去年一月成立以來,我們的粵語年青夫婦團契 SOS 雅歌團不斷有新夫婦加入。今天,團契已經有超過20 對夫婦,30多位小朋友。我們每月有兩次聚會,在週六下午4:30至6:00舉行。第2週我們有查經聚會,第4週我們有小組相交和祈禱。雖然在過去17個月我們只可以在網上聚會,但非常感恩,團友的出席率都維持在70%以上。對於要照顧小朋友的年青夫婦而言,這已經是一個非常好的出席率。上星期日,我們去了在 Delta的 Centennial Beach Park旅行。有14個家庭一共40人出席。實在感恩。

在兩星期前8月14日 AYAYA Online的講道中,我問:「為何上帝會容許我們受傷?」當然我也分享了我的看法:「很多時,人生最大的學習,最大的成長,都是在逆境之中完成的。受傷,可以讓我們更加認識自己的軟弱,更加明白自己的限制,更加容易聽到上帝的聲音,更加願意跟從上帝的腳步。」言猶在耳,上星期我的右腳就患上筋膜炎。病發的第一個晚上,我的右腳好像被火燒一樣,整晚未能入睡。當時我內心卻充滿感恩之情,甚至有一絲因為感到被愛,而產生的滿足感。我不但祈求上帝增加我的痛苦,還祈求祂延長我感到痛苦的時間。你可能會奇怪,我是一個被虐狂嗎?當然不是。但上帝知道,我是一個十分善忘的人。

其實早在十多年前,我已經患過筋膜炎。當時連續幾星期,一位中醫師為我推拿治療。治療過程中,我痛得死去活來。發病原因?很簡單,因為我太肥,所以足部長期承受極大的壓力。對一個癡肥的人來說,筋膜炎病發,只是時間的問題,頻密程度的問題而已。所以,這次再發病,是仁慈的上帝因為愛我而發給我的提醒 (wakeup call),我怎可能不回應,不感恩呢?所以,靠著上帝的恩典,我期待在不久的將來,會遇上一位比我現在的體重輕二十磅的陳傳道。請禱告記念。






May 08-09, 2021

曾經有人說,世上只有兩種基督徒:傳福音的,不傳福音的。至於使徒保羅,他當然是傳福音的基督徒。“如果不傳福音,我就有禍了!” 正是他在哥林多前書9:16寫下的金句。主耶穌在馬太福音28:19 也清楚吩咐祂的門徒,要去到萬民當中,使萬民都成為祂的門徒。要成為門徒,先要接受福音;要接受福音,先要聽到福音。這道理並不複雜。“傳福音” 不是主耶穌向門徒發出的邀請,是祂向門徒發出的命令。今天的你和我,作為主耶穌的門徒,我們可有忠心執行主的命令?

一個門徒不傳福音,有千百萬個理由。其中有兩個比較普遍的原因:一,他不懂如何傳福音;二,他的生活圈子中,全部都是信徒。對於如何處理這兩個問題,我必須首先提出一個基本原則:傳福音是一件需要刻意去做的事。如果你有傳福音的心志,你就會明白、認同保羅在提摩太後書4:2所說的:“務要傳道,無論得時不得時,總要專心,並用百般的忍耐、各樣的教訓責備人,警戒人,勸勉人。” 這話並不是單單適用於牧者,或是在教會裡有職分的人,亦適用於所有主耶穌的門徒。

“需要刻意去做” 是什麼意思呢?當你追求一位女生,你會留意她,然後嘗試進一步認識她,你會刻意為自己製造機會,你會刻意與她接觸、溝通,並且希望透過互相了解,她會接受你成為她的男朋友,如果戀愛成功,最終你就可以成為她的丈夫。傳福音,也是如此。我們需要留意在我們身邊有沒有適合傳福音的對象,如果沒有 (例如身邊全是信徒),我們就需要刻意擴闊自己的生活圏子,去接觸一些非信徒,刻意建立關係,刻意與他們分享信仰上的經歷,希望最終有機會向他們傳福音。在整個過程中,聖靈是我們的總指揮、我們的導師、我們的加能賜力者。當我們帶著傳福音的心志,去尋求聖靈,祂一定會帥領我們,幫助我們,去完成主耶穌給予我們傳揚福音、訓練門徒的大使命。

如果你不懂如何傳福音,歡迎你向你的牧者查詢。因為裝備你去傳福音,是我們作牧者的責任。正如保羅在以弗所書4.11-12所說:“… 也有作牧養和教導的,為的是要裝備聖徒,去承擔聖工,建立基督的身體 …”建立基督的身體,就是透過傳福音去增加門徒的數目,並且透過主內相愛、學習神的話,去建立門徒的屬靈生命。我們就是基督的門徒,我們就是基督的身體。

今年3月15日,列宣家為講廣東話的年青人開辦了第二屆為期 6個月的三元福音佈道訓練課程。去年第一屆我們有10位學員,今年我們也有10位學員。為學員感恩外,也為我們有一個非常出色的團隊感恩,包括一位教導三福超過20年的老師,10位全情投入的隊長,和40位代禱勇士。

在我們今年的學員中,有一位姊妹正在全時間攻讀大學,又同時一星期工作37.5小時。在這情況下,她仍然堅持參加三福訓練,為要學會傳福音,可以帶領家人信主。又有一位姊妹,最近幾個月不但要應付升職帶來的額外挑戰和工作量,又要安排家居搬遷的事宜。在這情況下,她仍然堅持參加三福訓練,為要與丈夫一起傳福音,同心建立一個領人歸主的家庭。最後,讓我分享一位學員在福音探訪中第一次與福音對象對話之後,在我們WhatsApp 群組的分享:

“可能因為今次有份去參與  去傾計  問問題  成個過程俾到我一個好大嘅感動 💓 嗰種感動唔係講緊某一刻  而係望住佢由猶豫到最後講願意嘅嗰個過程  對我黎講有頗大衝擊  亦令我諗返我自己嘅信仰道路上  曾面對過相似嘅問題  然後發現真係好感恩  能咁早認識神💓 💓

而呢種感動同感恩  令我發覺原來我做緊一樣咁不可思議嘅工作  無諗過原來我嘅背書同傾計有咁大效用  令我更加想去幫多啲呢啲想尋求上帝嘅人  💓

好開心  好感恩”💓

親愛的弟兄姊妹,這一切都是恩典。正如詩篇127:1 所說:




Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!

May 08-09, 2021
From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Francis Chan

Someone once said that there are only two types of Christians in the world: those who preach the gospel and those who do not. As for apostle Paul, he was certainly a Christian who preached the gospel. In 1 Corinthians 9:16 he wrote, “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!”

Jesus also commanded his disciples “to go and make disciples of all nations” in Matthew 28:19. To become a disciple, one must first accept the gospel; to accept the gospel, one must first hear the gospel. The logic is straightforward. “Preach the gospel” is not an invitation from Jesus, but a command. Today, we are Jesus’ disciples but are we faithfully following the Lord’s command?

There are millions of reasons why a disciple does not preach the gospel. Two of them are common: first, you don’t know how to do it; and second, all your acquaintances are Christians. How to tackle these two issues? Well, let’s look at a fundamental principle about evangelism: Evangelism is something that needs to be done intentionally. If you have a heart to preach the gospel, you will understand and appreciate what Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:2, “preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” Did Paul sound like preaching the word of God is an accidental or unprepared enterprise? Of course not, it is an intentional and well-prepared endeavor. More importantly, Paul’s instructions do not apply only to pastors or people who have positions in the church, but also to all disciples of Jesus Christ.

What does “to be done intentionally” mean in the context of evangelism? It means that we need to be intentional in looking out for gospel prospects, taking time to build trusting relationship with them, sharing our testimonies with them, and lastly, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to them at the prompting of the Holy Spirit. It is not our responsibility that they will accept Christ, but it is our responsibility to offer them a chance to do so. In case all people in your social circles are Christians, what can you do? Enlarge your social circles for the sake of reaching out to non-believers. In short, it is a choice to lead a life of evangelism, a life of always being ready to preach the gospel whether in season or out of season. If you seriously desire to lead an evangelistic life, just seek help from the Holy Spirit and let him lead you, guide you, and empower you, every step of your way.

In case you do not know how to preach the gospel, you are most welcome to ask your pastor. Because it is our responsibility as pastors to teach and equip you, among other things, to preach the gospel. As Paul said in Ephesians 4.11-12 “… he gave … the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…” To build up the body of Christ is to make more disciples through evangelism, and to grow with them in the faith through genuinely loving one another and learning the Word of God together. We are the disciples of Christ. We are the body of Christ.

Last year, we organized for the first time a 6-month-long Evangelism Explosion training course for 10 Cantonese-speaking young people of RCAC. On March 15 this year, we run this program again for another 10 students. Apart from our students, we are also blessed with a great team consisting of a teacher who has taught EE courses for more than 20 years, 10 dedicated team captains, and 40 prayer warriors supporting this ministry by intercession.

Among our students this year, one is studying at university full time and working 37.5 hours a week at the same time. Nonetheless, she insists on joining the EE training course because she wants to learn a practical method to preach the gospel, so that she can lead her unsaved family to the Lord.

Another student is coping with new challenges and extra workload due to her recent promotion at work and at the same time, she is busy with arrangements to relocate her home. Still, she chooses to join the EE training course because she wants to preach the gospel with her husband, who graduated last year, and to make their family an evangelistic hub.

Finally, let me share with you the reflections of a student after she talked with a gospel prospect for the first time in her team’s recent visitation (because in the previous visitations, she was only allowed to observe while her team captains did the talking):

Maybe because I took part in actually asking questions this time, I was very touched 💓 This touching feeling did not exist in any particular moment, but throughout the entire visitation, while I was witnessing the gospel prospect from having hesitations to finally saying yes to Christ. This has a big impact on me as I recall my own spiritual journey, when I also had similar hesitations, and then I realized how grateful I am to have known God early in my life 💓

This touching feeling and my gratitude made me realize that I am doing an incredible job. It turns out that by memorizing my script and talking to the gospel prospect, so much can be achieved. It makes me more eager to help more people who are seeking God 💓💓

So happy and grateful “💓

Hallelujah! All is grace! As it is said in Psalm 127:1

Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.

Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.

In closing, I pray with all my heart that you will be encouraged, and that you too, will become a preacher of the gospel. May you leave behind beautiful footsteps as you preach the gospel, and may the Lord call you his good and faithful servant on the day you see him face to face. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

All is grace!

Jan 16-17, 2021
From the Pastor’s Desk: Pastor Francis Chan

Does it ever occur to you that you don’t deserve anything you happen to own? And that you don’t actually own anything that you deem to be yours?

I have taken road tests for driving license in Hong Kong and in Vancouver. On the day I took my road test in Hong Kong, my driving instructor gave me a final rehearsal. I saw a car flashing distress lights stopped in front of me. After a minute or so, I turned on my right signal and I passed that car. When the rehearsal was over, my instructor told me that I had failed because I had failed to ask for his instructions before I drove pass that distressed car. In less than an hour, I took and passed my road test. The distressed car was simply not there when I was on that road the second time. The distressed car could have appeared in my rehearsal, and it could have appeared in my road text. Everything is providential. All is grace!

On November 17 last year, I took my road test in Vancouver. It was my third attempt in 6 months. Everything went smoothly and about 30 minutes later, the examiner asked me to return to the test centre. When I tried to park my car at the test centre, I discovered that there was only very limited space to maneuver because there was a big garbage box to the left of my intended parking spot and there was a car parked to its right. Anyhow, I tried my best and parked my car. When I turned off the engine, I was eagerly expecting good news from the examiner. To my surprise, he said I had failed because one wheel was on the line of the parking spot, and he also said that I had failed to shoulder check when I drove into the test centre. I was disheartened and I could almost cry. Feeling desperate, I asked the examiner if he could pass me, nevertheless. In response, he asked me why he should do so. I told him that it was already my third attempt. After a short silence, he said, “OK, I’ll pass you, but you must remember to do shoulder checks!” That day, the examiner had mercy on me; more accurately, God had mercy on me. I got the message loud and clear: it was God’s grace that I got my license, just like my first time in Hong Kong.

Driving is both a pleasure and a necessity to me. The driving license that I own now, which allows me to drive, has been graciously given to me by God. If the Lord pleases that I should live a long and healthy life, I would probably be driving until my last moment on earth. Still, my license and my driving will come to an end eventually.

Apart from our salvation in Christ, we don’t actually own anything. Everything that we have ever owned and everything that we have ever cherished doing will cease to exist one day. They were first given to us by the grace of God but still, they will not survive into eternity. God doesn’t owe us anything. He did not have to create us; He did not have to sustain us; He did not have to save us when we sinned and were doomed; and indeed, He did not have to give us any goodies of life at all. Yet because of his profound love for us, he has chosen to save us, even at a price that costed him dearly and hurt him deeply. His only begotten Son Jesus Christ came to our world – the Word became flesh – to experience the life of a mortal, to experience the pain and sufferings of our body and soul, and eventually, to be hung on a cursed cross, in order to pay the price of sin in our place and stead. The voluntary sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ satisfied God’s justice and fulfilled God’s mercy. Just as the Scripture says: He loves me and gives himself up for me!

I’d therefore ask you to pray with me, that by God’s grace, we will walk with Him every day with contentment, joy, and a thanksgiving heart, because all is grace!


Jan 16-17, 2021


我分別在香港、溫哥華考過兩個駕駛執照。在香港考路試的那天,師傅跟我作最後模擬路試。他一言不發,坐在我的左邊。我看見前方有一輛 “死車”,停在單程路上。等了一分鐘,它仍然停在那裡。35歲充滿自信的我打燈,然後超越,滿心歡喜地完成了模擬路試。車停下來,師傅就對我說:“你肥左啦!(“不合格” 英文是 FAIL。在香港,不合格通常會說 “肥”了。) 因為你無問過我 (即模擬路試的考官),就擅自越線超車。”不到一個小時之後,我完成了真正的路試。這次我合格了,因為那輛“死車”已經不見蹤影。“死車”可以出現在模擬路試,也可以出現在正式路試。這是神的心意,神的恩典。

得到一位姊妹幫助,在網上得到一個快期,2020年11月17日,我在溫哥華考路試。這己經是我在半年內第三次考路試。路試期間一切順利,不見考官手部有任何動作,只是安然坐在我的右邊。大約半小時後,他叫我駛回試塲。試塲車位的空間非常狹窄,因為在我要泊的車位左前方放了一個大垃圾箱,而車位的右邊亦停了一輛車。我小心翼翼地把車泊好,關掉引擎,就満心歡喜,期待好消息。考官打開車門,看見車輪停在泊車線上,就說我不合格,要重考,他還說我駛進試塲時,沒有SHOULDER CHECK。我當時的心情非常沮喪,差點就哭了。我請求考官網開一面,給我合格。他就問我他為何要這樣做。58歲一臉委屈的我就對他說:“因為這已經是我第三次考路試了!”他定睛在我面上,然後說:“好吧,不過你以後要記住做 SHOULDER CHECK!”他動了慈心,憐憫了我。真相就是神動了慈心,憐憫了我。神也讓我深深感受到自己的不足,自己的不配。這是恩典,再清楚不過的恩典。


