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有時,世界得勝了。有人要滿足虛榮之心,就追求稱許讚賞。法利賽人是其一顯明的例子,他們冗長的禱告是為得人的稱讚(太23.14; 路18.11),所作的善也是要得人的榮耀(太6.2)。有人要得權以滿足自已,要眾人都跟從他,就用各樣的方法來損害異己。就如祭司及法利賽人因耶穌與他們不合就要除掉耶穌(約11.53)。也有人以追求錢財來滿足自己。撒該就是其一例子(路19.7)。他被眾人稱為眾人是因為他是稅吏長,以欺壓同胞得利而成為財主。另外,少年的官也是相仿,因愛錢財過於一切,就放棄了跟從耶穌的大好機會(太19.16-22)。

在耶穌基督裡,世界就失敗了。有人放棄了世上的榮耀,為主走上了受苦的道路。有保羅因為主耶穌就放棄了一切,為要得着至寶的基督(腓3.8)。十九世紀的劍橋七傑,當中有富商之子,有男爵之子,有將軍之子,也有醫生之子,他們本可以享受世人所羨慕的一切榮華,卻為主而選上了十字架的道路,到中國的徧遠鄉村宣教。最後也有在異鄉離世的。有人學效了耶穌基督為門徒洗腳的榜樣 (約13.1-17),用所擁有的權力選擇了服侍眾人的位置:林肯總統是代表的其中之一。也有人為主的緣故,為主耶穌放棄世上的錢財,專心一意的跟從主。除了稅吏長撒該 (路19.1-10),博德恩(William Borden)也是一樣。他捨棄豐厚的財富而選上服侍主的道路,更向世界宣告他是“無保留,無退回,無後悔”( No Reserves—No Retreats—No Regrets)。



From the Pastor’s Desk – Nov 18/19, 2023


Recently, a fellowship group invited me to share on the topic of meditation. In fact, I am also learning. It is not too difficult to know what meditation is. It is not too difficult to know the skills. If you search on the Internet, you will definitely find some content that talks about how to practice in this area. However, meditation is a lifelong exercise, because the purpose of this, in my opinion, is to establish a relationship with God that belongs only to God and oneself.

Paul talked about meditation as a training in 1 Timothy 4. Why would he use training to describe meditation? It turns out that our faith is like swimming upstream. If we don’t deepen our relationship with God, there will be a current that pushes us back. This current is the values from the world. The further we are pushed behind, the farther we feel disconnect with our God, even to the point where we may have even forgotten our own faith.

There is a fundamental element to training, perseverance. Skill is important. However, in my experience, perseverance is more important. The reason why we can persevere is because we value the relationship with God. If we value a relationship, we will use various methods to maintain, build, and deepen this. If we don’t value it, no matter how effective the methods are, we may give up as soon as you encounter external challenges.

The purpose of meditation is to build a relationship with God. The manifestation of this relationship needs to be in words, actions, love, faith and works. It is also a manifestation of the whole person. Faith itself is not a part of life, but life itself. To have this kind of life, we must let God’s words speak to our hearts. In addition, we need to respond with prayer. All this is included in meditation.

Some people believe that spiritual practice is best done at a specific time. This is good. However, my experience tells me that it is impossible to fixate at a specific time. I still remember that when I was dating my wife, I would think of what she said not just at certain times, but almost whenever I had free time in my head. Paul said in Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is dignified, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, whatever virtue there is, whatever praise is yours, do these things Thoughts.” I believe this is meditation, letting God’s words occupy our hearts. At this time, we will begin to receive the benefits of this spiritual practice, which is the establishment of an intimate relationship. And this relationship is not an ordinary relationship, but a personal relationship with God.

May God bless you all.

His servant,

Rev. Mark Liu














Nov 11/12, 2023

From the Pastors’ Desk: Pastor Karen Quan

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

Gen 1: 14-15 (The Message)

“God spoke: “Lights! Come out! Shine in Heaven’s sky! Separate Day from Night. Mark seasons and days and years, Lights in Heaven’s sky to give light to Earth.” And there it was.”

The beauty of the fall colors are always my favorite time of the year. We are truly blessed to experience the variations of all 4 seasons in Canada. Ironically, the beauty of the colors of the leaves originate from the process of their death. As the leaves change color, they will eventually fall to the ground in preparation and waiting for winter. Only the mighty Evergreens can keep their needles & branches full.

So while these maple trees are preparing for more, we too as a church family are in a specific season. Our season is one of leadership transitions. A time where we have lots of questions and few solid answers. What does a Transitional Pastor and Transitional Coach look like? How will they assist us as a church family? When will they come to us?

Scripture tells us that seasons were always part of God’s design. From the time of creation in Genesis, God has “Marked” the start and end of a day, a year & groups our seasons. A way for us to delineate & trace God’s goodness in having a time for all things.

Waiting is always hard but waiting allows for an aspect of being quiet. Only as we are quiet, are we able to see & hear more clearly from our God. A time where we may be quietly & actively praying for ourselves and our church. A time where we continue to wait in obedience before the Lord as He unfolds what’s best for us. We can be quietly & prayerfully looking to see God at work. Who might God be shaping us to be during this special time? Are there people in need that we can be caring for or serving even now? We can be actively inviting God to mature and grow in faith as we wait for a new leader. We can actively consider and remove those attitudes that keep us apart from God. We can seek to do more inner work: self-reflection, review and re-alignment to God. As a church family, it’s a season to wait expectantly before God.

During this time we can be asking God to increase our faith in His good & perfect plans (Jer. 29:11). Invite him to focus our eyes increasingly on Him and not on human plans or strategies. A time where we can mature in trust while He quietly works and provides for us while we wait for Him to lead us into a new chapter.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Karen Quan




創世記1:14-15 神說:“在天上穹蒼中,要有光體來分晝夜;這些光體要作為記號,定節令、日子和年歲;它們要在天上穹蒼中發光,照耀地上!”  事就這樣成了。



聖經告訴我們,季節總是神設計的一部分。 從創世記中的創造開始,神就「定」了一天、一年和季節的開始和結束,這是讓我們勾畫和追索神在所有事情上都有定時的美意。

等待總是很艱難,但等待卻存在安靜的一面。只有當我們安靜時,我們才能更清楚地看到和聽到神的聲音。在這個時候,我們可以安靜地、積極地為自己和教會祈禱。在這段時間裡,我們繼續在主面前順服,等待祂向我們展示對我們最好的。我們可以安靜地、虔誠地仰望神在作工,神會在這個特別時期怎樣塑造我們?此時此刻有什麼有需要的人我們可以服侍和關顧?當我們等待新的領袖時,我們可以積極地邀請神使我們在信心上更鞏固和成熟,我們可以積極反思並除去那些使我們與神隔絕的態度,我們可以追求做更多的內在工作:自我反省、檢視並重新調整至與神保持一致。 作為教會一家,這是一個在神面前抱著期待等候的時刻。

在此期間,我們可以祈求神增強我們對祂美好而完美計劃的信心(耶利米書 29:11)。邀請祂將我們的目光越發集中在祂身上,而不是人的計劃或策略上。 此時此刻,我們可以在信靠中成長,相信神在靜靜地作工並會供應我們,期待祂帶領我們進入新的一章。


Live Out Love – RCAC Newcomers Party


From the Pastor’s Desk: Rev. Collins Kung

Brothers and sisters, how long have you been with RCAC? Do you know RCAC’s mission statement? If you check our website online, you will find “Our Vision” in the “About Us” column. RCAC vision statement is: “To be a missional community of God, growing toward healthy relationships and deepening our spiritual life in Christ through worship.”

RCAC is an organic, living community that is constantly updating, changing, and growing. During weekly worship, we have newcomers visiting us. Some visitors are transit tourists, but more visitors come to settle down and are looking for the church as their spiritual home. There are also visitors who come to us because they participate in the ministries organized by our church, such as Praise Dance, Alpha course, etc., or accept invitations from our brothers and sisters. The church’s Newcomers Party is designed for this group of newcomers. On the evening of last Sunday, October 29, we just held our third Newcomers Party this year, with more than 60 newcomers in attendance.

As the name of the Newcomers Party suggests, newcomers are our protagonists and our guests. Before and after worship, we have the opportunity to meet the newcomers, but due to time constraints, we are not able to talk in detail. The Newcomers Party is a suitable time and setting for newcomers to get to know RCAC and for us to meet them in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere.

Praise the Lord, under the arrangement of the pastors, elders, deacons and co-workers of the Caring Department, newcomers could have a fun night. The following is my personal experience as a pastor.

  • We conducted the event in Mandarin and Cantonese. Before the meal, the co-workers led a game to guess the price of an item. Whoever guessed the closest price would receive that item as a gift. This game helped us break the ice. After the meal, the co-workers continued to lead us to play games in groups. Through games, everyone worked together and mingled.
  • Although the food on the table is simple, it is surprising. It is not only delicious, but also large in portion, enough for two meals. As a pastor, being able to dine with newcomers brought us closer together. They no longer know me as a pastor on the pulpit, but as a brother in daily life.
  • One of the special features of the RCAC Newcomers Party is that our professional dance instructor, Elder Peter Wong, led us to dance his own piece – Rooster Dance. It is easy to learn, lively and has a strong sense of rhythm. It is suitable for all ages.
  • After dinner, our co-workers led us into singspiration to praise the Lord. One of the hymns moved me even more, which was the Clay Music hymn “Live Out Love”. One of the verses said: “The love of Jesus inspires me and opens up my life. Let yourself be the blessing to others. The love of Jesus ignites me and the flame of love is sparkling in my heart. Let us live out love to the world together.” This is the RCAC vision. We live out love through the Newcomers Party, share the love of Jesus, and become a blessing to others. All people sang enthusiastically.
  • When talking with newcomers, I often ask them a question: “How did you come to our church?” Some answered that we were introduced by friends. From their words, I know people’s impression of RCAC is a church with good reputation. There are also newcomers who were invited because they participated in our Praise Dance. Some of these newcomers expressed their interest in joining our adult Bible Study classes, and I was happy to introduce the classes to them. There was also a group of students from UBC and some new immigrant families attended with the whole family.
  • Brothers and sisters from RCAC also participated in the Newcomers Party. They acted as drivers to give rides to the newcomers, including the group of students from UBC, so that we could get to know each other.

Finally, I give glory and praise to our Heavenly Father. Praise the Lord for being able to serve together with a group of brothers and sisters who live out love. Let newcomers blend with RCAC.

Your servant in Christ,
Rev. Collins Kung

活出愛 – 列宣家迎新會






  • 當晚我們以國粵語雙聲道進行,在未用膳之前,同工以猜一物品價錢,誰猜得最接近購買的價錢便能獲得那物品作禮物,這遊戲幫助我們破冰。飯後同工繼續帶領我們分組遊戲。透過遊戲,大家攜手合作,變得無拘無束,打成一片。
  • 餐桌上的食物,雖然簡單,卻有驚喜,不但美味,而且分量超大,足夠每人可吃兩餐。作為牧者,能與新朋友一起用餐,把彼此的距離拉近。他們對我的認識,不再是在講台上的牧師,而是日常生活中的弟兄姊妹。
  • 列宣家迎新會其中一項特色,就是有我們的職業舞蹈導師黃華興長老,他帶領我們跳自創的公雞舞,簡單易學,輕鬆活潑,節奏感強,真是老幼咸宜。
  • 飯後同工帶領我們一起唱詩讚美主,其中一首詩歌更令我感動,就是泥土音樂的「活出愛」,其中一段:「耶穌的愛激勵我,敞開我的生命。讓自己成為別人祝福。耶穌的愛點燃我,心中熊熊愛火。我們一起向世界活出愛。」這正是我們列宣家的使命,我們透過迎新會活出愛,分享耶穌的愛,成為別人祝福,全場都熱烈齊唱。
  • 在與新朋友的交談中,我經常會問他們一個問題:「你是怎樣來到我們教會呢?」有好幾位回答都是朋友介紹,從他們口中我知道,列宣家在別人心目中的印象,是一間有口碑的教會。也有新朋友是參加了我們的讚美操而被邀請來。其中有幾位新朋友表示想參加我們的成人聖經班,我就非常樂意向他們介紹。亦有一群來自UBC的學生,也有一些新移民的家庭,一家大小齊齊出席。
  • 參與迎新會亦有我們列宣家的弟兄姊妹,他們充當司機,接送那些新朋友來到我們中間,包括那群來自UBC的學生,讓我們能彼此認識。



Listen to God’s Word

October 28/29, 2023

From the Pastor’s Desk – Rev. Alex Poon

Dear brothers and sisters of RCAC,

We’re studying the inspired and documented witness account from the Gospel writer Luke. And through Luke, God has gifted to us the precious words spoken from Jesus Christ himself. We are reading what our Lord has once said. We in 2023, are entering into the scene of Jesus, sitting before his large crowd on the mountain, teaching them, and them listening with attentive ears. Imagine that; we’re reading what Jesus once said out loud – this is precious work, what a delight.

I’m reminded of the important significance of our task from the author of Hebrews who wrote,

1 Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.” (Hebrews 1:1-2)

 We are living in the “last days” now. We live in between the days that Jesus last spoke His Words, and before His imminent return to restore all things.

The point of the Hebrew author is this: We are reading the final, definitive, unchanging, complete, and consistent Words of Jesus today. God has written down for us all the Words we will ever need. Jesus’ Word is all that we need. His is the Word we can live by.

This is the Word of God – the person of Jesus, the teachings of Jesus, and the work of Jesus, captured by inspiration in the writings we call the Gospel Accounts.

When I complain that I don’t hear God speaking to me, when I feel a desire to hear the voice of God and get frustrated that He does not speak in ways that I may crave… what am I really saying?

Am I saying that I have exhausted all my efforts into listening to what God has already said? Or have I treated the Word of God lightly? Have I skimmed through the Words of Jesus like I have skimmed through a newspaper? Clicked through it like a quick series of internet postings? And then have I decided I wanted something different, something more convenient, something more palatable? I’m afraid I am more guilty of this than I would like to admit.

God is speaking, and He invites us to listen. He is calling us to hear His final, definitive, and complete Word – to mediate on it and study it and memorize it and linger over it and soak in it until His Words saturates us to the core of our being. We will be transformed.

Let’s do that – together as a church – and individually as disciples. Because we will find hope and joy. And we will come to know our living and intimate Jesus better and better.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor  Alex Poon




我們正在研讀福音書作者路加受神默示的記述,神透過路加將耶穌基督親身所說的寶貴話語賜給我們。我們正在讀我們的主曾經說過的話,在2023 年我們進入耶穌的場景,祂坐在山上的一大群人面前教導他們,而他們正側耳傾聽。想像一下; 我們正在讀耶穌曾經宣講的話──這是寶貴的工作,多麼令人喜悅。


“神在古時候,曾經多次用種種方法,藉著先知向我們的祖先說話;在這末後的日子,卻藉著他的兒子向我們說話。 神已經立他作萬有的承受者,並且藉著他創造了宇宙”(來 1:1-2)


希伯來書作者的觀點是這樣的:我們今天正在閱讀耶穌最終的、明確的、不變的、完整的和一致的話語。 神已經為我們寫下了我們所需要的一切話語,耶穌的話語就是我們所需要的一切,祂的道是我們賴以生存的道。

這就是神的話語──耶穌自己、 耶穌的教導和耶穌的工作,透過聖靈感動著成的福音書。

當我抱怨我沒有聽到神對我說話時, 當我渴望聽到神的聲音時,當我因祂沒有以我渴望的方式說話而感到沮喪時…我到底在說什麼?

我是不是認為已用盡全力來聽神所說的話?還是我輕視了神的話?我是否像瀏覽報紙一樣瀏覽耶穌的話語?像點擊一系列互聯網帖子般快速閃過?然後我是否決定想要一些不同的東西, 一些更方便的東西,一些更合胃口的東西?恐怕我對此的虧欠比我願意承認的還要多。










